
The imitator (Air gear Fanfic)

This is another book of mine so expect Spelling, Grammar and Sentence Construction errors hehehe. --Synopsis-- A Person, That regret his whole life, died from his sickness but due to this merits, he was given another chance to live. He was given a chance to spin the wheel of fortune and live as a new person in another world. He was happy that the world he chose was a peaceful one where you don't have to kill to survive. Who would have thought that instead of a peaceful life, Troubles were always attracted to his life. The cover is not mine together with the anime. They are all from their respective creators.

TheDiplomat · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The man was floating in the abyss with his eyes close. He have been floating in this world for a while and saw that this place is neverending. He is still calm and recollected as he transverse this abyss.

After floating for minutes, A clown, that is wearing a pennywise costume, but with a smaller forehead and doesn't have a rugged teeth, approached the man. The clown creepingly said "Ohhh..... Hey there young man, looks like you still have some wishes in life that you want to achieve. Do you want to accomplish it young man?? Hehehehe."

The man turned his head slightly to the clown's direction and side glanced him. He snubbed him and quickly moved to another location. A vein appeared on the clown's smiling face after seeing the man snubbing him. He shouted "What the heck young man! Didn't your parents told you to never show you back when someone was talking!?"

The man didn't entertain him as he floated cluelessly in this abyss. The man is calm as he looked at the unknown. The clown started to fume in anger and chased the man. He cut off his way and angrily said "Young man, I am talking with you! stop being a snub!"

The man just looked at the clown blankly and said "Since I was small, I was told to never talk with strangers especially when they're wearing a creepy ass clown costume."

The clown rebutted "That is rude! This is not a costume, this is how a handsome god like me dresses in a formal meeting like this!"

The man didn't buy it and walked pass him. The clown became desperate and kneeled in front of the man. He said "Please listen to me, I need your Favor! I will give you a chance to live again for that favor! Please, I beg you!"

The man stopped and looked at the clown. He is tempted with his words but he still need to be sure. He already dealt with hundreds of scam and doesn't want to get scammed again for small gains.

He sighed and asked "Before I help you, tell me why me and not others? You told me that you are a God and I am sure that Gods can easily pull any mortals in that world."

The clown Hesitated before snapping his finger. The two were teleported to a warm and cozy room. The room is just a pure white room that only have a table and two futon in it. The clown cleared his throat and said "Okay. I apologise for the sudden change of scenery. I am afraid someone might eavesdrop on our conversation. By the way, how did you know that I am a god? I might have been bluffing from my last speech."

He looked at the man but he didn't bulge and only showed a bored face. The man said "You glow while I am translucent, I aassume I am a soul while you are the god from the fanfictions I read about. By the way, Just get to the point. I am dead so it is nonsense if I cared about this things."

The clown pulled out a tea and said "As you can see, we gods in this area were given a mission to help souls trapped in this abyss. We recruit those lost souls to become our agent in another world. Every gods were given a plane of worlds/universes under their control. In those planes, they can only bring their agent to that world unless they have a contract with another god to let their agent to go to that specific world."

The man said "So you want me to become an agent under you huh? Why so?"

The clown said "Well we gods have a God ranking. We gain points from the agents we send to different plane under us. The more agent we have, the more Famous we become. We gods use our fame to gain more worlds and increase our power in our own Concepts. I am the God of Fate so you can say that I hold the concept of Fate!"

The man caress his chin as he analyze the information given to him. He said "So you want me to become your agent to increase your power and fame? What is your rank and how do I get points for you?"

The clown averted his gaze and shyly said "I am a prestigious God that have the highest fame in the rank!"

The man became suspicious of the clown. His gut tells him that the clown is lying. He glared at the Clown and said "Hohohoho..... Is that so? How come I am feeling a big underlining tone on your words?"

The clown started sweating as he didn't know what to do. He tried bluffing his way as he said "Look, I am a benevolent God! I am a god that never cares for fame and points! Like I care for my agents and Fame! I am a well mannered God, For me to step that low is against my style and pride!"

The man is still glaring at the clown as his suspicions were correct. He said "Heh, It looks like I am right! Let me guest, You lost your agents and fame right?"

The Clown looked at the man and started crying as he remembered what happened to him. He said while crying "Fuck!!!! Don't make me remember something I am forgetting already!! Waaaa!!!! I really hate my Luck!!!! Fuck you Lucifer, Odin and Zeus! I will take back what is mine!!!"

The clown is crying out loud as he complained how he lost in a black jack with his friends. The man can't take the tantrum he is making so he said "Can you please stop this childish tatrum and talk about what is happening right now!?"

The clown stopped crying and burrowed his face to his folded arms. He quickly showed a smiling face to the man and said "Oh yeah, sorry. As you can see, I lost everything I have in a game with other Gods! I lost my reputation, my authority, my fame and my agents! I have been sulking for 1 million years and thought that I should change. I am taking you as my agent to take back everything I have from them! I want you to become my agent to increase my fame again!"

The man sighed and accepted his fate. He asked "What are agents and how do you gain fame from it?"

The clown chuckled and answered "Going straight now eiy? Agents are souls, of any race, that works for any Gods! All that they must do is change the fate/plot, in your world's term, and the god will gain points from it! The more plot they changed, the more fame and authority the god has. That fame and authority was used to grant gifts to their agents and gain slots to different plane! The gifts comes into different form. They can be an item, a skill, a talent or even a person of their choice. That will depend on the God's power."

The man listened in interest while the clown continued "Right now, I am broke and I can only afford one soul as my agent! I chose you because you fit to the only world I have authority with. The world I currently have authority with are from the anime showed in your world, It is the anime Air Gear and the Sword art Online!"

The man, that was listening intently, sighed and said "It looks like I got no choice huh? I will help you but I must first learn what gift you are going to give me! By the way, Do I need to choose which world I will be at?"

The Clown Grinned and clap his hand. Two wheel of fortune popped out on his back showing the word worlds and Gifts. He said "I created this wheel of fortune as a precaution of you asking for a much greater gift that I can't afford. You can't choose what world you are going to just to prevent you from choosing so excessively. The one on my left will choose your world while the other will let you choose two gifts from me."

The clown grinned and said in a dramatic way "Now spin your Fortune!"