

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter four

We all just stood their staring at each other wearing the awkwardness as a blanket.

"I think I should head back to my room" Jasper said after clearing his throat, obviously to clear some of the tension, it didn't work

"yeah that sounds like a good idea" I said quietly only then noticing how dry my mouth had become.

Jasper reached off the side of the bed and grabbed his blue boxers off the floor pulling them on under the sheets, after he slipped them on he got out of bed and quickly put the rest of his clothes on, the whole while we sat in silence, the only sound we could hear was the sound of Jasper shuffling around trying to get his clothes on and the sound of him zipping his pants up.

My sister never took her eyes off of me, and as Jasper left the room she spoke

"see ya Jasper" she said in a dazed tone her eyes never leaving mine, the minute jasper shut the door behind me my sister squealed and jumped on the bed tackling me while I tried to keep the sheets over my naked body.

"oh my god, are you guys dating? is he big if you know what I mean? how long have you guy been fucking? oh is he any g-" I pressed my pointer finger to her lips shutting her up.

"Kris can you let me get dressed before you interrogate me?" I say sarcastically she sighs before getting off me and walking to my dresser and grabbing a white baggy t-shirt and black thigh tight boxers, yes I wear boxers so what they're comfortable.

She tossed the clothes at me letting me throw on the clothes she provided me with, she sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me smirking with an evil glint in her eye, I sigh.

"What do you wanna know?" I ask her in a defeated tone

"so are you guys dating?"  she says as she bounces on the bed like a little kid on Christmas

"uh, no we're not dating" I tell her nervously and I feel the bed stop letting me know she was no longer bouncing on the bed

"so you're just letting him use you as a fuck toy?" she asks in a disgusted tone scrunching her nose slightly.

"oh god no, it's never planned, every time we say that it will be the last time, but as you so clearly almost saw that's never the case" I say awkwardly

"is he big?" she suddenly asked and I chuckled at her new topic of questions

"he's average, I think, I wouldn't really know I haven't seen anyone else" I answered feeling a little embarassed by the situation

"did he take your virginity Iris?" she asks softly, I looked up at her with my bottom lip sucked between my teeth, I nodded my head slightly

"do you have feelings for Jasper?" she asked as she touched my arm slightly

"I honestly don't know Kris" I say lowering my head

"Iris it's okay if you do, and besides losing your virginity's to each other is a big deal, if you're scared that he won't feel the same, that's obviously something to make you feel like he might, you don't just lose your V card to anyone" she said attempting to make me feel better.

"that's the thing though, he was my first, I wasn't his" I said letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"wait seriously?" I nodded

"yeah, his was fucking Mackenzie, the pack slut" I cried, why I was crying I honestly don't know, I already knew this stuff so what was upsetting me so much? I felt so guilty.

"ew what the fuck" she scrunched her face up as a sign of disgust something she does a lot

"how exactly did you lose your V card to him?" she continued, I laughed as I remembered the day.

"It was on my 16th birthday, almost two years ago, after my party we went up to my room to watch a couple of horror movies and he snuck up some vodka that he stole from Beta Brian, we got fucking hammered that night, although I remember it all, I didn't know what I was doing at the time, and by the way vodka is fucking disgusting by itself" I laughed weakly as tears streamed down my face.

"I started crying and telling how much I hated my life, and all the struggles I have and how I wanted it all to go away" I took a breath while balling my eyes out before continuing.

"He told me how amazing I was, and that he'd love me just the same if I didn't have the Luna title, and I just felt so safe like my worries didn't matter in that moment, and you know the rest, but he was so gentle, he treated me like I was something that would break if you were too rough, he treated me like a women instead of a Luna, or fellow warrior" I continued to sob and my cheeks burned from my hot tears.

"That's so romantic, why are you crying?" she said while rubbing my back comfortingly it was in that moments that I realized why I was feeling so guilty

"because I feel disgusting, I wish it never happened, any of it" I cried out

"why?" she says sounding confused

"because I didn't wait for my mate Kris, I gave something so precious up to someone who I wasn't going to spend the rest of my life with, I'm damaged now" I cried even harder as the thought of my mate rejecting me because of something like this crossed my mind.

"You are not damaged Iris, you're perfect the way you are your mate is going to love you no matter what" I sniffled as I looked up at her

"how do you know that?" I asked losing all hope, besides he's a hunter what can I do, if I don't reject him my family will hate me for it.

"because he's your mate, he's bound to fall for you it's kind of how the whole mate thing works" she chuckled making me follow, leave it up to Kris to make me feel better in all types of situations.

"but why are you getting like this about your mate now? after two years of sleeping with Jasper why start caring about what your mate thinks? I mean just last week you said you thought you were never gonna have one so what changed" she asked almost to herself.

"I found him Kris, I found my mate" I choked out, she screamed out and jumped up

"well why are you so upset? I get that you're upset you're not a virgin but he will understand" she squealed out while clapping her hands in front of her chest

"Kris you don't understand he-" she cut me off

"don't understand what Iris?" she asked

"it's the hunter" her eyebrows creased and she tilted her head slightly

"what do you mean?" she asked

"the hunter, the boy I saw in the woods, he's my mate" I looked up at her to see her face drop suddenly as her mouth hung open just barely

"a hunter is my mate" I said more to myself letting it sink in that my mate was a cold blooded murderer.... 

that my mate was a murderer of my kind.