
Chapter 2: Downhill

Done with classes, so now I got fencing elective.

     "Hey Alex, today you have to fight in a tournament. Pick your team and get your gear on."

     "Got it," I picked my two friends for my team since they were as good as me. We started and dominated the tournament. We finished up when the foil, blade, broke on me. My vest kept me from getting hurt, but the foil ripped my shoe. I felt a little bit of blood flow from my foot, but I would be fine.

     "Are you all okay? Alex, you're pale."

     "Yeah, I'm fine." 

     [Don't you love how they can never notice? How they don't care enough to notice?]

     Shut it. We finished up the tournament and all drank water before the bell rang. 

     "I'm here Coach!"

     "I'm glad, so help me out with setting up the cones." I was limping, but...what am I thinking? 

     "You can get warmed up while I finish up."

     "Okay Coach," I stretched and warmed up before everyone else came.

     "Hey Cove!" We started to do passing drills and then started to run laps. I was having a bit of a hard time since I hadn't iced my foot or wrapped it up with bandages. No one made a comment about it, as I tripped on my last lap. I usually finished first, but I finished with everyone else.

     "Alex! You shouldn't take it easy. You have a lot of potential, so you have to try hard to not become complacent." 

     [Of course, no one notices your pain yet give you shit when they assume you're just being lazy. They would never be able to do what you can everyday, yet act like what you're doing is nothing.]


     "Sorry, I was just feeling a bit tired." I finished up soccer practice and went to basketball practice.

     "Hey Alex, you doing better?" Zack asked me.

     "Yeah of course." We did a small scrimmage, but I messed up on dribbling past some of the defenders at times and failed passing a few times.

     "If you're not going to take this seriously, then just take a rest on the bench." 

     "I'm sorry Coach, I'll do better." My foot kept bothering me, but it was fine. I finished the practice with no more problems, as I got ready for piano and guitar practice. Nothing bad happened since I could sit down for both practices. I tried to do my afternoon workout after wrapping my foot with bandages, but I couldn't. 

     "Slacking again? Get back to your workout before heading to your other classes of the day." Mom yelled at me.

     [See? I told you that they didn't really love love. They just want to use you.]

     You're ri-