
The Hunters of Victalia

This Is a novel about gangs that do not exist and its about are main character kuroi hono Chapter's are posted on Tuesdays

Anime_WriterJk · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Raid

Reaper steps up to Erik as kuroi and version begin to rush to find alyson in mall Erik was about to block their path but a blood knife lands right next to his foot stopping him in his tracks.Just what do you think you're doing reaper asks kuroi and version get past Erik I thought you wanted to fight reaper says erik.I'll settle for you I guess Erik says with a smirk and reaper smirks back as he forms his blood armor cloak around him and his blood scythe now are you ready to feel what death feels like reapers Erik gets in his stance and both reaper and Erik launch at each other reaper swings his scythe and Erik blocks then tries to send a punch at reaper but he swings himself sending him behind Erik.Reaper puts is scythe upside down and swings it up sending a slash of red light Erik dodges but doesn't notice reaper behind him allowing him to go for his head but Erik's quick movement allowed him to dodge with just a cut on his chest which began to heal very quickly.Here I thought you where just a showoff Erik says quit your yapping and get back to fighting reaper launches himself towards Erik now the real fun may begins Erik says with a smile markings begin to appear on Erik's arms right when reaper strikes Erik blocks the attack with his left arm nice try but maybe next time you can cut my head off Erik says.Erik sends reaper flying across the room into three walls with his crazy strong force palm to the heart well I guess you're not as strong as I thought you where Erik says with a confident tone you really think you can kill me that easily you undead asshole reaper says as he gets with rubble falling off his body reaper uses the blood from his scythe to create two blood daggers now let's go reaper says he sends the daggers at Erik who punches them away then reaper rushes towards him Erik with a smile on his face is fully ready to fight reaper.

(Further in the Mall)

Do you really think he is going to be able to beat that guy version asks kuroi I'm not really sure myself I only fought him twice but I faith in him kuroi responds If you say so boss version says version begins to hear laughter and begins to feel a eerie aura kuroi began to scensed and hear these things too.Then they see a silhouette moving in a weird way and the eerie aura intensified as they got close so they stopped in their tracks eenie meenie miney moe the silhouette begins to say as it continues to walk forward version was about to draw his sword but the silhouette vanished and reappeared beside him kicking down to the first floor.Kuroi turns his head in a shocked motion the silhouette turns revealing a person with a smile and Green eyes kuroi bursts in flames making them jump back and burning their cloak fully revealing well that's an interesting ability he says version appears behind him but the mystery man blocked it with a bone formed in a spike you go kuroi I'll handle this version says kuroi runs past them don't you lose to him version or else! kuroi says version smirks and gets back focused on his opponent.

(Outside of the mall)

People are being thrown,punched,kicked everywhere on the battlefield a man from the bones gang is drilling through hone crow forces yosa is taking taking down bone gang members one by one.Yosa begins to see this big man himself drilling through his forces yosa teleported his way over where the big man is hey big guy aren't you a little to old to be here yosa says the man turns his head and rushes in his direction and bones began to come out his body to form a spiral. Yosa uses is quick thinking and tries to stop him he ends up teleporting both himself and the man in the air the man comes out his spiral form to notice he isn't on soil anymore see ya yosa says as he teleports away right before the man could touch him the man came crashing down into a lake yosa teleports on the side of the mall to take a rest.