
The House of Arcane

The House of Arcane is a family full of beautiful and powerful beings who are mostly women and control the most powerful magic in the Realm. The House plans to stretch their control across the lands in hopes of gaining dominance back over the Realm. The House is located at a prestige academy named Acadia Academy and is the safe haven for the house. The protagonist, Tatsuya Hayashi, is a second year at the academy and a complete loser. Not only that, he's also a virgin and a bit of a pervert. He still lives with his parents, but with all the negatives aside he is a very smart guy. He has a good intuition and can get along with anyone when given the chance. Tatsuya gets a chance encounter with the Head of the Arcane Family after an unfortunate event that transpires and is brought back to life by the Head of the family and must now serve her and her family. Read The House of Arcane and join the adventure of Tatsuya as he progresses through his life as a member of the House of Arcane.

KamiOfficial · Fantasy
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17 Chs

We Walk Together

Yuki dashed towards me, dragging the blade of her sword along the ground. She swung her sword at me and I dodged her attack then summoned a sword using my demonic energy then dashed towards her. I slashed at her and she negated the damage she would've taken from my attack then blasted me away with a holy energy blast. I groaned as I crashed through multiple rock pillars.

She flew after me and laughed. "It doesn't matter how hard you fight! You're bound to end up the same like my father and brother! Just make this easy and stay still!"

I landed on my feet and slid backwards then tried to use my Desire Manifestation but Yuki appeared in front of me then struck me with a powerful uppercut. I grunted loudly and flew upwards. She struck my stomach and I groaned loudly then we began to break through the cave ceiling and flew above the ground. She sent me flying up higher.

Her Crest of Arcane shined and she conjured then Crest of Gadreel on her left hand then struck my body with a bolt of powerful holy lightning and I groaned as I crashed to the ground at high speeds. She looked down at me and smirked.

I picked up a car and threw it upwards at Yuki. Yuki slashed upwards and sliced the car in half.

"The Alternate Space is so amazing because we can destroy as much as we want here. Do whatever we want here and we can't be punished for it." Yuki said as she sliced the cars I threw at her in half and floated down towards me. "I don't care how much I have to destroy for you to get the point that you'll never win."

I noticed the Crest of Kokabiel shine on her left hand. I grunted and summoned a massive demonic energy spear and threw it at her. She snapped her fingers and the energy spear vanished as she negated the energy.

"Darling Tatsuya..~ You can't win...Lucifer was correct when he said you lost...They were powerful in their time, but the Arcane doesn't stay stationary in usability and feats. Allow me to show you...Heavenly Starshot." She said then snapped her fingers and a immense pillar of light struck me and I groaned loudly in pain. A star like explosion blew me away through multiple buildings and Yuki teleported behind me and caught the back of my head.

"I'm not letting you use Desire Manifestation. An ability like that is a Forbidden Ability and there's a reason only few have it. Your Sin Bringer will grant me that ability and we can save the world..~ Me and you~ We will walk together, Tatsuya, as one~" Yuki said then flew up and threw me down the multiple floors of the building and I groaned as I crashed through each floor until I slammed down onto the first floor.

Yuki floated down to me and watched me stand up slowly. I panted and spit out blood and coughed. I got to my feet and turned around seeing Yuki behind me.

"I can't believe I actually wanted to fuck you.." I said as I wiped my mouth.

"I mean you still can, no one said we couldn't have sex before you died." Yuki smiled and walked toward me and spun her sword. "If that's what your last wish is before I extract your Divine Weapon out of your body then I'll be more than happy to grant you that wish."

I looked at her and smirked, closing my eyes. "Yeah no...I'd rather have sex with you when we are on good terms. As of right now we aren't because you want to kill me, and I don't find death very optimal."

Yuki giggled softly and placed a hand on her hip. "Even during the darkest hour of your life...you still manage to make me smile and laugh. It was meant to be, we were meant to be as one...united~ If you're done with this game of chase, I'd like to get on with this extraction. We don't have all the time in the world for this."

"Heh...I'm more than happy to drag this out for as long as I need. If your plan is to kill me, then why not add a bit of challenge behind it?" I asked and my illusionary clone disappeared.

Yuki looked surprised and impressed. "How did you manage to slip through my fingertips is beyond me, but I will find you.."

