
The Ideals of One

This is a dual-perspective story of two people tied together by a chaotic string of fate. Read along as they both have to dive into their own mindsets and discover what their purposes and overall goals in life really are. Jason and Lucilia strive to find out why they've been dragged into turmoil. Jason having stumbled across a mysterious man and an onyx ring, while Lucilia awakening from a seemingly prophetic nightmare, praying she'll have the strength to change the outcome.

HowlingD4wn · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 5) Lumia

On my way back from the library, I noticed the meister walking through the botanical garden. I walked toward him with a warm smile, and asked him about the poultice.

"I should have it done by the time of dusk, young one. So do not fret, for I will have it ready by the time you get to your bedroom and curfew calls."

The meister left with a few herbs in his hands and a strong stride. Well it seems I have a bit of time on my hands, so I will drop this book off in my bedroom, then go to my secret place. I started to take longer strides down the halls until I was almost at a run. When I made it to my room, I put the book under my large mattress, and headed to the eastern side of the palace.

I occasionally passed a guard on patrol as I made my way to where the palace bakery was. I greeted all the people that were now milling about in the halls, all of them going to their assigned job locations. A thought occurred to me as I made my way past a few servants carrying seemingly heavy bundles of clothing to the back side of the palace for washing.

I should try and help some of the servants every now and again. They would appreciate it, and I would have done at least a little bit of the hard work they do. It would help me understand a few things about them. The bakery was just up ahead, when I passed head baker, Elise.

"Ah, well if it isn't Lucy! How have you been, sweetling?" she asked with a big welcoming smile on her face.

"I have been doing quite well recently. Thank you for asking me Elise, I appreciate it. May I ask where you are off to this morning?"

I already knew she would probably be going to the servants quarters to scold Lily. Lily is not a bad girl, but she has trouble waking up, and I knew it was her duty to get the supplies from the back entrance today.

"That girl, really now. She really should get used to this routine of ours. It's her duty to get the supplies today after all!"

Elise went on about how people shouldn't be like this. I calmly listened until she was finished, then I said I had somewhere to be and rushed off after a farewell.

I hurriedly made my way to the secondary kitchen, where all the servants and chefs rushed around as usual. The kitchens were always bustling with activity, but today, they seemed to be in chaos. Chefs were yelling at servants to fetch platters and such from the far wall, and servants were yelling back, saying they were all too busy at the moment to heed their commands. This was perfect for me, as I wasn't really supposed to be back here in the first place. I steadily made my way to the back entrance and let myself out after pulling out a hidden bundle of coats from behind the counters.

Outside, I put on the light fleece, and large overcoat. This morning was a bit chilly. I made my way to the southern gate, and went out the servants entrance. I followed the path down the road for about fifteen minutes before taking a hidden pathway over to the left hand side. This pathway went back towards the palace wall at an angle, bringing me well out of view from the southern guards post. At this point, I began a quick stride to make my way to the western gate, where I would go back into the palace through another servant's entrance, and take a horse from the stable.

The stable boy was mute, so he never bothered me when I did this. He would just ready the horse, and send me off. As I made my way there, I decided to trace my hand over the palace's outer wall, following it all the way for ninety paces, until I made the turn to go to the western gate. The guard looked once, only to notice my face and nod without alerting the other guard. I walked through the servants entrance, while the guard summoned the stable boy. When the stable boy came by, he immediately knew who had come, and readied my horse. As I waited for my horse to be saddled, I called out to the guard.

"Did you see anyone today?"

The question I always asked when I got here.

"No. No one has shown up today besides yourself."

This was always the answer I got, considering no one in their right mind would try and sneak into the palace in broad daylight. I saw that the stable boy was coming out of the stables with my chestnut mare. I said my farewell to the guard, who had gone back to open the gate. I climbed my horse, and brought it to a trot in front of the gate as the guard got his partner to get the other side. Moments later, I was flying down the western path making my way to the Forgotten Forest due Northwest.

Not many people can afford their own horse, usually it is the farmers and blacksmiths that buy a horse or mule. They need them to bring and advertise their wares to the wanderers of this land. I brought my mare back down to a canter after I had gone a good distance away from the palace, which was now a big grey smudge in the landscape behind me. I made my way to the crossroads that would send me to Terria, and from there, I would make my way west of Terria over to my destination. I'm the only one to have seen them, the People of Trees. While I took the mare at this pace, I estimated the time it would take to get to the Forgotten Forest.

It would be about an hour of riding, and half that if I brought the mare to a full gallop. I decided to stay at a canter, and watched the scenery around me slowly go past as I saw Terria in the distance. The palace lies in the middle of a large city made of multiple villages that slowly got absorbed within the walls. The entire settlement was called Lumia, and I had passed through Lumia at a full gallop, as to not show my face to anyone that was curious enough to look. The city quarter I passed through had about a ten mile radius, making it enormous. The city was simple to navigate, and it was divided into five equal sectors.

The Iron sector, where all the smithy's were located. You could find a smithy on every corner there, all with a relatively large house placed right next to their forge. This made things easier for the blacksmiths who could work the moment they wake up. They would take a side door and there they were, right behind the counter. Then there is the Terra sector, located two sectors to the right of the Iron sector. The Terra sector housed the salesman and general bakers that wanted to just be noticed. This was where farmers brought their goods to be sold to salesmen, who would give the farmer a percent profit.

Meaning, the farmers got about forty percent of any profit made that day, and would go home that night, to return back to their homes in the fields. In between the Iron and Terra sectors, there was the Commerce sector, more preferably known as the House of All district. This was where the majority of people slept, because this sector focused mainly on taverns and living quarters for all people. The houses and buildings closest to the palace were owned by wealthy merchants and local lords.

Further down the main path, you would find a tavern everywhere you looked. Then the buildings closest to the outer walls were where all the low class citizens lived. Not a single person would be seen in the alley ways because everyone in Lumia had a job, even those too young or too old. You could see kids as young as five years old, training with their masters under any trade, whether it be blacksmithing, leatherworking, masonry, and mercantile skills.

The last two sectors were where all kids who wished to study and be educated went. These sectors were known as the Paths of Wisdom, because every building here held kids and their meisters. The kids were taught by meisters who have grown too old to leave their homes, so, from their homes they taught young people the arts of herbalism, and general medicines, as well as reading and writing. All arithmetic was learned from the meisters, and some kids grew up to be some of the most important people in Lumia, such as the king's advisors, and the next king's meister.

I had passed through the Iron sector when I had left Lumia, and the look of some of the blacksmith's horses was all I had gotten from it. After what seemed like an eternity, I arrived at Terria, where I went over to one of the nearby houses to grab a bundle I had hidden. After I had retrieved it, I checked it's contents, finding the small dagger, as well as pages of paper and quill I would be using. The dagger I knew would not really be needed, but I liked carrying it, because it helped me feel safe.

A villager waved me over, and he brought out a small package.

"Inside I put a loaf of freshly baked bread, and a bit of freshly made cheese my wife just made. I also put two apples for that mare," he said as he gave a warm smile.

I thanked him sincerely for the package, and went off to the west, in order to make my way to the Forgotten Forest.