
Reviews of The Hunter's Guide to Monsters


The Hunter's Guide to Monsters


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



This is well written but this genre is not my cup of tea. I love the detailing of the world and the characters traits and I really love your synopsis! Great job Author! Keep Writing!

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Good start and fast development of events. Clear and attentive detailing of the world and descriptions of the characters are pleasant to read. I hope to meet an unexpected storyline turn and get a strong impression. Good luck author. Kudos to you!


First of all, the author's descriptive skill is top-notch. I love how the prologue kept me stuck to my seat, in anticipation of what would happen next. This book is highly recommended. I feel this plot is an Original that should be encouraged. Bravo, author. This is incredible, and thank you for that wonderful Prologue


An amazing novel, you can tell that the author puts effort into the development of the story and the construction of the world. On top of all the grammar and narrative form of the author makes it very easy to immerse yourself in the novel.


This book is great. It took common starting points and concepts and turned them into greatness. The characters are really well portrayed to the point that it's easy to understand who's who just by the way they act and talk. The game is really interesting, passing really well that there's no easy way for OPness, everything must be earned and that is absolutely amazing. The world is extremely interesting in-game and outside of it, making both sides become increasingly enjoyable to read. I hope the author come back to this great series ! And if you're reading this, mate, thanks for writing !


Reveal spoiler


i need more updates!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Gramática de muy alto nivel para una novela sobre Qidian. Y no te tomes esas palabras a la ligera. Cuando estaba leyendo el primer capítulo, lo que mi mente notó fue lo suave que podía leer la novela incluso más que la historia en ese momento. ENTONCES me di cuenta de la historia. El autor obviamente tiene un plan para esto. Incluso fui a deviantart para ver más de cerca el mapa. Si esto da alguna pista, es que puede esperar una historia bien pensada y gramaticalmente buena con una construcción mundial expansiva en el futuro. Incluso considerando los pequeños agujeros de la trama, SÓLO la legibilidad de esta novela le da cinco estrellas. Sigue escribiendo mi hombre, y sigue haciéndolo durante mucho tiempo: D


Really nice story. The progression is really nice, the characters are really interesting and the world is really alive. My only possible problems are that the level progression in-game is too harsh for monster hunter players, that's so unbalanced, it still make sense in the novel, but it still bothers me. it's really refreshing to read a story about being back on time in which the mc don't know every little detail and right answer, he was at best a casual gamer and I feel represented by that cause games are so expensive nowadays and even take longer to be launched and sold where I live so if I managed to play that game I would probably know as much stuff as him, knowing some big things but having no idea about detailed stuff.


some of the best writing I have seen on this app in the close to 3 years of me using it, the storytelling is amazing and word play is used to the fullest to give so much more when reading, simple love this book and I'm starving for every new chapter.


Great writing with very interesting world, character development and story. I really like author's writing style. Hope more chapters come soon!


This is amazing. The way the author details each and every component of the story is marvellous. It is very consistent throughout. Conversations are very natural. Character traits are well defined and their progression is so natural that it's surreal. I'm very impressed with it, I hope it is not dropped and reach it's proper conclusion. Best of luck Author.


very enjoyable hope the releases keep coming in or a mass dump lol would be cool to see side storys of people who goto war tho but it seems he be forced into war


O que eu mais amei nessa história é que o personagem tem traumas, medos e não e um salvador ou vilão, tudo que ele quer e sobreviver e ele tenta seu melhor para viver enquanto não mata ninguém, quando eu leio eu sinto que o personagem e humano,e não e já OP que esquece tudo o que sofreu e segue em frente sem olhar para trás



I loved the story. Also wanted to wish the author good luck in the contest. let the force be with you. back to the story - it is great. Has a lot of potential. you won't regret. definitely goes to my library.


First of all i would like to Thank this wonderful Author for a enjoyable reading experience 😊 for the novels they created so far. I have really enjoyed how you put effort into not just the main character but also the characters around him. I also respect that the MC acknowledges the fact hes as a terrible person in the past and strives to become better.


Author's narration--descriptive words is a top-tier. I can see the setting of the story. I checked out the map and pretty cool that the author provided a map, synopsis is writttennn perfectly! Give this a read, everyone! You won't be disappointed.


The prologue does a really good job of drawing you in right away! Beyond the mysterious and exciting prelude to the story, the author spends a lot of time with the characters, building them up with detail and allowing you to adjust and even grow attached to them. Also, this story doesn't shy away from dark concepts, which is always earns a recommendation from me!


Hi, Ngl, This genre is not really my cup of tea but sike! Wow is the only word I can say. The whole story development, character design got me hooked. :) Happy writing!