
Chapter 6

The drive wasn't long as Tornf's house was also away from the mansion. It wasn't quite an awkward silence but a frustrated one. Tornf was pissed. it seemed that's all she had been lately but who could blame her.

How could they have been so stupid as to leave a child all alone.It was foolish of them to do such and If they weren't wolves,she would have given them an earful .

" what's your name kid" Tornf finally decided to break the tension in the car.

"jasmine " came the shaky whisper of the kid.

" I told you not to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'll try and get you back to your family ".

" you're a hunter. Hunters don't help wolves."

" And you're a kid. Kids don't put themselves in dangerous spotlights " this shut jasmine up.

" you'll be staying at my place. I live alone and the place is concealed so no one would know you're there as long as you don't step out plus it's far from people and i don't have visitors. you should be safe there".

"why are you helping me?" the kid finally got the courage to ask her.

" like I said you're just a kid. Besides this isn't your war. I don't involve the innocent "

" will you get me back to my family?" she asked again.

" Hopefully". And she ended the conversation there.


They arrived at Tornf's home about twenty minutes later. Tornf quickly stepped down and headed inside leaving the poor child to follow suit. she wasn't really good with children.

As they got inside, Tornf turned to lights on to have the cages she built for her pets open. She had set it up herself to make her work easier and also in case of a break in.

Unfortunately, everything backfired eventually and this little girl could not handle the stress of two wild beasts. she screamed.

No words left her mouth though as Tornf had expect this and had quickly covered her mouth. Nobody could hear her screams but it didn't mean that it would be enjoyable and Tornf was already getting a headache from too much stress.

" Be quiet kid! They won't hurt you as long as you're good. See.." She tried to calm jasmine who seemed to be lost in her own fear " stop your shrieking are you a wolf or a baby mouse?" this had jasmine glaring at her.

" You want me to calm down when a bunch of animals are trying to eat me?" she asked annoyed.

" You're an animal" Tornf spoke nonchalantly to have jasmine glare more " Besides they would never hurt a kid.I trained them well. Look for yourself they're calm" .

It was true, Simba and Esme sat quietly and were watching the two of them argue.

" Come on you two" She beckoned on her pets and they started coming forward cautiously " They are practically harmless. you can touch them don't be scared".

Jasmine was still suspicious of them. Nevertheless she had to be brave. she was a wolf after all and not just any wolf 'A Theos' .

" Alright " she murmured. she took a deep breath" I can do this" then she stepped forward.

she was noe in front of simba who sat quietly observing while Esme was wagging her tail and jumping furiously. jasmine wasn't sacred if the wolf but the cat frightened her.

"Go on" Tornf was already bored. Jasmine raised her her slowly and put in front of her . Simba took a huge sniff and then kicked it which caused her to giggle.

"He's friendly " she exclaimed.

" And lazy" Tornf was quick to add and it warmed a quiet growl from simba. "I'm not above cutting your tongue off cat"

" you wouldn't do that" jasmine gasped

" I would " she wouldn't. she loved them too much to hurt them. They were her family .

" Are I hungry? I'm making pancakes"

" Isn't that a breakfast meal?"

"Don't you talk a lot for your age?" Tornf questioned back and it caused the little girl to roll her eyes. she wasn't afraid of her anymore and it made her see more clearly that Tornf was beyond annoying.

" pancakes it is then" jasmine then remembered something " I didn't even get your name".

" I don't remember you asking kid". Tornf was being annoying and she knew it " it's Tornf short for Tornfii " she answered anyway.

" Tornfii it is then" Tornf opened her mouth to correct her but she didn't say anything. she realized she didn't mind this child calling her by her full name. "I'm a Theos" jasmine finished with a smiled.

Tornf felt the blood drain from her face'A fucking Theos'she thought bitterly .if her family found out

she would be in horrible trouble.

"That's nice. Funny thing is I'm a Micheal Angelo "and jasmine lost her smile. she felt the fear creeping back in. They were mortal enemies. Rivals " Don't worry like I said before I won't hurt you. I don't hurt kids" she assured her with a smile of her own.

This was going to be a long journey