
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Vlad had released me and told me that only 10 people besinds from myself are able to use the ancient magic. Vlad is one of those people and his ancient power is to control someone's mind. Which made me wonder how did he get so powerful through controlling minds or did he actually work to get so powerful. But Vlad promised to help me learn how to control my power and train me. So I didn't ask him this just in case he thinks it would be insulting.

It's been a few months ever since the attack. Vlad has been personally training me to understand and use my power successfully. Thanks to Vlad I've been able to understand my power and control better than I used to. Besides from magic training Vlad and his guard Brandon has been training me with the Arte of the sword. According to Vlad's men the people who attack my village was the Kingdom of Tula and they officially declared war on are Empire a couple of weeks ago. Which means are Empire is at war with 2 different and powerful nation's. Many people are beginning to believe that this war is hopeless.

Then not to long later everyone in the city hears a loud explosion. And I see soldiers rush to see what happened but it's nothing we ever expected. When I got there the wall around ScaleWind was broken in one simple strike are wall crumbled to pieces. Vlad quickly organized all his soldiers and got ready for an attack. And what we saw right outside the broken wall was a massive army of both soldiers from Tula and Kimlasca. The army here is only 300 strong but what we saw was probably 1000 strong.