
The Horoscopes

Touka Nakamura is a young teen with a penchant for creativity and entertainment. Even though he has a System, he is still relatively bored due to lacking the thrill of battling, which he looked forward to the most. To stave off his boredom, he became a thief. Stealing priceless and valuable items from all over the world.

Winged_Staff · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Weary World

Dawdling around on a sofa laid a teenaged boy, tired and uninterested about the going ons of his surroundings.

Ignorance was truly bliss, but to those that knew the truth of their current situation; it was a living hell.

Nothing could ignite their dispassionate heart, no topic of the mundane world would grab their attention.

Especially not one who has literally seen everything the world had to offer, Touka Nakamura.

Although he was young he had a heaven-shaking secret; he wielded the power of a System all for himself, granted by the Divine Ones as he called them.

It gave him many tasks to accomplish and in the end he would be rewarded, he had obtained it just two weeks ago and he was already bored of it.

Not due to having a short attention span, but because the System itself did not give him many missions to do in the first place.

His first task was to clean the entire house, which he did so fervently. He was rewarded with a unique ability of his own, a latent power deep within him as the System stated.

Touka named it, {Counterfeit Craft}. As the name implied; he could replicate any object he came into contact with. The replicated object looked exactly the same and functioned perfectly.

However later on he discovered, that as long as he had a visual image of an object he wanted duplicate, it would work, however the problem was that the object would only look similar and did not have any of the functions it normally would have.

So he came to a conclusion, the replication of an object was based on the mental image he had of the object, if he was in contact with said object, the duplicate would be extremely similar and retains all its features.

But the ones created with only his mental imagery, the duplicate would be weak and not as durable as the original.

It was a diminished fake, so to say. Touka heaved a sigh of discontent, picking an apple off the fruit bowl on the table beside him.

Throwing it up in the air, he immediately caught it with a disinterested expression, he had done this repeatedly in the past few days and still could not stop it.

Either that his {Counterfeit Craft} was the only thing that interested him, or that he was so bored that he wanted to make use of the time practicing his power.

Holding the fruit in his hands, Touka then twisted his left hand forwards whilst his right went the other way. He then pulled his right arm away as a glowing yellowish-white blob was detached from the apple.

The rivulet swiveled around his palm, before eventually rearranging itself to fit his needs. Miniature blocks; akin to pixels began to form as it assembled into an apple.

The scene was stunning and law defying that even the System could not help but praise Touka, [Host, your ability has grown tremendously! I have never seen such and incredible growth and knowledge assimilation rate.

It usually takes a month for even a genius to comprehend the A-Tier Ability 'Object Replication.' You truly are an astounding Host, too bad that this world has no need for supernatural combat]. The System lamented the fact that Touka's talent in utilizing abilities could not be used to its full potential in this somewhat peaceful world.

Wars, racism, hate, abuse, bullying and more. Those were the many dark sides to society, although the System wished to help, it was not something it could interfere with so easily.

After all, they followed the will of their Hosts and creator. "System, I wish to inquire something." Touka spoke softly, he felt that his System was strange.

[Yes?]. It responded quickly, "What kind of System are you? Aren't Systems supposed to help their Hosts grow stronger? To reach a certain goal? So, why haven't you done so already?" Touka was sternly questioning the motives of his System, he felt doubt towards its true nature.

"..." After a momentary silence, the System spoke, [Host, I admit that my actions were suspicious and that I do not act like those Systems in novels. But, I have to clarify that I am not like them at all, I have a name and a sense of identity. I have a form of emotional capacity, all in all I am unique. Think of me as a human with cybernetic qualities]. The System's reply caught Touka off guard.

He had never expected such an answer, to think that the monotonous System could actually feel emotions and had its own identity. His lips curled slightly, he was amused.

"Oh? Then if I may ask, what is your name?" Touka was curious onto what his System's true name was, after all it was a rare thing as the novels he had read before had never had such a feature, [I am Alviss]. Touka's eyes constricted.

He was familiar with the name, it was the name of a Dwarf in Norse Mythology. It had the meaning of 'all-wise,' in the myths he was arranged to be wedded to the daughter of a God.

The God of thunder and lightning Thor, who was unhappy with this arrangement. So he put the matter into his own hands and set on to challenge the Dwarf to a wisdom contest to keep the Dwarf from marrying his daughter.

The contest lasted an entire night until daybreak, which by then the Dwarf transformed into stone.

It was a compelling story as it alluded to Thor's clever nature despite many depictions of him being a barbaric, war-driven oaf.

"What an interesting name." Touka muttered, he could not help but praise whoever had named his System.

It made him recall the story behind the name, Touka wondered if it was just a coincidence or not, but that was for another time.

"But you haven't really answered all of my questions," Touka continued, slyly fiddling with his fingers.

His lips curved into a coy smile, he seemed like a devil in moments like these. His mischievous nature was now revealed.

[I was getting there; anyways as unique as I am, I am also very weak in terms of combative and financial aspects. At most I am a System with the ability to make my Host the No. 1 Housecleaner]. Touka was flabbergasted, to think I had such high expectations for you! He complained in his heart.

But he would never dare to admit it to the System, otherwise it would become complacent and fishing for more compliments.

