

"Finally, I've been looking for so long, and now I have it in the ancient Version" with a satisfied smile did he closes the inventory.

Behind him was a 12-hour grind session to complete his build. So many grand rifts and only after weeks is he satisfied and confident enough to attack the level 100 Grand Rift.

Do you wonder what he's playing? Diablo 3, what else. And how it should be done only in hardcore mode.

Nothing else gives him the thrill.

This season is special for him. Not only did he not die once with his character, no, he was also on the leaderboard. Well, he is only at rank 3400, but that is due to his precaution.

But with his improved build, he can try higher rifts and climb the leaderboard.

But today, his life will change forever.

"Is this new?" In Diablo 3, in the city of Tristram, there was an NPC never seen before.

She stands out particularly in this desolate and dark city, which has been attacked by demons so many times.

She is wearing a long white robe with golden lines and long sleeves.

Her eyes, as well as her hair, were completely golden and illuminated the darkness away.

"Young hero. Our old world is on the brink of destruction. We need your hand to avert it." says the unknown Woman.

"Is this a new extension or quest?!" he asks himself.

"We need your help, will you come and help us?"

Yes / No


He didn't think long and clicked yes.

Suddenly his screen glowed a bright white light. He had to close his eyes.


Suddenly he feels a strong headwind as if someone were aiming at him with a blower.

It also hisses in his ears, which only reinforces his previous theory.

He opens his eyes to see what's going on, but his face quickly loses color.

"Why am I falling from the Sky?!?!?!?", he shouts.

A thousand thoughts are buzzing in his head. How does he get here, why does he fall and how can he prevent his impending death.

The only thing that comes to his mind is to reduce his falling speed and find a suitable place for a soft landing. A place with trees and bushes or snow would be ideal.

"I hope that works." he prays.

He stretches his arms and legs and forms an X with his body. He positions himself horizontally in the air, with the face down. That noticeably reduces its falling speed.

With that, he bought himself more time and is now looking for a suitable place to land.

"Why is everything yellow and brown? I'm looking for trees or snow!?" he howls.

His luck was shitty. Everywhere he looked, there was only rock and sand.

"Maybe the sand is enough to catch my fall. Why is this happening to me." he cries.

He looks in every direction and after 10 seconds he has found a suitable place.

The problem is that he is missing his target in his current position.

Somehow he has to move in the air towards his target.

After a few tries, he gets the hang of it. He pulls his knees up a bit and shifts his center of gravity to the right. The time is running out.

"That's not enough! Shit!" he swears.

It wasn't enough. He was racing directly towards a formation of rocks.

Before the impact, he quickly closes his eyes and hopes that his death will be painless and quick.


A cloud of dust and some sand whirled up.

It sounded like a potato that you dropped in your hand. Dull and deep.

After a few minutes, the wind blew the cloud away and a small crater with wide-spreading cracks can be seen.

Everything was silent. You could only hear the wind as it blows over the hard ground.

No human, no animal. Only mother nature.



"What just happened?"

In the crater, you can see a young man in his twenties. He has black hair, a slightly darker skin color, and blue eyes. With 1.80 m and wide shoulders, he is not a bad-looking man.

On the whole, he looks very healthy and fit.

The only thing that indicates that he has just fallen from a height of 10,000 meters is his clothes.

They are dirty and torn in some places. The hard and sharp rocks probably cut them.

30 min later.

He lies still in the crater and sorted his thoughts. He needs more time to think, but the heat and the dry air force him to move. He is thirsty.

"Before I make further speculations, I need water and food. Otherwise, I won't survive long."

He gets up and sweeps the dust off his clothes. Then he looks around and goes in the direction where the sun goes down.

When he was up, he saw some mountains in that direction, but they were too far away to recognize them. He hopes to get there before he dies of thirst. Because if he sweats and exerts himself physically, this can happen faster than expected.

After 3 hours his neck was so dry that he would even drink from a puddle.

What struck him is that he saw or heard no animals. There should be at least scorpions or snakes here who have adapted to the environment.

But no. Nothing. Only rock and sand.

"Where the hell did I end up?" he sweats as he searches for water sources.

"Will I die? How did it all come about? I just completed my build in diablo III and then accepted some quest. Now I'm in the middle of nowhere." he looks to the left and sees the sun is no longer at its highest point and will set in a few hours.

'Does one event have something to do with the other? Am I here because I answered "yes" to the question? If so, she made a huge mistake. I certainly cannot save the world. But maybe I have a system?' an idea pops up.

"System." nothing happened.



After many tries, he gives up.

"Shit! I knew it" he hangs his head down.

'No System, no guide or inventory, nothing. What was she thinking? How am I supposed to save the world?' after lying for 30 Minutes, he looks up.

Suddenly he sees something in the sky.

"Hmmm, that cloud looks like a Snake with 4 or 5 heads. Ah, it could be a Hydra, hahaha. A white Frosthydra! "

Suddenly he heard a crack and turns his head in the direction of the origin. What he sees is unbelievable, a large crack on the ground. And if that wasn't all, five big white snakeheads came out. They are so big that they can swallow a kid in one swoop.

"What the f#ck" he stares with a wide-open mouth.