
A New Journey Begins

John had decided that he will tour all around United States. So he went on a new journey straight away.

He wanted to visit the Statue of Liberty so he checked in the hotel and rested for some time. He fell asleep. During his sleep he saw himself running away from someone in dark and some disturbing noises. He woke up immediately. Sweat was tripping down his forehead and he realized that it was just a dream. It was raining outside. He looked at the clock and it was already 5pm.As it was raining so he decided to visit the statue of Liberty later on at Night.

He ordered some food and turned on the Tv. A news was going viral about people seeing ghosts in streets which followed people to their homes. Suddenly he heard a knock at the door. He had a little bit fear in his heart, so he asked from inside.'Who is it'? There was silence for a while, then again someone knocked. He asked again 'Who are you'? No answer again. He gathered some courage and opened the door. When he opened the door he saw the hotel room service waiter who brought the food he ordered. The waiter delivered the food and asked John if he needed something else. John said 'No thanks' and soon the waiter left.

John sat down on the couch and enjoyed his meal while thinking about the Statue of Liberty. When he finished the meal he called the room service again and ordered a cup of coffee.

After that he called his father and told him his plans on his first trip. His dad was a bit angry but soon he realized so he wished John to have a good journey. John drank his coffee while enjoying the scenery of rain from his window. Soon, he was ready to leave for the Statue of Liberty.