
Chapter 23

“This house looks like a rat’s, Terren! Do you really don’t want to go with me? The unit I am occupying is enough for the two of us!” My eyes wandered around the whole place.

It was dark and stinky. Terren kept on sweeping the dusty floor, sometimes picking up scattered clothes. I sneezed and rubbed my nose before again, seized the place.

“You don’t need to live in here. Our house is even better than this!” I insisted.

“This room is way better than ours, Ate. Just imagining the picture of that witch is making me puke.” Terren shook his head and sighed.

“This is where I can sleep soundly. Just because you see this as a dirty space doesn’t mean it’s uncomfortable. Sometimes, the most unexpected place will make you feel safe.” he added.

Even when I disagree on what he said, I shut my mouth and went towards the plastic table at the corner and trailed my fingers on it, catching a lot of dust.