
The Immortal's Diary.

yukihirobi · Fantasy
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9 Chs

October 1940

I can't sleep well, it's twelve in the morning. Everybody was fast asleep and here I am wide awake.

Maybe I could jump and fast forward things so I could save these people's lives.

I slowly got up without awakening them and went to the secret door near the bathroom. I get my pocket watch from the bedside table and entered the door.

I started thinking of what year we could jump, without turning the mortals to ashes.

Leana was around 24 and Geanne was a week old.

Moments later three consecutive bombs were thrown and had exploded, I heard the baby cried. Leana was in panic and I could hear she's calling my name.

I am still here holding the pocket watch with my left hand, the diary clipped under my arm and the key in my pocket; I closed my eyes and started chanting:

To thee I bestow my soul, salvage thou people and animal in here. I beseech thy salvation.

I bestow my baneful life to eternity.

Grant me your benediction

At that an enormous light filled the room, I am once again be punished to live alone... For eternity.

I held the knob and turned it, my worried face covered my soul, "Leana! Hurry. Dante, come here"

They all ran towards my place, towards salvation...

The light is blinding us, but the most painful will be on mine.

I felt needles piercing my body, my skin felt like peeling. My mortal body was once again becoming immortalized. Tears filled my eyes , I'm crying because of the pain. the pain of being alone.

As the blinding light fades, so did the piercing activities in my body. We're still in the room, Leana was hugging an older version of her son and a grown Dante.

I bent down and touch her shoulders, "Leana, we're safe."

Confusion was painted on her face. Her gaze roams around.

She looked at the boy she's holding.


The boy lifts his face and looks at the woman who called him, "It's me, mom"

His stormy cerulean eyes looked at her, they hugged each other shortly and then turned to me.

"What happened? What did you do? How?" she asked without seizing.

"I will answer those questions of yours, but can we please have a meal first?" I weakly asked her.

As I stood up, the place suddenly swirled around, my sight became blurry and before I took another step, I felt my world turned upside down and blacked out followed after.

I woke up at the basement, on my bed. on my bedside table sat a tray with cooked meal, water and some oranges.

I sat up and ate the foods on the tray. As I was munching the food, Leana entered the basement.

She has slight wrinkles on her face, "Where did you brought us, Sam?"

I swallowed the food and answered her, "We're saved. The war was over."

"What did you mean? I just blinked my eyes and suddenly my child was already ten and I am..."

She looked at her hands with loathe.

"...wrinkly and old"

I placed the tray to the table, though I'm still weak I stood up.

"If you hate me that's alright, I just did what I think you needed. I want all of you to live life. I saw that you'll die on that year. I just turned the Threads of Death on me."

Confusion stirred up, "Threads of Death? I don't understand"

I turned my back on her, and went to a metal safe behind my bed. I turned to the locks to enter the security code, I blocked her view of the insides of the safe box.

When I turned to her, my hand held one gold bar.

"If you wanna know what will happen to you outside, take this and you're free. Thank you for staying by my side" I held my tears

She was doubting if she'll take it. I took her hand and freely gave the bar to her.

"Take it to a bank, and exchange it for cash. You are saved, Leana."

Her tears flowed down her cheeks, she held my hand and hugged me tightly.

This was the first time I mingled with humans. She slowly unwrapped her arms around me.

Her face slowly moved closer to me, her eyes were closed and her lips touched my lips and it's my first time to experience such.

My eyes widened and it seemed time has stopped.

Before I could move, she left me. It left me in awe.

It took me minutes for me to came back to reality.

I took the tray to the kitchen, Dante was happy to see me. He was looking for me then to the door. I thinks she's saying to me that they have left.

Hello solitarity...
