
Our Trip

It was the middle of June in the year 2019. My husband and I were traveling to places far and wide this year. We are currently in Scotland taking in the magnificent sights. My husband is a historian, loves all things history. Our trip consists of old fairy tales, and stories of his ancestors. I didn't mind, because it still meant I got to spend time with my husband. My husband Richard and I had been married for ten years, but we only saw each other regularly for five of those years. So this trip and all the others before it meant so much to me. My husband travels a lot for his work and I am a nurse so we rarely see each other. This year we decided to ditch work for a while and travel the world together. We've been to China, Italy, Japan, Australia, Germany, Greece and now Scotland. Our next trip will be to America, we are from London. Tomorrow we are meant to go to a place called Druid Stones. Not sure how that will be but we will see! Could be very interesting.