I sat in an alleyway and panted then looked at the sky that was distorted and closed my eyes. I took this chance to switch into my Lust Mode and use Desire Manifestation. "An ability that can counter her Ultimate Denial...This ability should also have Priority Effect...no it should be stronger than Priority Effect...it should directly counter Priority Effect by erasing Priority. No because it doesn't change the fact she can deny anything...so if that's the case...I think I got it."

"Tatsuya~ You can't hide forever!~" Yuki called out then sensed my energy.

I walked out of my hiding spot and looked at Yuki and summoned a demonic sword.

"Finally come out of hiding huh? The little trick you pulled on me was impressive~ But the game's are all over. Come face me in battle so I can destroy you!" Yuki bellowed.

I dashed towards her and my eyes shined.

"Why are you dashing to me?! You can't harm me!" Yuki laughed and grunted, her eyes widening as I hit her with my sword. She groaned and was sent flying backwards. She grunted as she hit the ground and rolled backwards then slid backwards on one knee.

"What was that?" Beelzebub asked.

"A new ability I came up with. Simply getting rid of Priority Effect wasn't enough. She can deny anything right? So how about an ability that denies her ability out right? I call it Ability Defiance. She's the only one who has this Ultimate Denial ability so what better way to fight against it with an ability that denies everything about her ability." I said and smirked.

"Impressive...you're just full of surprises and I love surprises.." Yuki chuckled darkly and stood up. She dashed towards me and bellowed.

I dashed towards her and bellowed as well. We clashed multiple times and each clash made the repulsive force of energy even stronger. Yuki flew up in the air and I flew after her. We clashed more and more then entered a blade lock. I pushed her away then fired multiple energy blast at her. She deflected each one and each energy blast exploded causing a smoke cloud to form around her. She used her wings to make the smoke disappear and she noticed the Crest of Arcane shine on my left hand.

"I too wish to use Arcane Magic to it's fullest potential! I've already lost my humanity, what's death to me at this point?!" I chuckled and gave myself Priority Effect.

Yuki smirked and flew towards me and I vanished as well and we began clashing at high speeds. She appear and I appeared above her and struck her and sent her crashing to the ground. I flew after her and pressed a ball of dark energy against her and blasted her to the ground even faster. She crashed on the ground then immediately flew up towards me, punching my helmet. I grunted as it shattered then she looked surprised when a ball of demonic energy formed between my horns and I blasted her with a demonic beam.

She pushed through it and fired her holy beam at me. I switched to my Gluttony Mode and began to absorb the beam. I grunted as the beam began to burn me on the inside.

"It hurts!" Beelzebub whined and cried out.

That's right...whatever form I was in that Demon Lord felt the pain I felt as well. We may only be spiritually connected, but because of our linked spirits, they felt whatever pain I did.

"Come on Beelz! Push through! Absorbing and eating is your thing!" I bellowed and kept absorbing the holy energy.

"You're very durable so have some more!" Yuki bellowed and made her beam much stronger.

I groaned and bellowed. The holy energy began to burn me on the inside intensely, but I had to push through it. "Please Beelzebub! If you do this...I'll go on a magic call date with you, and that's a promise!"

My words echoed in Beelzebub's head and she got extremely excited then bellowed. "I'm gonna gobble this beam whole! For a date with Tatsuya!"

"Beelzebub just leveled up! What's the hell?!" Asmodeus said in shock.

"This level of absorption.." Lucifer said, surprised.

I yelled and noticed the beam getting smaller and thinner. Yuki looked surprised and tried to make the beam more stronger, but Beelzebub managed to absorb the attack completely and I smirked.

"I got a little gift for you, President! Have your attack back!" I bellowed and fired the same holy energy beam at Yuki but twice as strong.

Yuki summoned a magic circle and blocked the beam and the Crest of Apocalypse shined on her left hand them she made the beam disperse then flew up to me. I grunted lightly and braced myself for her attack. She summoned a tiny ball of darkness in the palm of her hand. I switch to my Envy Mode and stole her attack then she looked surprised.

"I know this attack. Final Ragnarok!" I bellowed and pressed the tiny ball of destructive energy against her then an explosion happened, blowing both of us away.

We both groaned as we crashed into buildings. I coughed blood as I landed on my back. I grunted as I slowly sat up and coughed up more blood and my body was absolutely burning on the inside.

"Your life force is depleting quickly. That level of holy energy you absorbed was critically dangerous!" Asmodeus said.

"I'll...be fine.." I said then stood up slowly. "Hey Satan.."

"Yeah?" Satan answered.

"Let's go all out now...She's weakened like I am and honestly...I'm ready to end this!" I bellowed.

