
Sophia passed her first interview without a hitch. As she expected, NRTE would not turn down someone with solid business skills.

Her interview was today at NRTE. Although she was confident that she would be hired, it did not mean that she could be casual about the interview.

For some reason, she wanted to make Sebastian see her shine.

She didn't want to lose face at such a crucial time, so today, she put on the professional outfit that Olivia picked out for her. Although she couldn't wear makeup because she was pregnant, which Olivia thought was a pity, she was still in high spirits. So, she came to the company very early.

The building of NRTE was not difficult to find on Wall Street. Sophia took a taxi to the entrance of the NRTE building.

Olivia and her brother wanted to come with her, but she refused to allow them to follow her. She didn't know how long the interview would take, and she didn't want them to waste time waiting for her.