
The Hunters of Victalia

This Is a novel about gangs that do not exist and its about are main character kuroi hono Chapter's are posted on Tuesdays

Anime_WriterJk · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Hone Crows

After dealing with those five bullies they head to their first class together.People introduced them selves kuroi he never really cared for introductions so he introduced himself from his desk sitting down. After that class ended they head to the cafeteria and then went outside to eat then all of a sudden an explosion happened in the building it was a student that didn't know how to control his temper he wanted everything to burn the guy see's kuroi enjoying his meal out of all the people he chooses kuroi to attack don't ignore me!! A blast of fire is sent straight at kuroi everyone screams in fear when the guy stopped kuroi was behind him eating chips. He turns to behind him to wonder when,how did you do get here by studying kuroi replys and kicks the guy in his stomach sending him flying through a classroom wall. Your fire is weak

kuroi says as he walks off to his next class as he enters people stare at him strangely he goes and sit down and waited till class started.The class was pretty boring at the end people surrounded his desk asking him questions he was able to sneak his way out of the hurd and left.

3 hours pass

School ends kuroi grabs his bag and shoes and he leaves he heads to an abandoned high school building two guys look at him guy 1 I think you came the wrong way kid.Guy 2 smirks a little kuroi gives them a evil glance they pause a moment w..w..where sorry kuroi we didn't know it was you. Yeah yeah kuroi replied he make's his way up to the head master office two people stood at the sides of the desks he sits down as a crow lands on his shoulder

Hone Crows Report!!