
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Battle of Suncia

Even though Captain Smith wants us to attack this Kimlascan camp that sits near Suncia. We hardly even have the numbers to take them on unless we were to go all the way to camp and request Zane and his army to support us. I wanted to go back to Zane but I also didn't want to leave Smith and his men to defend Suncia by himself. Besides Zane did say he believes in me. Also the guard of Suncia will also be helping us. With the 4 of us in my squad and the Suncia guard has 11 men in it, including Captain Smith and Miller.

We were prepared to march on are enemy even though they do outnumber us. Jade thought it was a bad idea to join forces with Captain Smith. Julian comes up behind while we walk to the camp and says," Are you sure we can trust the Captain, I mean if he's been spying on us shouldn't we take him out. If we continue trusting him maybe he'll end up like Daniel." I just trying ignoring him cause I don't want to believe that Smith is with the enemy as well. Jade then comes up to me and whispers in my ear saying," I believe we should kill Smith after the battle with the Kimlascans are over." I say," Why do you want to kill him so badly, he hasn't done anything to harm us yet so we should trust and we do need his men is we are to continue fighting the Empire.

While I thinking about it I notice Captain Smith is coming closer and then he stops me while we walk toward the enemy camp. He says," Even though your in charge why did Jade only introduce himself to me?" I forgot how I didn't introduce myself to Smith, he probably thinks I'm being rude for not doing so. So I introduce myself now," Sorry but I am Captain Nikita of Zane's person army." Smith said," Interesting, my spies have never seen you before and you seem very young to be in the army. Could that be because you volunteered or did the O'hkasis Empire force you to join the military?" I thought that he was rude to ask such thing and said," No I volunteered to join the military and I'm so good Zane already recognized me!" Smith just smiled and said," Is that why you went to prison for the suspicion of destroying your own home?" It surprised me how he even new that which made me think the only people who I thought new is Vlad's army. So I just tried to hide that from Smith thinking he would think his information is false. I said," How dare you think this of me, I've never gone to prison before and got this far for by staying on the side of the Empire." While Smith and I were arguing Lucy comes up behind me and just steps into are conversation and says," Guys I'm sure we can all solve your problems even through it's clear you can't get along so we should just stop this fight and save it for Kimlasca." With that Smith walks away from us and I feel Lucy grab my arm which surprised me as she led me to where Julian and Jade seem to be talking about Smith as well. When Jade notices Lucy holding onto my arm he makes a joke saying," My, Nikita I didn't know you were such a ladies man." My immediate answer was to say no but that's when I saw Lucy blush and pull away saying," Jade don't make jokes like that." Jade playfully laughed and said," Why not you two look good together." Both of us just blush. Unfortunaly are conversation was cut short when someone up ahead yelled out," The enemy knows we're coming and they have a bigger army then we tho..."

Before the man finished his sentence the man was shot by several arrows. Then the Tula guard that was ahead of us started running back toward us as many arrows flew in are direction. I quickly started to form a ice wall to block all of us from the arrows but I couldn't make it big enough to cover all of us. I saw a few arrows hit the men around me. Before I could see who was hit I see a large army heading in are direction. From the looks of it there must be hundreds of them. The army slowly marched toward us as Jade said," Everyone we need to fall back and regroup!" Jade quickly ran back in the direction of Suncia with Lucy following him. Julian grabbed me and said," Stop standing there we need to catch up with the others." As we ran after everyone else. As we see the village of Suncia I see Jade tell Miller something as Miller quickly runs away from Suncia. As I get closer Jade tells me that he sent Miller to go get Zane and his army to see if they can support us in the battle. Even with Zane's army we can't beat them unless we can come with a miracle or something. If Zane does come all we have is less than hundred soldiers and we're against a unknown army. Jade says with a slight smirk on his face," Finally I can have some fun in this whole war and no worries I got this." I look at him confused when I see the army just a few meters in front of us and the village. I look back at Jade and see a bright red flash. Once the flash stopped blinding me I noticed Jade was gone. When I looked around I saw him all the way in the middle of the army slicing away at people. I believe I am understanding what Jade's true power really is.

With the Kimlascan army getting closer I see Captain Smith organizing his few men to get ready. While I take out my swords I see see several arrows fly toward us and the town. I quickly form myself a small shield which blocked some arrows, thankfully none hit me. But I see Smith get hit in the leg. I then hear Julian yell," Everyone we should hide in the houses and shoot arrows at them threw the windows. I like the plan and we quickly hide in some houses near the outside of town. With Julian and 3 other Tula guard shoot at the enemy Lucy gave me the idea to create some ice arrows cause they're running out of arrows. I quickly make as many as I can but it's wearing me out. The army stops and we here someone yell," Tula this is your first and last warning to surrender. If you surrender we will let you live under the protection of Kimlasca but if refuse we will kill you!" Then I see Smith shoot an arrow at a man in front yelling," Tula surrenders to no one!" The Kimlascan then yells," All forces burn the village down and kill anyone you see!" With that we see all the soldier yell and run at us. I took out my swords and swung at the first man I saw. I hit him but then I see 3 men all swing at me at the same time which made me panic. I quickly dodged 2 of them and blocked the other one. I can't deal with so many people at once. While I hold off these guys I see a red flash again. Then Jade stands in front of me with the men who were attacking me dead. I so confused about what Jade's power is and I hear him say," Nikita stay focused we have to get out of here with Lucy and Julian. There's just to many of them for us to deal on are own." All of a sudden I see several fire balls come at Jade and I, when I quickly try blocking them with my ice sword.