After all, he should know. He wasn't very hubristic, but he wasn't humble either. After all, who didn't like being praised for their abilities and achievements?

"Haah, to think that I overestimated you. Well at least give me an explanation and exactly what your functions are." Touka sighed, he felt betrayed but not disappointed.

After all, he was barely an adult. How could he fight against monsters and geniuses that had experienced far worse than he had?

[Take a look for your self]. The System responded, before he could ask what it meant, a transparent blue interface screen appeared before him.

[Nonpareil King System. Become the Number One in a particular field.

Whether it be science or business, you can become the true ruler.

Note: Due to the insufficient materials and lack of supernatural existences, the System has been weakened.

Note: The Nonpareil King System is the last supernatural existence and has assimilated all the strengths of an indefinite amount of Systems across all multiple universes, becoming the God Of All Systems.

Note: Wielder Of The System at default becomes a Demigod-like existence...]. Touka's mouth twitched, he had expected the System to be weak, yes, but being the strongest of all Systems at the same time was very contradictory.

But thinking about it further, it made sense since it is the last and only System in the entire multiverse.

In that case it was the strongest System since there was nothing to compare it to. "I have a question." Touka asked sternly, [Go ahead], the System responded with its ever monotonous voice.

Smiling, Touka then inquired, "Is there any way to share the System?" He had an idea of what he could do to utilize the System in a more, entertaining way.

And it all starts with how the System replies to him, [Yes. As I am a fusion of millions of Systems, I am able to grant others new, completely different Systems that fit their Hosts needs]. Hearing this, his smile grew even wider.

He then took out his phone from his pocket and proceeded to call someone. "Hello?"


In a studio of white, dozens of paint bottles scattered across the floor, the paint was transforming the room into a colorful mess.

Sitting on a stool with a brush and palette in hand, Claudia stopped her actions and wiped her hands off, preparing to answer the call.

Briskly flicking her hair back, she greeted the caller, "Hello?" It took a second, but the other party eventually replied.

"Sister, return home. We need to talk." It was Touka, Claudia was surprised, she knew that Touka did not need any help as he was pretty self sufficient on his own.

Meaning, something had happened. She frowned, "I'm on my way."


A man stood over near the windows of his penthouse, admiring the night. The flickering lights, the multicoloured hues blending in, and how the people in the night were always in such a rush.

It made Eichi amused by how they lived their life, unaware of the beauty around them.

Behind him playing on his console on the couch was a familiar face; he looked very similar to Touka, even his mannerisms were similar, with his slick black hair, an unamused expression and above all; his deep sighs reverberating throughout the room.

He was Touka's twin brother, Akihito. "Oi, big bro. What did my brother say?" Akihito questioned his elder brother, he was curious to what his twin had to say.

Eichi turned to face him, but could not manage to suppress his worry, "It seems like something has happened. And it's urgent." Hearing this, Akihito rushed off.

If his brother was in trouble, he would definitely help. After all, despite the two not coming into contact recently they were still brothers.


"Eh? You need my help? What? Oh, you meant all of us. Cool, we'll be there in 30 minutes." A young girl in her school uniform chatted away with Touka, all while waiting for her nails to dry off.

Right behind her was her sister Sara, who was brushing her hair. Their faces radiating with a slightly translucent quality.

They had just finished their exfoliation process and prior to the call; peeled off their face mask.

Making their skin smooth and wet. "Jane, should we or should we not call over Callum?"

Callum was their dead stepfather's son, and was obsessed with Touka. His obsession bordered on crazy with him.

Probably because Touka was the only one who got to know him than most, Jane shuddered but soon relented.

As for the reason why he was living with them, it was all due to Callum's relatives not wanting to take him in. And the two somewhat agreed with them.

Unfortunately for the girls, Callum heard everything, "You're going to Touka's house?! Let me come! I wanna go too!" Callum stomped his foot, a gesture that the two sisters recognised as him going into a temper tantrum.

"Fine." The two said almost simultaneously, were it not for Sara realising that she had left the bathroom faucet on.

"Sh*t, the tap!"


Touka made one final call, to his three closest relatives. Daichi, Chloe and last but not least, his half-brother Damien.

Damien was born alongside Touka and Akihito, meaning that they were triplets. However, they were a rare case.

They were an example of a strange phenomenon called heteropaternal superfecundation; in which two of a female's eggs are fertilised by the sperm of two different men.

However, that was the thing. While he and Akihito were born directly from his mother's husband, Damien was born from his father's best friend.

His parents were quite open and liked to experience new things, so when Damien was born they did a blood test as normal, but what surprised them all, was that it was found that the triplets shared only a mother and similar features, but not a father.

Thinking of this, Touka still had to commend his parents. Even if they were now no longer with him, he could still imagine that they would do many things that were definitely not for those of his age to be privy of if they were still alive.

First chapter of Kings Of Larceny, name is still in progress of course. However, I shall put out the first chapter and see where this takes me.

I believe that my fanfic might go on hiatus for a while due to me lacking some materials, so in the meantime to make sure that I don’t get bored.

I shall do my best to write an intriguing story.

Winged_Staffcreators' thoughts