
The Immortal Flower Boy

Sometimes, extremely unfortunate things happen to us at the most unexpected times. Sadly, most of those times are either when you're on cloud nine or when you're already at rock bottom. In Jun's case, he was about to experience the first ever taste of happiness in his entire life. Well... that was until he died on his way home.

Igniseous · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"A dungeon revival!?"

In all of his fifty-three years of living, this is the first time that Grand Duke Les Varka has faced this kind of problem. In fact, most people would've lived their entire lives not knowing what a 'dungeon revival' even is.

"I'm afraid so, Your Highness. The Imperial Magus has located the dungeon in the middle of the Vonne Rainforest just outside the Dukedom's borders. He believes that the earthquake last night is connected to the phenomenon."

The young mage's head is bowed deeply in respect and yet his words are well-spoken and confident. Duke Varka figured that this young man with an incredible aura is the famous Nira Grido, the personal messenger, successor, and adopted son of the Imperial Magus himself.

He wanted to express how honored he was in receiving a message through such an impressive figure as Nira Grido, but now was not the time.

"Has the Imperial Magus decided on what step to take next?" The Duke inquired.

"There is still some debate within the Mage Tower, Your Highness. It had been 600 years since the last dungeon revival and our scholars are currently digging through the archives. The Imperial Magus simply wants the Dukedom to be prepared for any upcoming danger." The young man answered truthfully and directly.

"Please elaborate on what kind of dangers we have to expect." The Duke anxiously clasped his hands together.

"As Your Highness may know, a dungeon would usually spawn in an area with very high concentration of mana and aura. If the strongest monster within it has been defeated, then we would classify the dungeon as 'complete' and it will naturally disappear either immediately or after a few years. However, a dungeon revival is a strange phenomenon where a completed dungeon would reappear in the same exact location. This causes a huge influx of mana and aura to its surroundings, causing the monsters, animals, and even the fauna around it to evolve. Not only that, there is also a huge possibility that the dungeon itself contains new monsters and creatures that we have never seen before."

The Duke sighed, fully realizing the severity of their current situation.

"The Vonne Rainforest is only a few kilometers outside the Dukedom's borders. Even so, there are multiple small villages living within and around the rainforest. There is even a large Elf settlement there. Is there a possibility of the dungeon overloading immediately?"

'A dungeon overload is unheard of, but it's not impossible. If the number of monsters reaches a certain point of overpopulation, they would venture out to seek food and shelter which could cause chaos and destruction to whatever village, city, or country these monsters reach out to.' The Duke solemnly thought to himself.

"Unfortunately, yes. According to estimation of the Imperial Magus, the dungeon had been completed around 300 years ago. No one knows how many monsters it currently contains."

The young mage sounded apologetic and empathetic, which was enough for the Duke to know that he at least still has his humanity intact unlike most mages in the Mage Tower.

"Has the Emperor been informed?"

"Yes, Your Highness. I believe the Imperial Magus himself went to His Majesty this morning."

"Then please let the Imperial Magus know that the Varka Dukedom is more than willing to aid the Mage Tower regarding this new dungeon with whatever they need. I simply cannot stand idly, especially if my people are going to be the most affected."

Nira's face brightened and he nodded respectfully as a reply.

"Thank you, Duke Varka."

After their conversation, Nira simply used teleportation magic to return to the Mage Tower.

The Duke, now alone once again, contemplated to himself on what to do for the meantime.

He opened his hand and a small magic circle appeared on top of his palm.

"Can you hear me?" He asked.

"Yes, Your Highness." Three voices simultaneously replied - his secretary, Marquis Anastasio Serval, General Livert De Canta, and his only child, Princess Leslie Varka.

After telling a summary of what is currently happening and the future of their Dukedom, Marquis Serval was the first to ask a question.

"Should we prepare to accept refugees from the villages, Your Grace?"

"Yes. I will put you and Leslie in charge of overseeing the refugees. I trust that you will take care of them. General De Canta, I need you to evacuate the villages immediately. As for the Elf settlement, I will need you to deliver a letter explaining the situation."

"As you wish, Your Highness." General De Canta and Marquis Serval immediately replied.

"But father, what if the Elves don't want to evacuate or seek refuge within the Dukedom? Knowing Elves, they see us Humans as nothing but lowly creatures."

The mixture of concern and frustration was evident in Princess Leslie's voice.

Suddenly, the Duke remembered that they have once tried to make peace with the same Elf settlement before and the people looked and treated them with contempt and disgust.

The Duke sighed once more, uncertain of their future.

"Then we might be forced to let them suffer the possible consequences of their actions."

Silence ruled over them for a few moments before the Duke decided to break the ice himself.

"The next few days, weeks, months, or years are going to be unpredictable because of this dungeon. I plead that all of you be safe at all times, especially you Leslie."

"Please, father, I pray that you do not work yourself to death."

The Marquis let out a small laugh.

"Worry not, Princess. I will see to it that the Duke will prioritize his health."

"Thank you, Uncle Serval."

The Duke wished that this light-hearted banter would go one forever, but he knew that things would not be so easy after today.

"Now then, let us begin our long days of work."