
The Ice-Cold King

In the quiet town of Willowbrook, Evan, once a prodigious child, now stumbles under the weight of expectations. As a teenager, he’s labeled a loser, battling depression and suicidal thoughts. But a chance encounter with a cute girl sparks a desperate resolve within him. Evan embarks on a journey of transformation—working out, studying, and quitting addictions. His metamorphosis turns him into the hottest guy in school, yet his confidence remains fragile. Known as the Ice-Cold King, he avoids interactions, until one day, he wonders if he can thaw his icy exterior and rewrite his story. The Ice-Cold King is a tale of resilience, scars, and redemption—a boy who lost everything but found a chance to become more than he ever imagined. To be continued…

Absolutes · Urban
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2 Chs

The Fall

Once upon a time, in the quiet town of Willowbrook, there lived a boy named Evan. As a child, Evan was a prodigy—a polymath who excelled in academics, sports, and arts. His parents beamed with pride as he effortlessly aced exams, scored goals on the soccer field, and painted masterpieces that left art teachers in awe.

But life has a way of altering our course, and Evan's trajectory shifted as he stepped into adolescence. The weight of expectations pressed down on his young shoulders. His parents, teachers, and peers all anticipated greatness from him. They whispered, "Evan can do anything," and unknowingly, they set him up for a fall.

As Evan grew older, the world became less forgiving. The straight-A student stumbled in high school, his once-brilliant mind clouded by anxiety and self-doubt. The pressure to maintain his reputation as the golden boy overwhelmed him. He lost friends, missed goals, and watched his artistic spark flicker into darkness.

Sixteen-year-old Evan now wandered the halls of Willowbrook High, a shadow of his former self. His once-bright eyes dulled, and his laughter turned into a hollow echo. The whispers followed him—the cruel taunts that sliced through his fragile heart. "Evan the Loser," they called him. Depression clung to him like a relentless storm, threatening to drown him.

One gray morning, as rain tapped against the classroom window, Evan sat slumped at his desk. His notebook was filled with half-hearted scribbles, and his dreams lay shattered. The bell rang, signaling the end of another mundane day. But this time, something shifted within him.

Evan decided he couldn't bear the weight any longer. He would try to become better, even if it meant clawing his way out of the abyss. For a week, he pushed himself—studying late into the night, jogging in the rain, and avoiding the numbing embrace of his addictions. He glimpsed a glimmer of hope, a fragile thread that whispered, "You can change."

One sunny afternoon, Evan stood before the bathroom mirror. His reflection mocked him—a pale face, hollow eyes, and unkempt hair. He clenched his fists, anger boiling within. The mirror held his truth: he was a mere echo of the boy who once dazzled the world.

And then he saw her—the girl who would alter his fate. Lena, with her doe-like eyes and a smile that could melt glaciers. She laughed with a handsome stranger, their chemistry palpable. Evan's heart sank. He had no chance against the chiseled jaw and confident swagger of his rival.

Back in his room, Evan vowed that this time, he wouldn't falter. He started small—push-ups in the morning, a chapter of a business book each night. He quit smoking, cut down on video games, and replaced junk food with protein shakes. His body transformed, muscles carving definition where there was once softness.

Months passed, and Evan emerged from his cocoon. The once-awkward boy now had a jawline that could cut glass. Yet, his confidence lagged behind. He avoided social gatherings, convinced that others still whispered about his failures.

Willowbrook High buzzed with rumors. The hottest guy in school was a mystery—an enigma who never spoke, never smiled. Evan, now known as the Ice-Cold King, walked the corridors with purpose. His gaze froze anyone who dared meet it. He ignored taunts, dismissing them as mere echoes of the past.

But deep down, Evan yearned for more. Lena's smile haunted him, and he wondered if he could thaw his icy exterior. Perhaps, just perhaps, he could rewrite his story—one where the boy who stumbled found his footing and became a king.

And so, the first chapter of Evan's transformation unfolded—a tale of resilience, scars, and the promise of redemption. The Ice-Cold King had risen, but his heart remained locked, waiting for someone to melt the frost.

To be continued…