
Yo! my name's Abutaru

A Bright morning with a bright start, Well you know in the previous day, he got his band but he needs a proof to be a Kyuni rank 1

There are 4 ranks

Kyuni rank 1,2,3,4

Chizhin rank 1,2,3,4

Saki rank 1,2,3,4

Ukuraki rank 1,2,3,4

Kyuni is lower rank in which the small kids after graduation to protect their village or town for their safety.

Chizhin is mid lower rank where the kyunis who are eligible to be a responsible fukaru but they have to make a sacrifice as they need to die at the age of 67 as they're awakening the Chizhin Star

Saki is Advanced where they are trained professionals who can do any responsibility assigned to them, they are the 2nd soldier to them.

Ukuraki is High ranked a soldier who does everything to protect their homeland even they can die no matter what.

So continue to the story...

As it's the time where Kakishiwa had a receipt which is to upload a photo of yours to the council of Kyuni's, which he did but in a different way. He dressed up as a clown and made a unique photograph of his

,when he went to the Huraku's loyal house to give the ID. They rejected it, being angry he used the Sekhoi Puike Technique which transformed into a girl which slapped him and made Huraku his payback, watching from a equidistant place.

His son Abutaru found it interesting as how can he defeat his father and when he came to the office, slipped by the glazing floor made Abutaru in rage. Blaming this fault to Kakishiwa, Kakishiwa dragged the boy and when he was about the hit him. Suddenly from nowhere Abutaru's teacher Kinjepei appears which stopped the bombardment of Kakishiwas blows towards Abutaru.

"Wait, you evil spirit! You care to touch him? He's the son of the honourable Huraku!!"-Kinjepei


"Hey, what happened scaredy poke, got scaredy that I'm the son of the honourable Huraku, care to touch me?"-Abutaru

"I don't even care if it was your mother!"-Kakishiwa

Punching hardly at Abutaru's head he fainted, as a result Kinjepei used Shadow cast Bloom Technique to create a shadow and left with him but Abutaru escaped the bloom and he ran to catch Kakishiwa