
The Hunter & The Whisperer

Vir is the last of the Vulcher race to survive the catastrophic massacre carried out by the al-Banix, the rulers of the Central Empire assisted by the four nations. Surviving the massacre at the age of seven, Vir accidentally gained immunity to various poisons after eating the heart of a wyvern in a fit of rage. As an adult, Vir became a hunter against dragon riders. Not just hunting them, Vir also killed the following riders with their dragons. He mingled with the people of the four lands, disguised as a firewood collector. One day, Vir meets a homeless little girl, and it turns out that the little girl also suffers the same fate as him. The little girl was called Aira and was the last descendant of the Asurry race. Aira inherited her ancestor's abilities as a whisperer. Vir's adventure, which was originally based solely on revenge, has now turned into something bigger: Gathering the exiles, then forming a force to build a new empire, and overthrow al-Banix's rule over eight other countries. Follow the adventures of Vir and Aira in this story, in a sad and wonderful world filled with mythical creatures.

Ando_Ajo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
150 Chs

Fighting Two Bastards

The two poachers glanced at each other, then their gazes fell on Vir again.

"You really think that we're so stupid that you can fool us that easily, is that it, huh?"

"I'm not fooling you," Vir told the man in front of him. "You'll see for yourself!"

The man who had pointed his sword at Vir motioned with his head to his friend.

The friend followed the order, dragging Aira with him, he approached the cart and examined what was hidden in the cart.

"A big harpoon, huh?!" the man chuckled as he found hunting gear inside the cart.

"Now don't you see that I'm not fooling you?" Vir said to the man in front of him. "I told you that I'm just like you. I'm a hunter too!"

"But you don't dress like us!" The man holding Aira still couldn't believe Vir completely.

"Is that necessary?" Vir retorted.

Seizing the moment of their conversation, Vir slowly lowered his hand, intending to pull out the unique black dagger on his thigh.

"I only hunt during the day," Vir said again to distract the two poachers. "An outfit like this would make me well camouflaged in the middle of a desert-like this country!"

Aira saw the movement of Vir's hand and understood that Vir was just buying time by saying this and that until he pulled out his dagger.

"Yeah," said the man holding Aira. "Your reasoning makes sense. But still, man," he tightened his embrace on Aira. "I'm in the mood. It's been a while since I've been with a woman, even though she's a kid, but that's enough with her mouth!"

"Hey, hey!" Vir tried to negotiate with one hand outstretched towards the man holding Aira and the other slowly touching the hilt of his dagger. "Don't do that, man. She's my sister!"

"Oh, really?" the man chuckled. "That's even better!"

Meanwhile, the man who put his sword to Vir's neck laughed. "You're so selfish, man. As a fellow hunter, you should share with us."

"That's right!" the first man burst out laughing, he then grabbed Aira by the hair. "Hurry up and do it! Take off my pants!"

"Hey!" Vir shouted even louder. "Damn it! Listen to me," he said. "Fellow poachers don't hurt each other, do they? It's an unwritten law that we have to live by. I told you, she's my sister!"

"Shut up, you moron!" The poacher beside Vir pressed his weapon slightly until the tip of the sword cut the skin of Vir's neck.

"Hey, calm down, man!" said Vir, who felt the pain because the skin on his neck was slightly cut and bleeding. "Calm down!"

And as the men chuckled because they felt they had the situation under control, the irritated Vir finally managed to grab his dagger. Then he quickly threw the dagger at the first man as he dropped his body to the ground.



The first man froze with his eyes wide open, the black dagger thrown by Vir stuck right into his forehead. The next second, he collapsed to the ground and died instantly.

Aira immediately ran away from the fallen man and quickly hid behind a cart.

"You motherfucker!" shouted the second man beside Vir.

But before the tip of the sword touched his chest, Vir, who had made an anticipatory move by dropping his body to the ground, then used one foot to kick the second man hard in the chest.


The second man groaned he was thrown backward, crashing to the ground, and Vir quickly got up, then ran over to the first man's corpse.

"Stay there!" he shouted to Aira.

Vir pulled out the dagger stuck in the first man's forehead, and used it to strike the second man.

"You bastard!" the second man shouted as he got up and slashed his sword at Vir. "How dare you kill my brother, huh?!"



Vir managed to dodge to the side, but the second man continued to attack him blindly.

"You must die!" he shouted as he swung his sword back and forth to kill Vir. "You must pay for my brother's death with your life, you bastard son of a bitch!"

Vir had to keep his distance from the second man's attack because the sword in the man's hand was longer than the dagger in his hand. At the same time, to find an opening so that he could finish off the second poacher.

Vir retreated but his steps became unsteady as they fought on the sandy ground until he fell over. The poacher took advantage of this to swing his sword.

"Die, you bastard!" he shouted as he jumped up, swung his sword high, and slashed at Vir's head.


In that narrow window of time, Vir managed to block the sword's slash at his head by extending his black dagger in front of his face. He desperately kept his grip on the hilt of the dagger so that the enemy's restrained blade would not shift or harm his face.

The poacher increased the force of the pressure on the blade and Vir struggled desperately to keep the tip of the blade from lowering further.

"I'll eat your flesh," the poacher shouted with the intention of frightening his opponent. "Drink your blood, and rape your sister until I'm satisfied!"

Vir snarled, the slightest miscalculation and the tip of the sword would split his face open.

He used both feet to push the poacher as hard as he could. For the second time, the poacher bounced and fell to the ground. Vir got up quickly, and so did the poacher.

Vir ran towards the poacher, jumped up, and stabbed his dagger, but the poacher managed to avoid it by dropping his body to the ground and rolling to the side.

He got up and grinned, then chuckled, still trying to scare Vir.

"Hoho... you'll die at my hands!" he said with a horrible grin and a mocking look in his eyes. "You'll die for sure, you piece of shit. And I'm going to have fun!"

The two of them were like two wolves fighting for territory, moving slowly with wild eyes to find their opponent's weaknesses.

"You better run away, man. And let me have some fun with your sister!"

Vir grinned. "You think it'll be that easy to get what you want, huh?"

The poacher attacked first, he slashed his sword up and down to aim for Vir's head, but Vir easily dodged it by shifting to the left.

The man did not stop. After only hitting an empty spot, he immediately slashed his sword horizontally to aim for Vir's waist.

Vir ducked very low, spun to the right, and his black dagger whizzed.



The poacher screamed as Vir's dagger sliced into his left leg, inches from his ankle. But he was still lucky because the wound did not hit his tendon.

"Motherfucker!" he shouted angrily and swung his sword again, even with two hands.

Vir threw his body back, rolled once, and got back up quickly, his left hand already scooping up a handful of sand.

As soon as the poacher came back at him, Vir threw the sand in his grasp at the poacher.

The move proved successful. The sand caused the poacher to run amok as his eyesight was obstructed, which must have been very painful and annoying for him.

"Coward!" he shouted, slashing his sword back and forth.

But suddenly the hunter froze and stopped as Vir was behind him with his dagger pressed against the hunter's neck.

"There's no such thing as a coward when it comes to fighting people like you," Vir said with a sinister grin on his face.



The sword in the hunter's hand slipped out, he tried to cover the long, deep cut on his neck that was bleeding violently, but Vir held him back. Then he fell to the ground with a sound like a cow being slaughtered.

For just an instant he convulsed and finally died with his neck nearly severed.