"Heh...Alright. Let's do this." Satan said.

I growled and my heart began thumping quickly. Black aura flashed around my body and the Wrath Symbol shined brightly on my chest. I yelled and my aura surged powerfully. Hatred and Anger filled my heart and my heart became black.

Yuki felt the ground shaking and stood up then noticed my destructive aura destroying the area. "This power...he's going 100%."

"Primordial Wrath Mode! Here we go! This power has a drawback, it drains your stamina quickly so you'll only have five minutes in this form!" Satan said.

"That's fine..! Five minutes is all I need!" I grunted and black and red lightning crackled around me.

Yuki transformed into her Arcane Form and her eyes turned hold, her hair shined a brighter white. Her golden demon horns protruded from both sides of her head. Her dress ripped and a red succubus outfit appeared on her body, her wings merged into two red and gold wings, and a red cross marking slowly formed on her chest. A red star halo formed behind her head and she bellowed as she was planning to go 100% as well.

We flew to each other and our clash shook the entire Alternate Space and slightly cracked the space. Our fists clashed multiple times and I let out a monstrous roar and punched her face. She grunted and went flying a far distance. I flew after her and summoned multiple magic circles behind me then fired a massive wave of demonic beams at her. She deflected the beams and summoned magic circles behind her as well and fired her own beams at me. Our beams collided and exploded then we flew to each other and clashed one last time then the Alternate Space shattered and we looked at each other. A powerful energy pulse blew around the area and shook the ground.

Suzumi woke up and felt the energy pulse then felt godlike energy and put on her glasses and got out of bed.

Astraz ran into Suzumi's room and looked panicked. "Sis! Did you feel that?!"

"I did.." Suzumi said.

Lily screamed as she felt the ground shake and got out of bed quickly. She ran downstairs to confront mom and dad. "Mom! Dad! Did you feel that?"

"Yeah...that quake was terrifying.." Dad said, sounding a bit nervous.

"Whatever happened...it shut off the power in the entire city!" Mom said.

Yuki and I kept battling and she punched my face and sent me crashing to the ground. I grunted as I hit the ground and she appeared above me with a spear of light. She threw it at me and I caught it then turned it black and flew up towards her. She yelled and her aura surged powerfully and she summoned her Holy Tool then our weapons clashed multiple times, each clash causing an energy pulse to shake the ground. Yuki knocked the spear of darkness out of my hand then laughed and slashed at my neck.

"One minute left!" Satan yelled.

I dodged her attack and grabbed her arm then punched her stomach. She groaned and coughed blood. I threw her to the ground at high speeds and she groaned loudly and coughed up more blood as she slammed into the ground.

I bellowed and summoned seven magic circles, each being a color of a sin. "Final.."

Yuki stood up and looked up at me. She summoned five magic circles, one in front of the other. "This is the true power of the Arcane! Eternity Pulse!" She bellowed and fired a massive arcane beam up at me.

"...Vice...Blaster!" I bellowed and fired seven beams down at Yuki and the beams combined into one massive beam and collided with Yuki's attack.

The collision of the two attacks caused a bright light to shine and the people near the city noticed the light and recorded the video on their phones.

Yuki bellowed as she tried to overpower my attack. "I can't lose! I have to complete my goal! I have to win no matter the cost! Even if it costs someone I love!"

"And I won't lose because...I want to stay beside you Yuki! I want to walk together with you and the House of Arcane! Yuki, I love you!" I yelled.

Yuki gasped and her eyes widened.

"Go!" The Demon Lords yelled and my beam broke through Yuki's then struck her directly and a massive explosion happened.

A barrier appeared around the city, preventing the growing explosion from hitting it and Yuki screamed in pain and her clothes ripped off her body then she slammed into the barrier and fell to her knees.

"Time's up." Satan said.

I immediately grew weak and reverted to normal and crashed to the ground. My hair covered my eyes and my arm slowly reverted to normal as well. I was too tired to move for a while and felt like I could die at any moment. Even if I did...I would be stuck in the Realm of Between because I used Arcane Magic, but despite my conditions I still got up and made my way to Yuki slowly. I reached her then fell to the ground and she looked at me.

"Tatsuya.." She said softly and watched me crawl to her.

I slowly sat up and looked at her. "Yuki..."

"Just kill me...I deserve it for betraying you. I used you for the past weeks and...even tried to take away something you were gifted with for my own benefits...I betrayed you..I can't be forgiven.." Yuki said as she slowly reverted back to her normal form.

