
The Hope of the Senju Clan

this Fan Fiction is not my own, I'm just bringing it to the site. author Arogon Potter What if instead of Kushina being Naruto's mother and through a trick of fate Naruto's mother was Tsunade after a drunken night with Minato in which Naruto becomes both the heir and hope of the Senju clan. Find out what life would be like now for Naruto.

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Chapter Twenty-eight: Storm vs Ice Part Two

-In the Arena-

-Enter Naruto Shippuuden OST 2 Sunspot-

After staring at one another for about two minutes, the two Kunoichi finally made their move, where they charged at one another at the same time with incredible speed.

To the ordinary people in the audience, the two girls were nothing but blurs. Only the Shinobi members in the audience could see the two girls who were moving throughout the arena with impressive speed, clashing with other for a moment before disappearing again.

Eventually though the two girls slowed down where Samui then took out several Shuirken and threw them at Haku, who deflected them with her Senbon Needles. But as soon as Haku had dealt with the Shuriken, Samui appeared above her with her Katana now covered in Lightning and swung it down on Haku's head, cutting it in two.

But just when Samui thought she had won, "Haku" began to crack, before shattering into a hundred pieces of ice, revealing she had replaced herself with an ice clone.

After the fake Haku shattered into ice, the shards that made her up started to float in the air and surround Samui, before they then call converged in on her at once. Once the ice shards pierced Samui, the real Haku reappeared a few feet from her.

But as soon Haku appeared, "Samui" reverted into a wooden log, revealing that she had replaced herself at the last second. Also on the log was an exploded note, which lit up and exploded, forcing Haku to raise her arm and cover her face from the blast.

As the smoke slowly dissipated Haku lowered her arm where she then saw several Shuriken covered in Lightning spinning towards her at high speed.

Wasting no time Haku quickly moved to her right, where the Shirken flew past her and imbedded themselves deeply into the wall behind her.

After avoiding the Shuriken, Haku saw the real Samui emerge from behind the smoke and throw several more Lightning enhanced Shuriken at her, which she narrowly avoided again. After which she then preformed several high speed one handed hand seals and said "Hyoton: Kōrihari (Ice Release: Ice Needles)!" creating hundreds of small ice needles and fired them at the blonde Kunoichi. (B)

Acting quickly, Samui formed three high speed hand seals and thought "Suiton: Mizurappa (Water Style: Water Release: Wild Water Wave)!" and spat out a large stream of water, which washed away the ice needles.

At the same time she also converted some of her Chakra in her hands into Lightning and added it to the water to increase its effectiveness.

After the Lightning enhanced water wave washed away the ice needles it continued towards Haku, who immediately created a narrow wall of ice to hide behind, blocking electrified water attack.

When the water attacked ended, Haku notice several exploding notes floating in the water around her, she then realized that Samui had added some exploding notes to attack, which lit up and exploded, causing a large cloud of smoke and dust.

Shortly after the explosion Haku emerged out of the smoke in relatively good shape, but as soon as she appeared out of the smoke Samui appeared behind her and slashed.

But to the blonde Kunoichi surprise "Haku" reverted into water revealing that she had been a water clone. Using her sensory skills, Samui quickly located Haku behind the smoke, emanating a large amount of Chakra.

Realizing that Haku was preparing some kind of large scale Jutsu, Samui began preparations for her own Jutsu.

"I had planned to save this technique for either Naruto-kun or Sabaku no Gaara (Gaara of the Sand Waterfall). But I have no other choice now, if I wish to win this match" Haku thought as she performed the necessary hand seals. She then began to summon up most of her remaining Chakra and gather the water from Samui's last attack for the technique she had created during the one month training period.

At the same time Samui finished performing the hand seals needed for her technique and raised her right arm up with her palm stretched forward and her the other arm supporting the right. She then gathered most of her remaining Chakra for her strongest technique which she knew would be her last attack, win or lose.

Once the smoke and dust from the earlier explosion dissipated and the girls became visible to one another, both of them unleashed their final attacks.

"Hyoton: Kōriryū (Ice Release: Ice Dragon)!" Haku cried, as the water around her swirled around her and began to turn to ice and the form into a massive Chinese Dragon made out of water and ice, which began to freeze everything around it before charging towards Samui. (C)

"Ranton: Reizāhō (Storm Release: Laser Cannon)!" Samui yelled at the same time as Haku, where a massive bright blue beam of energy erupted from out strenghted plam and headed straight for Haku's Dragon. (D)

Within seconds the two large attacks collided with one another, where the laser beam sliced right through Haku's Ice Dragon before it hit the arena wall right below the stands causing yet another massive explosion.