Then that's when I hear a army yell out and I look to see Zane with his army charge in to the battle. I quickly run over to Zane who's swinging at people with his big longsword. With Zane and his army helping us we might have a chance but we're still out numbered. In the middle of are fight Zane yelled out," everyone run into the forest and we shall regroup there!" I see everyone run away from the battle but when Zane runs past me he says in my ear," Now that we're out of your way go all out of them." With that I now think I understand why Zane has such faith in me. I then call on my true power. As my eyes begin to glow I see the troops back away from me. As I feel my feet lift off the floor I begin forming some ice shards and throw them at the crowds of men all around me. As I see the soldiers fall I suddenly see 3 fire balls come at me from all different angles. As I try launching some ice shards I see small ice shards flow out of my fingers with a cold breeze. When these shard landed on one of the soldiers it froze the area of his body that the shard landed on. It surprised me cause I've never been able to do that before. As I look at everyone else they seemed afraid and many of them started to back away. As I then see one man approach me and yelled out to his comrades saying," Men do not be afraid of him, he's nothing more then a boy. Kill him and show your loyalty to the Kimlascan Empire and Lord Shad!" As he yelled I see so many fire balls and lightning bolts come at me. I quickly created a ice barrier all around me to protect me from such a force. Even though I blocked some of these attacks most of it broke though my barrier but it explosion was created that launched me backwards and I hit a house wall and I couldn't even stand back up. As I try to stand up the man who gave them confidence approached me and took out his sword. He said," Now you must die with your people of this village, you ice demon." As he raises his sword high in the sky to strike me I hear a loud crackle of lightning. Then I see the kimlascans look up and yell," What the hell is that?!" I try to look at what they're talking about but I can't could hardly move. But then I see a man quickly slices through the large crowds of the enemy. He stands in front of me blocking the man who was about to kill me and the man says," Step away from this and I'll let you and your men live." The Kimlascan raises his sword and yells," Who are you to give orders! We can take you on even if your a demon like him!" I stand up even while in so much pain. As I look at the man shielding me it looks like lord Zane but his are are all black and his longsword has some sort of black shadow around it. Zane just yells," Fine I gave you your warning." Zane then raises his sword pointing it at the sky. Right when he did that I see dark clouds form in sky covering up all source of light. All the enemy soldiers look scared while Zane quietly says,"Молнии!" When he said this lightning from the sky struck Zane's sword and Zane gets ready for battle. As some of the kimlascans back off one of them yells," come on men we out number them so lets kill the Lord of O'khasis!" Then I hear Zane whisper to me," I hope you can still fight until Jade gets here." Zane then strikes at a man. When his sword hit the man I saw the dark shadow cover his body. When he fell to the floor the man had that black shadow glowing off his body. But as Zane fights the enemy I try to stand up and I grab my sword to help me get up. As I continue to fight I see a flash of light and then Jade is next to me helping me stand. Jade says," You've done enough Nikita. Lord Zane and I will take care of the rest." As I feel Jade rests me near a tree I see Zane behind him scary off the enemy but then I see Jade move around the battlefield at a non human speed take down his enemies. Everytime Jade goes to one enemy to the next I see the red flash. As my mind starts to drift off I think to myself," That must be Jade's true power..." As I close my eyes barely being able to stay awake I feel someone touch my shoulder. When I look up I see Lucy and Julian.

As I feel Julian and Lucy carry me away from the battle field I still hear Lord Zane and Jade fighting but keep seeing more and more Kimlascans running away. When we get far enough that there's nothing but silence Julian says," We're lucky to get you out of there with no problems." Julian geltly puts me down on the floor when I see Lucy wave her hands. When she waves her hands I see water flow out of her hands and the all the water went into all my cuts and stab wounds. It surprised me that the water started to heal my wounds. Then I hear Julian say," Nikita you'll be better in no time she probably the most skilled with are nation power." I try to stand up but Julian immidantly grabs me and helps me up. He says," She can't heal you that fast just hold on and rest for a few hours. I'm sure Zane and Jade will have everything under control when we get back to them." So I decided to take his suggestion and rest for a few hours so I have enough strength to actually stand up.