
The hot legendary Gangster

LornaCrayshil · Teen
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5 Chs


Seulmi finished her photoshoot and got picked up by Hanbin.

She sat down staring at hanbin , she was mesmerized by his handsomeness . She thought she could be his girlfriend but she can't violate Their rules.

"Why are you staring at me?" Hanbin asked because he noticed That seulmi's eyes were glued to him the entire time .

"How did you know that ? You are currently focusing on driving so you can't see me" Seulmi attacked back with words but Hanbin Just smiled and continued driving .

"Maybe I was looking at you" Hanbin said and it caught Seulmi off gaurd . She laughed nervously and flip her hair , she still has to keep her pride as the hot model .

"So where are we going?" Seulmi tried to change the topic, she is already nervous so she doesn't want to make it worse .

"A Fancy restaurant for the fancy hot model " Hanbin Commented which made Seulmi really nervous.

They got to the restaurant and entered .

"Do you have a reservation ?"

"Yes , it Min Hanbin " Hanbin replied the weird looking lady but was surprised when the lady started smiling nervously.

"Why are you smiling ma'am" Seulmi asked .

"It's just that , I'm a really big fan of yours" the lady said and Seulmi mentally face palmed herself , she totally forgot that she is a hot famous model . She thinks she normal but she's not at all.

"Thank you " Seulmi said nervously before walking away with Hanbin , Hanbin couldn't just help but to keep smiling because he got to go out on a date with a famous model .

He is not allowed to have a girlfriend because of their groups dumb rules but at least he's gotta go on a date which he has not done before.

Normally for him. roses are red , he can be a little bit crazy . He could take girls out on a date but he's too lazy .

Hanbin and Seulmi sat down in a private room but Seulmi thinks It'll be too expensive for a normal guy like him .

Just when Seulmi thought she could enjoy her secret date with a hot guy , her dumb phone started ringing.


Yeonwoo/Solar : Seulmi Seulmi , where are you .

(Seulmi thinks she is in big trouble because she is not allowed to have a life partner but she is in a fancy restaurant with a hot guy that she happen to have sex with in front of her)

Seulmi : Em em Just somewhere . whats wrong.

Yeonwoo/solar : There is a bonus quest

(Seulmi's eyes widened , a bonus quest is just what the girls in the holes need to be back on track but Seulmi doesn't want to ditch hanbin but she doesn't want to fail the girls again she just had to ditch him).

Seulmi : Okay , text me the location and everything about It , i will be there.

Yeonwoo/solar : Okay . Get your heavy ass up and beat those underground guys .

(Seulmi Hung up and was physically and mentally ready to make up some fake excuse to ditch hanbin)


She felt bad for hanbin because he spent so much money on the date and now she is just going to leave without even eating.

"Hanbin-" She was cut off when Hanbin phone started ringing.

so I decided to change the writing style but I might still change back ...

LornaCrayshilcreators' thoughts