
3. The meeting

Victoria POV:

It was 7:35 when my mom and brother came in my room with a pan and started banging it, "Stop it, my ear drums are going to break" I shouted at my mom and brother, "Wake up, geez your so lazy, today we have to get ready since we are meeting your dad's business partner and your to-be in laws" my mom replied. It suddenly hit me, last night I agreed to dad's agreement for the arranged marriage. I quickly got up and told my mom and my brother to get out of my room, when they finally went out I quickly went to grab the prettiest dress in my wardrobe, when I finish changing I curled the end of my hair and put on blue diamond earrings.

Narrator POV:

After Victoria finished changing she went outside where a (1)Ferrari Viking Hype was waiting. After 30 minutes they reached a 3 star Michelin restaurant where only elites can enter. Victoria and her family went into the restaurant and went to the VVVIP section where they saw Jame's family.



Sorry I didn't post a lot I was busy with school. Please forgive my spelling mistakes, English is my 3rd language.