
Back to the hotel

By the time the contestants and judges returned to the Kenzey hotel, tbe place was lit up with decorations and nice arrangements. Everyone was extremely impressed and happy to meet such an unexpected party. The evicted girls wore red clothes while the girls still in the "game" wore white clothes. The building was set ablaze from the jubilation. Even Kendrick was dancing with a smile plastered across his handsome face. The evicted girls dispersed their anger and enjoyed the party to the fullest.

The evicted girls were to leave the next day. Everyone slept soundly that night. The whole place was quiet to the extent that one could even hear a pin drop. At that time of the night, Anni resolved to change her crying habit. She had finally come to the realization that her parents were gone and would never come back. This was the beginning of emotional maturity for Anni. So that night, she did not even bother to open her eyes let alone to let a single tear drop go waste.

The next morning

Everyone woke up,had breakfast and the bus that was to pick the evicted girls and send them home arrived. The girls shared an emotional moment with themselves and bade goodbye. Mr Karl, Angelique and Juhi then told the girls that the competition was getting tougher so they should be ready to face any upcoming challenges. Anni dressed up and did a few room chores (chores everyone partook in inside the shared room ) and relaxed. She was reluctant about working due to tiredness. Maybe those eight hours of sleep were merely enough for her or sometimes, we just need extra sleep to prepare physically or emotionally for any event that can occur. After lying down idle for almost thirty minutes, a message was sent using speakers "everyone, come to the hall this instant. Very important requirementswould be obtained today". Anni had barely even blinked." Urgh" she exclaimed and sighed before leaving the room. She looked sleepy eyed and walked towards the hall. Anni had no other option than to go to there and guess what? It was none other than Lady Mynna Otoo. She just happened to pass by and decided to go to the Kenzey hotel, bid her last goodbyes and offer some advice to them. When Lady Mynna said that she was going to counsel them, Ivy looked sad. She knew she would be bored by her long lecture. Ivy especially liked short methods of doing things. Everyone watched Lady Mynna intently she began saying " Please don't talk till it's over and I give room for questions ". Lady Mynna spoke nicely to all the girls and gave them advice on important issues like how to speak to the judges and everyone else in the hotel. Once the session ended, Lady Mynna gave some of them her autograph because she was a popular actress. Anni was walking drowsy upstairs but all of a sudden, she slipped due to carelessness. Her night in sparkling armour arrived. Ken saved her by catching her with just an arm. She had to admit that he was well built. They both stared at each other for some minutes till Anni said a faint thank you and disappeared.

Ken's heart on the other hand was beating so fast as if a part of his body had left him.

Anni felt shocked she knew she hardly slipped like that. Days passed quicker than expected and everyone was preparing themselves for the competition of the next day. None of the contestants knew their obstacles the next day was awaiting them anxiously for results. One thing was for sure. Someone would definitely win