
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Battle for the Fortress of Hell

With everyone rested up Zane order the army to begin the final march toward the Fortress. With are scouts reports saying that the Fortress of Hell is not that far down the road from the village. With everyone ready to attack we march. Once we reach the top of a hill we see the Fortress that no army has ever taken. With the at reaching the Fortress we see the guards on the wall panicking cause they never knew we were coming. Zane up front yells to the people of the Fortress to Surrender. The reply was with a arrow landing right next to him. With that the battle begins.

Zane ordered his army to different positions with mages in the middle, archers in the back, and knights in the front. From what I saw Vlad bring up is that him and his men brought a siege ram to break open the gate. With the Fortress walls standing tall. Are knight bring ladders to climb up them. Zane tells me I'll be one of the first to be joining his men attacking the wall. With enemy archers shooting there arrows at us I quickly start forming myself an ice shield. Zane then sends the first 1,000 soldiers to attack the walls while Vlad and his men are ramming the gate. And are archers doing whatever they can to give us cover.

I'm running up with my squad who is mostly trying to see which ones of are soldiers are carrying the ladders so we can make are way up the wall. Then the first ladder is up. With enemy soldiers trying to push it back down they couldn't for which we already have many soldiers on it. With are archers stop with the arrow in fear of hitting us they begin marching up to support Vlad. I'm finally on the ladder where I hear men already fighting on the wall above I quickly make my way up until I freeze when the man in front of me falls cause he was shot from the side. Synk then casts an illusion on the archers trying to shoot me off the ladder. Making them see nothing but a clear ladder. I then reach the top where I see thousands of men fighting. An enemy knight finishes off one of my Allie's and starts charging toward me I quickly take action with sending small ice needle shoot into him but his armor is to tough to where my attack only effect his arms. I then start forming myself a sword that pierced his armor when I stabbed him in the chest. I then tried getting down on the inside of the wall where I could more of a use. Because I know I'm better at taking down groups of soldiers instead of just one at a time. I then made my way down and found a group of soldiers maybe about 20 in size start advancing toward the gate until I stop them with a small ice wall. With one of the soldiers sends 3 bolts of lightning into my direction. With one of them hitting my leg and it stunned my leg. I then launched an ice spear rocketing into the rows of men taking them out in an instant. But this one man in the back who's wearing a black robe was not effected to my spear. I then feel the ground rubble below me then something stabs into my feet which looks like a bunch of little spikes trying to keep me there. Then the man starts blowing fire straight at me. I quickly react with forming a shield and trying to move out of the way but I'm still stuck where he hit me with the his last attack. With my shield not fully formed a bit of fire hit my legs. It did minimal damage. But then I see lots of water forming around him that then trapped him in side of a ball of water. Two men yell to me," Quickly freeze the water so we can capture him." Then I quickly do as they say. Then I look behind me seeing that the front gates finally fell and soldiers are rushing into the Fortress. With the gates down we can have a fair fight against the enemy army but are numbers have the advantage. With are men outnumbering there's 10-1. With the forces of Tula seeing how there out numbered and surrounded. Some of them begin to surrender seeing how the Fortress of Hell couldn't with stand the Great army's of the O'khasis Empire.

With all the remaining soldiers who wouldn't surrender locked inside of the Fortress keep Vlad tells me," you should take your squad and sneak into the keep and capture them. It would make my job much easier and it can benefit your reputation." I agreed to taking this task while I tell everyone are task. Daniel wasn't to excited about going into the keep knowing that we're out numbered once we go in there. But he continues to tag along. Synk finds a way but we would have to jump from building to buildings and make it into that . So we can jump into that balcony. We then climb up onto a roof of a house with a few of us not being to comfortable up here we continue to move from house to house. We then see to make it to the last house before the keep it's a longer jump then before. With Synk taking the lead he makes the jump look so easy. As if he's done this before. Anyways while I was thinking Daniel and Julian have went over. Know it was my turn, I wasn't super agile like those 3 but I'm sure I can make it. So I tried having a running start for the jump. When I jumped it looked like I was going to make it but then my feet missed the edge and only my hands were able to grab onto the edge. Synk and Julian came to me to help me up. Keep in mind the buildings that we were jumping across were at least between 2-3 stories high. Thankfully Julian and Synk managed to pull me up. But then we noticed it's beginning to get really dark. Lux when he jumped over also had a similar problem when he jumped over. Except he made just he was falling backwards. While we were focused on Lux none of us even noticed that Jade was already on the keep balcony. Jade said to us," shall we continue or continue waiting for all of the slowest members." While he was telling us this we all just looked confused at him on how quickly he got over there. So we continue heading over there and finally make it to the balcony. Once inside we noticed that Jade has already taken out 2 guards. I keep wondering what's Jade's power cause he might be using it to do all these things with such speed. We then make it into the keep and go downstairs where we saw only like 10-12 soldiers trying to hold down the door. I look at everyone to see if there ready but I didn't see Jade and asked," where is Jade." They all pointing at Jade right behind an archer shooting there arrows out a window. Then I just watch Jade completely nock out the archer without all the others knowing. So I quickly freeze the floor all the Tula soldiers were standing on which kept them traped where they stand. Julian, Lux, and Daniel quickly start disarming the men. But Then a fireball shot straight toward Jade. Jade quickly dodged it with great speed and with his small spear stabbed the man who tried to attack him. Jade then yells to the soldiers of Tula," if you men want to live put down you weapons and surrender now or else you will me the same date as this man." They quickly surrendered in fear of even standing a chance against Jade with his great speed.

We all walk right of the keep door showing Zane of are plan. He congratulated me and my squad. All immediately I hear the whole army yell out,"Victory!" The men seemed excited we all felt good inside seeing how we just took down the Fortress of Hell. The one Fortress everyone said was impossible to take.