
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Victory from the Heavens

With the men celebrating about are victory. Zane and Vlad look worried while his men are fortifying are new Fortress. I go over to them but Jade stops me and says to me," Don't worry about them right know that's there business know it's time for are business on question the captive you couldn't defeat with the help of are army. With Jade and Synk escorting me to the Fortress prison as soon as I walk in I see the man who almost killed me if it wasn't for those two men who came up with the idea for me to freeze the water he was trapped in. Jade was surprised to see such a man use 3 different types of elemental magic. Jade tells me," This man is a very skilled sorcerer because he seems to have mastered the lightning from Tula, Fire from Kimlasca, and Earth from the Horde. It's amazing that someone even has time to have the training to master all of the world's natural elements." Jade then asks this man," Hey can you also use water or have you not learned it yet?" The man yell out a word that's in a language I've never heard before and then the ground starts to rubble. Jade yells to everyone," Quickly get out of here it could be an earthquake!" While everyone runs out we see the army looking at us confused. While one soldier yells at us," Why would you leave are prisoners unguarded. What the hell are you thinking!" With we running back in there to see that it was a trick we see all the others soldiers of Tula escaping and arming themselves. Jade rushes over to them and kills them. When I look around I see the great sorcerer we were just talking to I gone from his cell with the cell bars bent open. With that I run out of the room and yell out to the soldiers saying," Everyone there's a prisoner on the loose somewhere in this Fortress! You need to find him, NOW!"

While everyone goes to find this man I go wondering around a I happen to run into 2 men who I assumed were soldiers until I get closer to see that there my prisoners. One of them charged at me with a sword in his hand while the other man begins rising his hand slowly and the ground shakes behind me. I quickly look and a stone wall forms I try to run to the other side before my exit is closed off. But before I begin to run I see a sword enter my vishion. I quickly reacts to this with just trying to get get away from the man and create myself a sword. But right before my sword finnishes forming something smashes it. Then I see the sorcerer launches a combined force of fire and lightning but I quickly dodged it. But then I saw a sword swing at me and it hit my arm. I yell in pain then all of sudden I lost control over my power again. Last thing I saw was me launching a bunch of ice spikes at the sorcerer. Then I don't know how much longer it's been most I slowly open my eyes and my hearing sounds like it's being muffled by something. I see that I'm on the floor bleeding while Synk is at my side trying to help me with my injuries. I try to looking around at my surroundings and see that the sorcerer had been piked on a large ice pike with blood dripping from where he was stabbed. And the other guy was hanging from a building with ice Spears in his hands like if they were holding him up from falling. Again I see the famous armies of O'khasis frightened of me while there looking around at the scene I've created. While Synk carries me to the hospital in the Fortress. Then I faint but wake up in another room I can't move but I assume I'm in the hospital but all I could see is a wooden roof. But I know that my hearing is back to normal I try to get up but then I realized that I have a bandage on my leg and arm. I remember getting cut in the arm but not in the leg. Jade then enters the room and walks over to me and says to me," Don't worry about anything, your safe now. You must rest now." I asked," what happened to me?" He replied," worry you should rest for now and I'll answer your questions once your in a good shape to move around. I then fall back to sleep not knowing about what happened and what's going on.