

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter forty-five

Today is the day. The one I've waited my whole life for, my coronation. This morning, me, my mom, Kris, Harper, and Sophia all went to pick up my dress, I've already picked the design of it. It's a short-sleeved off-white color with lace framing the neck. There's a lace gown attached to the dress that fades into red, needless to say, it was absolutely breath-taking, I remember when I got fitted for it for the first time, I'd never felt so beautiful.

we were currently in the waiting room of the dress shop when Kris spoke up.

"I can't wait to see you in your dress, you're going to look so beautiful" she gushes and I can't help but giggle.

"I just can't wait to see the dress itself, Harper told me how pretty it is" Sophia jumps in and I nod my head agreeing with her statement.

"I have some really big news at the coronation" I say biting my lip. Keeping this secret has been a hell of a lot harder than I thought. I've been dying to tell someone besides Xander.

"I know I can't wait for you to announce who your new Beta is going to be" Kris says and I can't help but smirk, they have no idea.

"Miss Bloodmoon?" The tailor comes out from the back room towards us, the only people left in the waiting room. We stand and follow the very skinny and lanky man out back. My dress standing for us all to see, and just like the first time my breath is taken away.

"Why don't we get you changed" The man says after a moment of eyeing me, he shoos my family out of the room, with a lot of protest being thrown his way and maybe a curse or two from Kris.

"Now, let us see" The man had a very thick French accent, making some of his words kind of incoherent.

"you are very a beautiful girl" he says moving across with room with ease, swiping the dress carefully off the mannequin.

"could you undress for a moment please?" he asks politely and I obliged, he wasn't being creepy with me which was a good thing.

"hm" I hear him say once I'm in the dress.

"is something wrong?" I ask, I swear to god if there's a rip I'm gonna shit myself.

"When did you say you got fitted?" he asks with his hand on his chin.

"About two months ago, why?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow.

"it seems I can not get the dress to zip up" he thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers as if he had an idea.

"Please stand still and don't move"

within minutes he's unstitched the zipper and replaced it with fabric buttons to line the back instead so that it could fit me, stupid baby weight.

"voila!" he says finishing up, I turn halfway so I can see them in the mirror, hate to say it but the dress looks better with the buttons.

"You look stunning my dear" he says clasping my shoulders from behind.

"Whoever the gentleman is, he is very lucky" I forgot that to him and the rest of the people that work here they think this is my wedding, but me and Xander are fully mated now so we're practically married already.


Later on at the house I was sitting in my room with all the girls again, Kris had done my makeup which is a deep red smokey eye and red matte lipstick with some highlighter. Sophia did my hair, while Harper sat there reading a book, she knows nothing about beauty like that, so she thought it best to sit out on helping me get ready, after Sophia is done with my hair, my mother comes over and places her crown on my head, the Luna crown that will soon be mine.

"ugh you look gorgeous I might cry" Kris says as she's already crying and I can't help but tear up too as I giggle.

"Iris?" I hear a knock at the door and my father's voice boom from the other side.

"I'll be out in a minute dad" I yell back

"Hurry you guys to go find your seats" I say shooing everyone out of the room, my dad entering after.

"You look like a princess" he smiles down at me and I tear up, I swear if one more sentimental thing is said to me today I'm gonna lose it.

"Don't get too sappy old man" I laugh and he chuckles as well, giving me an elbow to hold onto as we walk towards my coronation.


All eyes stopped and stared at me as I walked down the aisle to my future, my mate, and my crown. I look up and make eye contact with those pantie-dropping emerald eyes, let's just say I definitely can't wait for tonight.

His face shows nothing but raw, vulnerable emotion, his eyes swarming with love, lust and what looks like pride.

"You look beautiful" he whispers once I get to him. My mother is standing on the other side of me and my dad up on a podium a little above us.

"Today, is the start of a new chapter, a chapter with a different ruler. My daughter Iris, has spent her whole life training for the day she was to become Luna, she has been put through hardships none of you would understand, and yet she still stands here today, tall as ever, and she has earned the right, she be called your Luna." the Crowd goes wild with cheers and I smile down at everyone, it's my turn to speak now.

"This has been a very surprising year for me, I met this amazing man, who made me feel like I never have before." I look over at Xander before finishing.

"He showed me that you can be heartless sometimes without being a monster, he showed me that no matter what, I am a Luna, and there's no way I'm ever going down easy, I couldn't ask for a better mate than you." he grins at me before taking his turn.

"Iris Penolpe Bloodmoon, never once did I think I'd be here someday, in a packhouse surrounded by werewolves and the prettiest one of em all standing in front of, I know I fucked up with a lot of things in my life, but the thing I didn't was you, and I promise to love you forever, and I promise all of you that I'll protect you guys with my life, and we will never fall."  cheers erupt through the yard again.

"Iris, who do you choose as your Beta?" my father speaks up and I smirk, I've known who this whole time.

"Harper" I say and I hear her practically choke on air.

"what?" she says, I wave her to come over and she does, very ungracefully might I add since she tripped on her way over.

"Harper ever since I started living with the humans, you were my first friend, and you stood up for me no matter what, and that's a true friend, and a real Beta, I know you'll do amazingly, and I'll even have Jasper train you." I say, she glances over at Jasper in the crowd with Quinn and I see him shoot me a small smile which I returned.

"Thanks Iris, I won't let you down" she squezzes me with all her might then takes her place beside me, as a Beta should.

"Before I'm offically crowned Luna, I have a very important announcement to make" I say smiling over at Xander and grabbing his hand.

"I'm pregnant" I say, and Instantly hear a shit ton of screams, most from the females.

"Oh hunny, I'm so happy for you" my mother says taking my face in her palms and kissing my forehead.

"and with that amazing kick off to a coronation, if I do say so myself, I now introduce to you, Luna Iris, and King Xander." my father laughs and places the crown on Xanders head. Nothing but the accepting howls of my pack fill the night. I look over at my handsome mate, the love of my life, the man who showed me what it meant to be loved, he saved me from myself, and he helped me accept every part of myself, the good and bad. He smiles at me and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

"I love you my Luna" he whispers

"and I love you, my King" I respond. 

and with that, I realized just how perfect my life was, I had an amazing mate, and a wonderful best friend and family, I have no regrets, and I wouldn't change a single thing that has happened to me, because in the end I found my happy ending...even if it did all start with a hunt.