
The Hunter's Mark

Three thousand years ago. The seven most powerful magicians in the world, The Sacred Virtues, sealed the evil Four Horsemen by using the magic power of sixteen people. Three thousand years later. Humans continue to choose sixteen people who will sacrifice their magic to keep the evil sealed. Malcom is one of these ‘lucky’ people as soon as he was born. Because of being chosen as the bearer of the Mark, Malcom could only use a part of his magic. How could he then live normally when everything in the world requires magic to function? He was considered weak, thus became a social outcast. Tired of being mistreated and humiliated, Malcom fights to prove his true worth. But things get even more complicated when fanatical Horsemen worshiping fans begin kidnapping the Marked people like him… *** Author's Note: 3 chapters or more every Friday 100 Power Stones = +1 Extra ch/week 300 Power Stones = +2 Extra ch/week 700 Power Stones = +4 Extra ch/week 1000 Power Stones = +7 Extra ch/week Extra chapters will be published at the end of each week based on the power stones earned that week. Want to sponsor an extra chapter? Send a gift of 1000 coins and you will also get a shout out. Thank you!

slevink · Fantasy
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233 Chs

Skyler Vs. Malcom (1)

In the box of the Virtues…

Mabel was listening to the fight introductions.

The commentator spoke with the public and indicated them everything was about to begin.

Just like Mabel, all the other Virtues should also be in the tournament because they were in charge of deciding their successors.

Mabel was sitting in the box observing the place. Her expression was not readable. She was just looking blankly on the platform.

On the other hand, the rest of the Virtues present talked and ate without giving much importance to what was about to begin.

"What's wrong, Mabel? Are you nervous for your successor?" A man said. He was wearing a black overcoat. He was leaning over the railing while looking at Mabel.

"Jonah!" Mabel said with genuine surprise, "I thought you wouldn't come!"

They both stood up. The man in the overcoat opened his arms to give Mabel a hug, she rejected him with a frown.

He snorted, "Tsk. So unfriendly, as usual," he then shrugged his shoulders before giving her a grin, "I just love that."

"You are still an idiot," she said with a smile. "How did you leave the east?"

The man took off his hat and his overcoat. He placed them on the table behind him, before he took a glass and approached Mabel.

Jonah moved the glass, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into two. He then placed them in front of the Virtue, before he filled one of them with wine from the bottle that Mabel had next to her.

Mabel filled the other glass, and they both drank calmly. She then spoke again, "So, now tell me what happened?"

He cleared his throat, before speaking awkwardly, "I left it… Well, the army still works wonderfully , even when I'm not there. But tell me, how are the ranch and the bets?"

Mabel smiled but ignored that question completely and changing the subject she said, "It's good that you are here. Someone will finally make me laugh."

"That is one of my many virtues, darling!" Jonah said with bright eyes and a wide smile. He then continued, "Tell me who I should bet on in this fight?"

Mabel planted her face on the platform, and her mind wandered for a second until she heard Jonas speak.

"I thought Skyler was number one among the best. The girl capable of reaching level one mage who has all the power in the world and blah, blah, blah," Jonas said, raising his voice calling the attention of the rest of the virtues.

He then added curiously, "You are not going to tell me that she will lose this fight, are you, Mab?"

Mabel raised her brow while looking at Jonas with amusement. It seemed like Jonah did not like Skyler and wanted the mage to lose.

"Absurd!" Someone suddenly yelled with displeasure.

It was from a large man with blond hair that shone in the light. He wore a white suit with parallel buttons and white leather shoes. He had a cape that fell to his ankles, that has the same color as his suit. On his right hand, he was holding a cane that rang with every step he took.

Jonas turned on his heel after recognizing who the man was. The man was the Virtues Committee Chairman.

"My dear Maximo!" Jonas spoke while he looked Maximo up and down, "Always so… elegant!"

The newcomer, without paying the slightest attention to Jonah's comment, continued to speak, "It's absurd to think that Skyler will lose. Especially with that young man!"

"Get in my place, brother!" Jonas said, taking Maximo's shoulder. "He is a Materializer, and must be like my kind-"

"Your kind?" Maximo cut off. He then shook Jonas's hand away from his shoulder.

Maximo then scowled, before he continued, "If something like that can exist, surely they are not the Marked ones."

"That boy is a Marked?" Jonah's eyes bulged, before he scoffed, "Uff!! He will lose! I wonder how many hits he will be able to take."

When saying this affirmation, the man turned to see Mabel, who, very smiling, placed six fingers while she grasped her glass with both hands so that Jonah could see it.

"…Six maybe?" Mabel muttered with a knowing smile.

The other Virtues just smiled.

"Don't be absurd! This fight will end on the first hit," Maximo spoke confidently.

All the others nodded in agreement with Maximo.

"Are you completely sure, boss?" Jonas asked playfully.

"Of course, Jonah! To think otherwise would be idiotic," Maximo said arrogantly.

Jonah grinned, before he rubbed his fingers in front of Maximo's face. "Would you be willing to put money on your words?" Jonah asked, his voice laced with challenge.

"Gambling is a disgrace for people in our position. It is absolutely deplorable," Maximo said disapprovingly. He shook his head, before adding, "But nevertheless, you could use a lesson. What do you want to bet?"

Jonas turned to look at Mabel. He rolled his eyes, "I want good ol' money, man! One hundred thousand Rubies!"

"Money means nothing to me," Maximo immediately lost interest. He waved his hand, telling Jonah to get lost.

"I'm not done yet!" Jonah said, impatiently. He did not want to miss a chance, thus he hurriedly continued, "I also want to return to the capital. I'm tired of the East. Send someone else over there!"

Maximo was silent for a long time.

"Unless, of course, you are not so sure..." Jonah continued cockily.

"It's a deal!" Maximo cut off with a glare, "If you win, I will assign another Virtue to go to the Eastern cities. But if you lose, you will spend this year and the next one there, happy now?"

Jonas smiled sweetly.

"If the boy loses in one hit, I will stay for the rest of my year and then the next as well. I will make sure to happily play with the invaders in that filthy place, but if I win, you will send another one… it is a… Maximum deal," he replied jokingly.

All of the Virtues laughed at Jonah's lame joke.

"We will miss you, Jonah... Well, not really," Satin said after snorting.

And with that the other Virtues went to their seats.

Jonah walked closer to Mabel, before he whispered to through clenched teeth, "Six strokes? And a Marked? If you're wrong, I'll kill you!"

Mabel smirked, "Do not worry. He will lose, yes, but not in one blow. That boy is a very elusive rat!"

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