
The Hybrid Awakened

John is a 14 year old who one day discovers that he is not a human and that he in fact is a rare hybrid, a mix between a vampire and werewolf. John now has to learn how to control his new found powers.

MikeTheWriter · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Chapter 26 Kill

Earlier when John left the cave, Elena was calling for him to stay because she was afraid that John will make a mistake and attract attention or he will be killed by the werewolf. While John was away Elena fell into a deep sleep, however, after about an hour she woke up because the pain in her shoulder, as it began to increase, she then began to daydream about her past life where she was still a normal human being.

Elena was a girl who grew up on a farm, she remembered when she was 12 years where her life was still full of happiness. "Elena! Where are you, lunch is ready!" a middle-aged woman by the name of Eve called for Elena, she was of course Elena's mother "I'm Coming mama".

Elena arrived at the table where food was prepared, her mother had just put fresh baked chicken on the table "what were you doing Elena?" Eve asked "I was playing with my dolls mama"

"Did you finish your homework, Elena?", Eve asked while she was sitting on the table "Yes mama, I also got an A in my math test mama". Eve was happy to hear her daughter doing good in school "Elena" Eve called out Elena's name in a gentle tone "Yes mama"

"You know you are mama's sunshine right". Elena giggled wholeheartedly "I know mama, mama is also my sunshine". Eve gave her daughter a gentle smile "eat your food before it gets cold"

Elena then came out of her daydream when she heard a sound, something is getting closer, she thought that John had returned but it was something much bigger and scarier that entered the cave. The beast that came in walked on four paws, on John's home planet, this animal is considered of one of most powerful mammals, its paw is equipped with claws that is about 4 inches long and could easily remove a person's head from his body with one swipe of its paw, the animal that entered the cave is no other than a grizzly bear.

Elena had a shocked expression on her face, she was badly wounded and infected by the venom of a werewolf's bite, she thought that this day couldn't get any worse until the grizzly entered the picture. If Elena was at peak condition, this grizzly bear would mean nothing to a vampire of her caliber, but at the moment she was powerless and defenseless. The grizzly bear inspected the cave, it did not notice Elena sitting against the wall in the cave and proceeded to sniff around, looking for something to pique its interest, Elena on the other hand was in a panic state, the pain of her wound started to flare up and she couldn't help making a soft noise, she held her hand in front of her mouth but the small noise she made was enough to garner the grizzly bear's attention. The grizzly bear turned its head and saw Elena sitting on the ground motionlessly, it stared at her with hollow eyes, it smelled the blood that was leaking from her wound, the bear started to walk in her direction and with every step she could see her death approaching closer.

Elena did not want to die yet; she knew her end was near as a result of the venom but she wanted to see John for the last time before dying. "Stay away" Elena said but the bear paid her no attention, when it got near her, she held out her hand and the bear began to roar and it slashed her hand that she held out. When the bear slashed her hand, its claws pierced her flesh, removing skin and flesh, blood leaked out her hand, she couldn't help to scream but this irritated the bear and it began to attack the defenseless Elena, it bit her in the shoulder where the bite wound was located.

Elena screamed, but she could do nothing as the grizzly bear began to bite and chew on her shoulder, it chewed through her collarbone, after taking a chunk of flesh, the bear then threw Elena to the side. Elena screamed at the top of her lungs, she was in immense pain, if she was a normal human being, she would probably be dead a long time ago, however, she had a lot of will power and began to crawl away from the bear.

The bear did not chase her at it was still busy chewing on the flesh, pools of blood was on the ground and leaking everywhere. Elena mustered all the little strength she had to crawl away from the bear but it was futile, the bear then dashed closer, it bit and slashed at her back, Elena screamed but her efforts to get away was useless, time began to slow down and she thought about John "I am sorry young master" she thought, afterwards she passed out because of the intense pain.


John arrived at the cave after hearing a scream from no other then Elena, he saw that the bear was mauling at her body. When he saw what is transpiring before him, everything went black, John's left eye's iris began to change to the colour red, his sclera slowly turned black, there was no dark veins under his eye like normal vampires. Moreover, his anger at seeing Elena being attacked unlocked something else, his right eye's sclera also turned black, however, the eye's iris began to flicker, and it turned to the colour blue and his power and bloodlust exploded, furthermore, it started to envelop the whole cave and this attracted the grizzly bear's attention.

Fangs slowly extended from John's mouth and he began to growl at the grizzly bear. John held the fixed blade knife strongly in his right hand and dropped the primitive shovel that he held in his left hand. The grizzly bear then sensed danger from John and it began to roar and charge at full speed, trying to eliminate the threat that was standing before it.

While the bear came running, John threw the knife into the bear's eye with great precision and the hilt of the knife could be seen sticking from the eye socket. Yet, strangely the bear did not respond to the knife that was in his eye and continued charging at John.

John did not move an inch from where he was standing, he hold out his left forearm to allow the bear to bite down. John did not have any reaction when the bear bit down on his forearm, subsequently, the bear did not manage to bite his arm off but did manage to make a small fracture to the bone. John then grinned and removed the knife that was stuck in the bear's eye socket, the bear did not let go of John's arm as the knife was removed and proceeded to bite down even harder, blood leaked from John's forearm as well as from the bear's eye socket.

John then took the fixed blade knife and buried it into the bear skull in one swift motion, the knife entered the bear's flesh, it then reached the bone and went straight through just as easily as it entered the flesh until it reached the brain. The bear immediately went still and fell to the ground, close to John's feet in a thud.

This was John's first kill, he looked at the bear's dead body, he went down on one knee and removed the knife for the from the dead bear's skull and began to stab it repeatedly until several large holes with blood can be seen gushing from the bear's head.

After a min, John went unconscious and woke up a few seconds later and saw the bear was dead "Jesus Christ, what happened here", he could not remember what happened "What the fuck!". Pain began to reveal itself, yet, John grids his teeth and started to look for Elena with his mangled left arm.

"Where is Elena?" he thought, John looked around and saw Elena lay there motionlessly "Noooooo!". He hurried to Elena's side and picked her up, John began crying "No, Elena wake up…wake up Elena!"

John then holds his finger to her nose and found out she was still breathing, he then searched for the fixed blade knife "Where is the knife?". John searched everywhere but then saw the hilt of the knife lying by the side of the bear, it was covered with flesh and blood. John picked up the knife and went to Elena's side, without thinking, he cut open his own wrist and dripped the blood that was leaking into Elena's mouth. John had to repeatedly cut open his wrist in order to give Elena blood as his body would naturally heal itself, it was becoming tedious but he had no choice.

John's face became bleak as a result of losing too much blood but he did not care about it. John stopped giving Elena blood when he saw that she was getting a little colour on her face and knew that her body will do the rest of the job. But what shocked John was that the wound from her shoulder that previously did not heal, started to heal at a very slow pace, but he was not sure if the venom was still in her body, he needed to get her back to the castle.