

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter forty

Iris' POV

I was awoken by the feeling of cold water being poured over my body, I jolt up and gasp for breath but don't get far due to the restraints on my body.

"Rise and shine puppy" I hear the sinister voice of  David from the corner of the room.

"how long have I been out?" I manage to rasp out, funny how not a single drop of that water landed in my mouth.

"Quite a while I'm afraid" he responded with a grin.

"Jesus just let me go, I'm not going to tell you jack shit" I curse out pulling against the ropes on my body. I was starting to get cold as my hair slowly froze and my still wet clothes clung to my now shivering body.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," he says before hitting me over the head causing me to blackout.


Why does it feel like my head has set on fire? I slowly start to recall the memories of what happened and that's when I realize I don't recognize where I am. I'm comfortable I couldn't possibly be tied to that lab table.

I reach my left hand out for it to be met with the soft touch of a pillow. I peel my eyes open and I'm in a room I'm not familiar with. I'm in a dark green room with close to nothing on the walls. The only thing in the room was a small television set, a small dresser, a nightstand table, and the queen-size bed with grey blankets and pillows I was currently laying on.

I slowly get up off the bed and make my way towards one of the doors that I could see in the room, I opened it to find a walk-in closet, the racks, and shelves filled with nothing but dresses and shoes, well they were all high heels. 

I made my way to the next door I saw and it was a glamorous bathroom, with marble counters, white walls, and crystal lights with a big round bathtub in the corner. I turned and looked at myself in the mirror, I was wearing a lilac purple nightgown that was long sleeve and went to my knees. the cuts on my face were almost healed...how long have I been asleep? and where the hell am I?



three weeks, that's how long Iris has been missing. It's almost as if she just up and vanished out of thin air.

I need my mate before I kill everyone left in this place, she's missed so much, her eighteenth birthday, graduation, and we were supposed to have her coronation.

"XANDER!" Chase comes barrelling into the room out of breath.

"what is it, Chase?" I practically growl.

"We found her" and that's all it took for me to race out of the door with Chase following close behind.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"We were searching the south border when we picked up her scent very faintly, we followed it back to an abandoned laboratory, and sure enough her scent was as strong as ever. but there was one thing" he trailed off.

"what?" I turn around and face him expectantly.

"her scent was, tainted" my heart dropped, if they touched her, I'll rip them limb from limb.

"How so" I spit out.

"We don't know, it's not a scent Harper recognized, it smells like you but not enough for it to be you, but we did pick up another person's scent."

"who?" I growl.

"your fathers" he spoke and I let a growl rip through the air.

"Round up the warriors, and take me to that fucking lab, and make sure to let Kris and the others know we found her, and we WILL bring her back," I state and he responds with a quick, yes sir.



I heard a firm knock at the door before I saw David's sinister face appear.

"I see you're finally awake puppy" he says coming over and moving my hair behind my ear, but I yank away.

"How ungrateful, I give you this nice bed, and this warm room, and dry clothes and you can't even say thank you, tsk" I don't dare to make eye contact with him, afraid he'll see just how scared I am of him.

"would you rather lay on that metal table pup? because I can make that happen" I quickly shake my head no and he smiles at me before leaving a sloppy kiss on my forehead making me cringe slightly.

"now, unfortunately, I can't kill you quite yet, but once my grandson is born you will be tossed away like the trash you are, so enjoy this lifestyle while you have it." He grins, did- did I hear him right? grandson? does that mean I-I'm pregnant?

"what?" was all I could say.

"oh yes, while you were out I had one of my doctors examine you, and come to find out you were four weeks pregnant, which makes you about seven weeks pregnant now. Once that baby is born I will take him with me, he will make a great hunter. and I'll kill you and those pathetic excuse of children I have" he chuckled before leaving me alone with my thoughts, I have to find a way out.

I quickly stand up and try the door, but I should have known it was locked, I tried the window and somehow it was locked from the outside. I sat on the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I can't die here, I need to see Kris, and mom and dad, and Xander...my handsome mate. I didn't even notice the tears that fell until I felt them hit my hand.

An hour had passed of me just sitting on the bed crying, until I heard growling, and banging, and...guns? The door started to wiggle, I stood slowly, ready to pounce on whoever was to walk through the door. The door finally flew off the hinges and in walked a frantic looking Xander until his eyes met mine.

"Xander" I breathed out, he was really here, in front of me, rescuing me, I ran and jumped into his arms which he held firmly around me.

"I am so sorry I didn't come sooner baby" he cried, I wiped the tears off his cheek.

"It's okay, I was asleep most of the time anyways" I try to joke but he gives me a weak smile in return.

"let's get you home" he said softly before carrying me out of the room and house letting me see all the dead bodies that were on the floor, Xanders dad being one of them. Even as a corpse he still had a sinister smile on his face.

"thank you for coming to save me," I said once we were in the back of the car, I'm seated on his lap since he refuses to let me go right now.

"I'd travel to a completely different cosmos for you Iris, I love you" he says before placing a chaste kiss on my lips almost scared he'll break me.

"I love you too"