
The House in the Woods

The stories take place in a house in the woods, nothing suspicious of that right?....wrong....there's plenty wrong with that. Don't believe me, read yourself, if you dare.... short stories about monsters and paranormal activity that takes place in a house in the woods. (all of the stories are connected but it doesn't matter what order you read them in)

spookaboo · Horror
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The Body Stealer

Andrew, Darren, and Emma were walking in the woods.It was the middle of the day but that still didn't make the woods any less creepy. Andrew said that he had been in the woods earlier and had saw an abandoned cabin. As they approached the cabin it gave off a really sketchy vibe, Emma: "this place gives me the creeps..." Darren:"yeah..." Andrew:"so... who's going in first?"Emma:"not me"Andrew:"me neither" Darren: "what I don't wanna go in there!?"Andrew:"what you chicken?" Darren:"n-no!" Andrew:"then go in" Darren:"f-fine!" terrified Darren stalked up to the porch,*CREAK* Darren:"ahh!" Andrew:"*laughs*"Emma:*giggles* Darren:"s-shut up!" Darren took another step towards the door, then hand on the door, he opened it with a hard push.*CCCRRREEEAAAKKK* Darren reluctantly took a few steps inside of the cabin, it smelled of dust, mildew, and something else that, reminded him of a doctor's office?Darren:"o-ok your turn." Andrew and Emma both walked up the porch but hesitated to enter the door. Darren:"what you chicken." Both:"no!" Darren:"then come on." they both stepped into the cabin then the door slamed behind them *BAM!!!* Andrew:"what the hell?!?!" They all ran over to the door but... it was locked. Darren: "I knew this was a bad idea!" Emma:"we're going to DIE in here!" Andrew: "shut up no we're not, so just

relax ok!"Just then something hit them over the head! *BLAM!*. Emma slowly regained consciousness about two hours later, Emma:"huh what happened!?" She was in a dark room and could see Andrew but, Darren was gone?! Emma: Andrew wake up! Just then Emma noticed that she was tied up!? Emma:"Andrew WAKE UP!" Something wasn't right, Darren was gone and Andrew wouldn't budge. Emma looked out at the dark room, she could see doctor equipment and jars with.... BODY PARTS!!!???

Emma started to hyperventilate, desperate to be free of the rope. Emma was so focused on escaping, that she didn't notice the door swing open.*crrreeeaaacckkk*Emma's head jerked up to see someone...or something in the door way. Emma:"D-Darren?" It was not Darren...or at least not anymore... Darren's "body"walked through the door in an odd limp walk Darren's body: "Ah hello little girl." said a voice that was not Darren's nor was it human. Emma:"what do you want from me!" Emma said eyes full of tears, for her friend and,for herself. Darren's body:"what's wrong Emma" said the voice that sounded more like Darren this time, but something still didn't sound right. Emma:"your not Darren.."Darren's body:"what are you talking about Emma?" Said the voice, that was no longer her friend. Emma:"What did you do to Darren!" Emma said, sobbing out the words. Darren's body:" I AM DARREN!" said a voice that wasn't Darren's at all, Darren's body: "ugh I've grown tired of talking to you..."Out of nowhere Darren's body striked Emma unconscious, leaving her helpless.

Andrew awoke, confused and dizzy, but someone was standing over him, it was Emma. Emma: "Come on Andrew, we NEED to leave!" Andrew staggered up, grabbing Emma's hand. Andrew:"W-where's Darren?" Emma: "he's dead!" she said through tears. Emma:" come on we got to go NOW!"

They ran for the door, Andrew wondering what had happened to his friend, and what had happened earlier...


As "Darren's body" finished working over Emma's cold body, "Darren's body" melted and revealed the creature that had taken "Darren's body." the dark, gas like figure stood above Emma's lifeless body... Demon:"perfect..."


As Andrew and Emma started to see the house again, Andrew noticed that Emma had a wierd limp walk and a little blood on her shirt. Andrew:"Are you ok?" Emma:" huh, oh yeah I just tripped.... and ah, fell." Andrew thought about what she had said and what his last words were to Darren "shut up! we're not going to die so just relax ok!"

The rest of the night was a blur, the police was called about Darren and Emma went home acting weird, but when they got to the spot Andrew had told them, There was no cabin... just the smell of mildew...dust...And something that smelt like the doctors office...