
Mihosaha city

The crew was off the ship and on the road to a new city!Nobody was excited though.It just wasn't the same without John's stupid bragging around.Don was crying while walking,everyone else was reading the map,and Maria was trying to think of ways to get back her arm,or maybe even get poor Johnathan.Now Maria only had one arm to twist,bounce,stretch,and attack.Her stomach was hurting awfully and she felt like she was about to die.Jenny,oddly,was the one comforting Don.Jenny missed John,sure,but Don was falling into a deep depression.Maris knew she couldn't care about herself first and that she had to put her teammates first.Everyone knew hey had to stick out in the crowd to get through life.They arrived at a new city called Mihosaha City,named after the famous king Mihosaha.Jenny opened the book she kept and read this,"Life stones can only be found on the gravestones of dead kings or in the caskets of dead queens".

"Perfect!",Maria said."This is where the famous king Mihosaha died!".

"We just need to search up where his gravestone is!",Jenny said confidently.They saw an old looking house and went in.Inside the house was just what they needed!A book about King Mihosaha!"Hands off my book!",a voice from the dark said.The voice was coming from a pale,thin boy.He looked like a nerd too!"Kid,let us use this book and we'll find you a friend,you look like you need one.",Jenny said.The kid handed them the book reluctantly."Ok,here,as promised!",Jenny said as she shoved Markus to the boy."Uhh,so do you watch tv castle cruise?",Markus said."I love that show!",the boy replied."You know,It would be easier if you just came with us.",Jenny said."Okay!",the boy responded happily.The crew came out of the house."So boy,do you know where we could find King Mihosaha's gravestone?",Dona said."Well,i went on this one field trip there with my class one time,I could take you guys there.",the boy said."Oh,and my name is Jake Maragoxhi!",the boy then said."Wait,King Mihosaha's last name is Maragoxhi!!!",Jenny yelled as she was reading from the big book."Uhhh,yeah Mihosaha was my great great great great great grandfather.",The kid said,as if this was normal."Tell is all about him on the way tot he gravestone!",Jenny said.And they were on the road again.