
The Hunter's Mark

Author: slevink
Ongoing · 522.9K Views
  • 233 Chs
  • 4.9
    14 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Hunter's Mark

Read ‘The Hunter's Mark’ Online for Free, written by the author slevink, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Three thousand years ago. The seven most powerful magicians in the world, The Sacred Virtues, sealed the evil Four Horse...


Three thousand years ago. The seven most powerful magicians in the world, The Sacred Virtues, sealed the evil Four Horsemen by using the magic power of sixteen people. Three thousand years later. Humans continue to choose sixteen people who will sacrifice their magic to keep the evil sealed. Malcom is one of these ‘lucky’ people as soon as he was born. Because of being chosen as the bearer of the Mark, Malcom could only use a part of his magic. How could he then live normally when everything in the world requires magic to function? He was considered weak, thus became a social outcast. Tired of being mistreated and humiliated, Malcom fights to prove his true worth. But things get even more complicated when fanatical Horsemen worshiping fans begin kidnapping the Marked people like him… *** Author's Note: 3 chapters or more every Friday 100 Power Stones = +1 Extra ch/week 300 Power Stones = +2 Extra ch/week 700 Power Stones = +4 Extra ch/week 1000 Power Stones = +7 Extra ch/week Extra chapters will be published at the end of each week based on the power stones earned that week. Want to sponsor an extra chapter? Send a gift of 1000 coins and you will also get a shout out. Thank you!

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Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


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Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope you guys like it. Any constructive feedback or reviews are appreciated. I do mass release depending on the number of votes. Will announce more later. Enjoy!


This novel is interesting! More chapters, please! I love how the author put so much effort to write this story. Keep writing author, you're doing great!


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


This novel has lots of potential even when it firstly seems like a cliche type it drifts apart from it very soon. The writing quality is great and there is very well created world background and the characters are well created also.


Worth passing by. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 Hope Mal and Sky got together 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞


I am speechless as to what to write here... All I can say is that... GO READ THE STORY! Is is the description, the character development, the dialogues, I don't even know what is not good abou the story... This is one of the stories that makes writer question their writing skill... Just try it and thank me later... I know you will thanks me later. And please, keep the update flowing, it is highly needed


Born weak but the main character is still strong. Not bad. Still not that many chapters. If you do mass release I will be very happy. But well, will review again later.


Great job author. I like the story very much. I tried the first chapter, and got slightly interested. Went on to the second, and boom. Hooked. Well done! Can't wait for the next chapter to be released! I am sure you will do very well if you do not give up.


The narration and dialogues are good and neat !! story can use more world building as it was difficult to picture the scenes... also introduction of many characters in the first chapter can be avoided for ease of understanding... very good creativity and imagination from the author !! Good work!


LET'S GOO! This type of adventure story is usually not my kinda read, but this story WORKS for me! The MC is relatable and you know what? He's kinda cute [img=recommend] Ok, my taste aside, the writing style is great and the story development intrigues me the most! Great work, Author, keep it up!


Great story here! A true diamond in the rough. I find the characters real and interesting. The narration's really good and immersive. The mc's personality is fun and easygoing even though he has it rough. Overall a good read!


Beautiful novel! Loved every bit of it! The character development is great! The story writing is concise and the battle scenes are thrilling and well thought out. I also love how my emotions were being stirred through the writing. Great job! Hoping for the best in the future!


I don't have the right to complain but introducing many at a time made it hard to imagine the story. However, it is compensated by the writing style and it is quite intriguing. Keep up and Goodluck.


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