
The House of Mystery

It is horror story. A man who loves his wife unconditionally. When she is pregnant , she dead with mysterious condition. What happened next in his life?

Daoist8GTLO9 · Horror
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2 Chs

chapter 1

" Appa , it is raining . Come on we have to play. Appa , where are you? Come fast . It is raining " a 8 year old little girl. She go to her father's office working area. She saw her father working  on the computer. He is serious about his work. She runs to his direction. She jump on his lap. She is kiss his cheek. He is push her harshly.

Man: Why are you doing like this? Can you see I am doing a work? Don't distrib me. Stay away from me.

Girl is cry very much. She is moving to her room. Suddenly he is felt very guilty . Why he is  done to her ? He go to her room. But he is not see her. He go to balcony but she is not here also. He get so much tensed. He go to kitchen . She is not there also. His tension is increasing like .

He went to sitout . He is that she standing in rain. She is heavily weting in the rain . He went to her direction. She is moved back ward with fear. He get shock that his princess is hate him to core.

He is moved to catch her. She is moved back ward again and again.

Man: Why are you standing in rain?

Girl: You have no problem . When I am not in house. I am going to some where. So I am standing in rain to say goodbye to you appa.

He is hell shock to core. His princess is going away from him. He is always thinking about his life and business. But he is failer in his life stream.He is failer to give love to her. He gets emotion and he went to direction of her. She is not to go with him. She moved back ward. She turned her head.

Man: Don't go from me. I..... am .... Sorry. I am promise will protect you away from evil eyes. Don't go away from me. I begging you . I don't repeat mistakes which I have gave you. Please...

Girl is looking at him with thousands of emotions. She is moving towards his side. He is happy . He is open his hands for hug her. Suddenly she see bad incident in fornt of her eye. She is move back and tell to her father.

Girl: You know that you will repeat this mistake again and again. So I go away from you. I know that I am bad omen . You and your family are want kill me giving punishments. I .... have no family. I will died , who will cry? I am orpan girl. I ..

Man: What happened to you ? Why are you still saying like this? You are not bad omen you are my daughter. My princess . Why are you calling yourself as orpan? You have your appa. Your are not orpan.

Girl: I am not your daughter . I am orpan.

She went from here with seconds. He is cannot change her mind.He knew that he is failed to infornt of her. But he is chasing her . He is cross her direction of walking and he is falls on her feet. She is shock that her father not like this . He is slowly change his behaviour for her.

Man: princess , I am also coming to you. You wait for some time I will come back .

Girl: I don't want you in my life. So please stay away from me.

Man: princess, you give me punishments for this. I know our family ignored you in many ways. I promise I will give love to you. I ...

Girl: Don't want to repeat this again. I.. 

Man is crying hard . He is capped her face . He want to kiss her cheek.She is pushing him. He is shocking to core his princess pushing him. He cannot believe that his princess is pushing him harshly. He is tears falling like river. Now he is a death body without his two souls. He cannot breathe normal. He is falls on the ground.

Girl : Your acting infornt of me. Appa. O sorry I am not daughter .

Man get shock again and again. She is going from here. He is crying and begging to her.

He get a big punishment in his life. His daughter is hate and she is go away from him.

He is sitting the ground and crying hard for his faith . She is hating some reason done by him and family. She was went go to somewhere to get peace .

Where she is go?

Next chapter: The man is searching his daughter.Will he find her?

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