I looked at her and held her cheek then made her look at me. "We walk together...Yuki...Your goal is my goal. If you wish to gain dominance over the Mortal Realm...rebuild the Underworld and Hell...hell if you wish to just use your House to rule the different Realms...I'm with you. You reincarnated me...I am in your debt and I will do whatever it takes...to see you...to see the House of Arcane succeed, but I want to do it with everyone..."

"When you say do it, you mean have sex or.." Yuki smiled at me.

"I mean, if the offer's still up.." I chuckled weakly.

"Even during and after our fight...you're still the same Tatsuya.." Yuki said and held my hand.

"I wouldn't be me if I wasn't...how I am..~" I chuckled and placed my forehead against hers. "Walk with me, Yuki Arcane. Be the first woman to enter my harem.."

Yuki blushed and closed her eyes. "Under one condition."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm the head girlfriend or wife or whatever you wanna call us. I'm supportive of your little Harem dream and I see your dedication, but your harem can only be upon the House of Arcane, can't have you straying too far from me..~" Yuki giggled softly.

I smiled and nodded then gently kissed her lips before passing out, falling on the ground from extreme exhaustion. Yuki looked surprised and looked at me.

"Tatsuya!" Yuki said worried.

I opened my eyes and noticed I was in the Dream Realm, looking at the Seven Demon Lords. I looked at the three new faces, Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan.

Lucifer was a handsome man who had black hair and white highlights. His eyes shined a very light blue which was pretty surprising to me. He had black demon horns and a light blue halo over his head. He wore a high collared, black tailed coat with a golden design on it. Underneath he wore a black unbuttoned shirt, black pants and shoes. He had three black angel wings and three white angel wings.

Mammon was a voluptuous woman who had the largest set of jugs out of all the female Demon Lords. She had waist length gold hair with two large horns that curved downward and her eyes were a beautiful blue color. She had the perfect body any man would go crazy for, her body rivaled Asmodeus's and Asmodeus is already perfection. She wore a sleeveless top with a large breast window, a black thong which was practically transparent. She also wore thigh high heeled boots. She used her demon wings that was on the lower part of her back as a half skirt which I've never seen wings used in such a way.

Leviathan had waist length ocean blue hair with a side ponytail on both sides of her head, she didn't posses demon horns and had tiny dragon horns that curved upward on both sides of her head. Her eyes shined a scarlet red color. She was probably the most casually dressed out of the seven only wearing a white t-shirt with the Envy Symbol displayed on the center of her shirt, black arm warmers, and navy blue booty shorts. She wore black thigh high leg warmers and steel toe boots.

"Congrats on defeating Yuki." Satan started.

I knew he had something else to say and I stayed silent.

"Good news, you've got her back to her senses. Bad news, because of your exhaustion...you won't be able to use your Sin Bringer for 7 days. A day for each of us." Satan finished.

"And there it is." I sighed.

"Hey at least you managed to get her back~" Asmodeus giggled.

"Yeah at the cost of my most valuable weapon." I said.

"Only for Seven Days." Lucifer said.

"Only for Seven Days." I repeated in a mocking voice. "With the Fallen Angels running rampant, combining powers, seven days is too long. I still have to push new heights!"

"Chill, Tatsuya." Satan said and crossed his arms. "They are still in the set up phase, this would be a perfect chance to gather allies from other Houses to try and convince them to join the House of Arcane plus you can work up on your harem."

"I guess." I sighed.

"Oh yeah, by the way! Are we still on for that date?~" Beelzebub asked.

"Yeah sure whatever. What time?" I asked.

"Hmmm..~ I dunno raincheck, I'll get back to you on that~" Beelzebub said. "I totally forgot I have an army to train."

"Tatsuyaaa! You'd go on a date with Beelzebub but you'd rather ignore me?" Asmodeus puffed her cheeks and looked jealous.

"O-Oh no! My alarm clock! It's ringing oh no I'm waking up!" I said.

"Hold it there!" Asmodeus said and got up then flew to me.

"Oh shit I'm waking up! Bye!" I said then woke myself up then noticed Yuki sleeping beside me on the bed and smiled.

"Liar! You don't even have anything planned today!" Asmodeus whined.

I chuckled and heard my door open and noticed Lily walking in. She paused at the door, seeing Yuki in bed with me. I looked at her and noticed her flustered face.

'Ah shit...we got a lot of explaining to do..' I sighed in my head. 'Welp...no point beating around the bush...'