1 Prologue

The entire place was in chaos. These were the ruins of a once modern civilisation all broken down in utter disrepair. It was as if the entire area was just wiped of the map. Buildings broken down,cars layer upturned, streets cracked and destroyed; and not to forget the unquestionable scent of death which permeated the air. Charred up remains and the poured out innards of people was now a common sight. This was a result of what some may term as a zombie apocalypse which only happened in movies books and the minds of those who day dreamed.

It was a very normal day on earth when a gigantic crack like structure appeared all over the world; pouring huge amounts of energy scientists term as essence into earth totally transforming it. It seemed as if the very world had evolved becoming significantly larger and stronger. Humanity which once was at the very top of the food chain became prey to the disasters brought about by this event. The flora and fauna who were once prey to humanities desires mutated with some even developing unique abilities. The weak,dissolute, sickly, disabled,frivolent and weak minded of our kind unable to adapt to the infusion of energy transformed into mindless seeking beasts seeking the blood of the living.

Those who survived to now face a literal hell on earth, gained a system with the special even acquiring unique abilities. With the system one could kill living organisms absorbing their essence energy to evolve in the guise of levelling up. This now the cruel reality that we live and must survive in.
