
The Hunter's Pact

Long ago, in an isolated region of England, nestled in the misty hills of Northshire County, there stood a place shrouded in mystery and fascination: the Forest of Shadows. It was a realm of unparalleled beauty, where wild nature flourished in its most lavish form. However, behind its serene facade, a sinister secret lay concealed.

eduardp · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Sinister Encounter

Ethan's eyes widened as he stared at the enigmatic figure. He could feel an oppressive energy emanating from it, as if he was in the presence of something beyond human comprehension. Concern filled the gazes of Sarah and David, who instinctively took a step back.

"Who are you? What do you want from us?" David inquired, his voice filled with apprehension.

The hooded figure remained silent for a moment, letting the suspense build. Then, finally, its voice resonated, wrapped in a strange and melancholic cadence.

"You dared to enter the Forest of Shadows, seeking the secrets of the Hunter's Pact. Now, you stand before me, the Guardian of the Altar, the one who protects the path to the ancestral pact."

A shiver ran down Ethan's spine. The Hunter's Pact was more than just a childhood story, and they now found themselves at the epicenter of this mysterious journey.

Sarah, Ethan's mother, tightly grabbed her husband's arm, looking at him with wide eyes. "David, we have to get out of here. This isn't safe."

David agreed, but before they could retreat, Ethan, driven by curiosity and a strange sense of connection to the place, took a step forward. However, his feet stumbled over a protruding root, causing him to fall to his knees. A small cry escaped his lips as he felt a burning sensation on his scraped knee.

Blood started to trickle, staining the ground and falling precisely onto the carved markings on the rocks. A pulsating energy coursed through the circle of stones, creating an intense glow that illuminated the clearing.

Ethan looked at his parents, frightened, while the hooded figure released a sinister smile. "The ritual has begun. The path is open," proclaimed the hooded figure with a voice filled with satisfaction.

David and Sarah stared in horror at the illuminated altar. They tried to approach Ethan, but something prevented them from advancing. An invisible barrier separated them from their son, leaving them paralyzed with despair.

"What have you done to our son?" Sarah shouted, her words echoing through the clearing.

The hooded figure slowly approached Ethan, who remained on the ground, his knee bleeding and his heart racing. The dark cloak seemed to dance around him, as if it were alive.

"Do not worry, my dear ones. The Order of the Hunters awaits him, and he is one of the chosen," replied the hooded figure, its voice echoing among the trees.

Ethan felt a mixture of fear and excitement. He knew he had stumbled upon a destiny greater than he could ever imagine. An inner courage took hold of him, propelling him to face the unknown.

"Who are you? Why am I the chosen one? I don't want this!" Ethan questioned with a mix of determination and curiosity.

The hooded figure smiled, revealing sharp teeth. "I am known as Argoth, the Guardian of the Pact. And you, Ethan Mitchell, are a descendant of an ancient lineage of hunters. Your blood is the key to fulfilling the purposes of the Order of the Hunters."

Ethan's eyes widened, and then, as if endowed with maturity beyond his years, he spoke, "What must I do?" a mixture of fear and curiosity in his voice.

Argoth smiled and waved his fingers, letters from an alphabet Ethan did not recognize hovered in the air, forming sentences. Three sentences flew directly into the eyes of his family. His mother blinked in astonishment, his father looked around, not knowing where he was.

Ethan felt as if he had forgotten something important.

In that moment, Ethan's parents forgot why they had come to the forest, forgetting they had a son.

Argoth extended his hand, offering Ethan help to stand up. "Come, my young one. Follow me to the heart of the forest, where the Order of the Hunters awaits you. There, you will receive the answers you seek and become part of an ancient tradition."

With one last look at his parents, unaware that he would never see them again, Ethan followed Argoth toward the dark heart of the Forest of Shadows, ready to face the challenges that awaited him. The Order of the Hunters awaited him, and he was determined to unravel its secrets.

As Ethan followed Argoth through the winding paths of the forest, the darkness intensified around him. Shadows danced among the trees, creating menacing shapes and arousing a sense of imminent danger.

"The Hunter's Pact is an ancient oath, Ethan," explained Argoth, his voice mysteriously echoing. "For centuries, our order has protected the barrier between the human world and the supernatural world. We are the defenders against the creatures of darkness, maintaining order and safety for all."

Ethan absorbed every word with fascination and apprehension. He knew that by entering the Order, his life would be forever changed. He would become part of an invisible battle that took place in the darkest corners of reality.

As they walked, the trail led Ethan and Argoth to a clearing surrounded by tall trees. In the center stood an ancient and mysterious altar, carved with ancestral symbols. An aura of power pulsed throughout the clearing, and Ethan felt his heart race.

"Ethan, here is the Altar of the Pact," Argoth said, pointing to the imposing structure. "In this sacred place, you will be initiated as a Hunter, uniting your destiny with the ancestral lineage. But first, you must prove your courage and determination."

With a serious expression, Argoth handed Ethan a dagger adorned with runes. "This dagger is a symbol of your commitment. With it, you will face the trials that await you and demonstrate your abilities as a Hunter. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, but above all, believe in your potential and always move forward."

Ethan held the dagger firmly, feeling its weight and the power contained within it. He looked at the Altar of the Pact, aware that from that moment on, his life would be transformed forever.

With determination in his eyes, he knelt before the altar, focusing his energy and thoughts.

A bright, golden light burst from the ground, enveloping him in a warm embrace.

Emerging from that light, Ethan felt a newfound strength coursing through his veins. His senses sharpened, and he felt ready to face any challenge the supernatural world could offer.

Looking at Argoth, Ethan knew that his journey had only just begun. He was prepared to uncover the secrets of the Hunter's Pact, protect the barrier between worlds, and find his true purpose as a Hunter.