
New beginning

My first day as a worker in the library was to start this morning. I wasn't excited lust liked the idea of being with the books , so l wore my everyday outfit and headed for the library . As l arrived l didn't great( l never great) l just went straight to start what l went there for. My job consisted in packing the books in the reserves, to place the books left on the table in their various shelves and to place and replace the old books by new and riding the library with the staff. So basically, l was the librarian. So as l was doing my job, l couldn't help but notice the others were grouped together and were looking at me . I didn't care at first but l stopped, looked at them and asked emotionlessly "Why do you keep staring at me."

1st libarian: see l told you she wasn't dump.

2nd libarian: l was sure she was because let's face It, l9ve never seen her open her mouth to say a single word.

3rd Liberian: You by a should stop what you are doing. Sorry about them, we were just wondering why you never speak. By the way my name is Scott. Scott Mcgreen.

Ella: .....(just looking at them)

1st libarian: I'm Staela Johnson

2nd libarian: And 2pm Steven Lock wood.

Ella: ....(keep staring at them)

Staela: And you are???

Ella: Ella Lin.

Steven: Lin? isn't that a Chinese name?

Scott: Yeah. it does sound like one.

Staela: Stop bugging Ella. I'm just happy l finally got a girl around. of l kept hanging out with you guys, l might end up acting like you.

Scott and steven: What do yo mean by That??Staela: nothing nothing.....

While they were doing "that" l just continued from were l left. lt was time to close the library so I took my backpack and headed out. Scott,Steven, and staela told me good bye but I didn't look at them and just went to the hide out. I could hear them talking and murmuring on my way out but I didn't care.

The following week, I managed to find a small villa at a reasonable price where I could stay. I was tired of the hide out, it reminded me of bad memories and i wanted a place I could call "home", not that I really cared. It was located in a calm street and there where many trees around the neighborhood.

I was to move on the next day so I took in a good rest that evening and in the morning, I woke up, called a moving agency and i was on my way to finally move in. My exam was this weekend so I had to do it fast in order to revise,not that I was wasn't sure of myself just that studying was part of my hobbies. As i was moving in I think the neighbors heard the ruckus the movers were making because I heard some people coming out of the house opposite mine to look, then I heard someone calling out my name from across the street. I pretended not to hear but to my greatest dismay the people came towards me and even more surprising was that I could believe they were the ones. "S cube"( Scott,Staela and Steven).That's how I refer to them because their names start with an S and they are always together.

Staela:Ella?? I knew someone was moving in our street but I had no idea it was going to be you! I'm so happy!!

Steven:Yeah. We are happy to be your neighbours.

Scott: Let us help you move in.

Ella: I don't need...

But they were already moving the boxes into the villa. As they entered the main door they froze.I brushed pass them not caring and started packing when I heard S cube exclaiming in union;

S cube: WOW!!

Staela: This place is amazing.

Steven:I can't believe my eyes!It is as beautiful inside as outside!

Steven: You must certainly be wealthy to be able to afford this kind of place.

Staela:Yeah. How did you manage to get this kind of place??

That's when I remembered...

(Flashback)As I was looking for a place to stay but not out of my budget( let's face it....the money I kept was no longer enough and would eventually run out), I searched from streets to streets,apartments to apartments but found nothing. It was getting dark so I decided it was time to head back to the hide out. As I was walking back to the hide out, a black car parked beside me, someone opened the door and tried to forcefully lead me into entering the car, trying to put a piece of cloth on my nose but luckily I had learned how to fight in jail and succeeded in taking him down but while I was busily beating the hell out of him someone who came silently out of the car manage to approach me unnoticed and put the cloth on my nose making me scent it and fell unconscious. They took me into the car and drove drove off.

Hi to all my viewers. I will take a short break because of some emotional issues. You know boy is like another name for trouble....well I'm facing a breakup and a forgiveness at the same time ( Boys.... such assholes!!) Well I also wanted to ask if someone can message me on how to look at the comments and how to better understand the writing process in web novel I will be really happy to know. Well Thanks again

BradleyWebcreators' thoughts