-End Naruto Shippuuden OST 2 Sunspot-

"Both these girls are nuts" yelled Shikamaru, as he covered his eyes from the force of the explosion.

"Shit, I didn't think Samui would go this far!" Karui commented as she raised her arms to shield her face.

"Haku!" Zabuza yelled as he stood up, fearing the worest for his student.

"Damn, what the hell is with kids these days?" Jiraiya thought as he and the other Kages saw the massive explosion, where the smoke and dust cover the entire arena blocking everyone's view of the match.

Not long after the two attacks collided, the smoke and dust cloud caused by the blast began to disappate allowing the audience to see the arena again.

As the smoke and dust cleared the finalist could see a massive hole in the arena wall directly bellow the stands, which had been caused when Samui's attack hit it. The arena, which was already in pretty bad shape from earlier battles, was now cover in small pools of water from when Samui's Reizāhō destroyed Haku's Kōriryū.

"Shit, Samui wasn't playing around" Naruto thought when he saw the massive hole now in the wall, which was easily twice the size the one he made when he fought Neji.

Before long though, Naruto and everyone saw a single figure standing in the middle of the arena. As the smoke and dust cleared further, they saw that the figure was a weary looking Samui, who clothes were torn up and filfty.

"Alright! Samui I knew she could do it!" Karui cheered thinking that her team-mate had won.

"Man that was too close" Omoi thought as he let out a sigh of relief since he was starting to doubt that his blonde team-mate wouldn't win.

"Somthing isn't right here" Yugito thought with a frown, even though she was pleased to see that her team-mate and fellow blonde was ok, something didn't sit right with her.

"What's wrong kitten?" the Kitten asked, sensing her honest concerns. "Your team-mate won, I thought you would be happy?"

"I am, it' just that something feel right" Yugito replied, where as soon as she thought this, her concerns were answered when she saw an ice mirrior suddenly appear from behind Samui. After the ice mirror appeared Haku emerged out of the mirror and stabbed Samui in the neck with her Senbon needles.

Seeing this, the Kumo Genin all cried out to Samui.

-In the Arena-

After Haku appeared out the ice mirror and stabbed her in the neck with her Senbon needles, Samui turned around slightly to look at her Kiri opponent.

"I am sorry Samui-san, you were a wothery adversary, I hold no ill-will towards you, but you have lost this battle" a tired Haku said. Who like Samui was in a sorry state, and looked just as exhausted as Samui, after narrowly escaping the blode Kunoichi's Reizāhō. Her hair had broken from it's bun holder and fell down her back. Her black scraf was gone, her skirt was torn up and caked in dirt and her blue top was destroyed, leavingonly her fishnet shirt, (which was also fairly torn up) covering her upper body and she was covered in cuts, dirt and dried blood.

"You haven't won yet" Samui said, before she reverted into Lightning and electrocuted the female Ice user, revealing that she had been a Lightning clone.

"Ahgaaaahhh" Haku cried in pain as she felt the Lightning travel throughout her body.

Eventually the Lightning faded and Haku fell to the ground, barely concious and unble to move with the exception of the occusional twich, caused by the Lightning that traveled through her body.

After Haku fell to the ground, the real Samui appeared, who had been hidding in the field under the guise of a Genjutsu.

Seeing that Haku was unable to move, Samui slowly walked towards her opponent, with the intent of finishing this battle.

"It seems that you are the one who has lost Haku-san" Samui said as neared the student of Zabuza. But before she could do anything, she suddenly notice that her arms are legs start to feel cold and go numb. When she looked down, she saw ice slowly covering her body, before long, the ice covered her arms, lower body and began to cover her upper body causing her to fall to the grounder shivering and unable to move.

"W-W-Wh-What, h-h-hap-happing t-t-to m-me?" Samui has as her teeth chattered from the cold.

Seeing this a painful smile appear on Haku's face, "It seems that you were not able to completely avoid my Kōriryū after all."


"My Kōriryū is not and ordinary technique, even if you destroy or evade the dragon itself you cannot escape the water that surrounds it and makes it up. All the water needs to do is splash your body and it will slowly freeze and cover your body in ice, causing it to go numb, leaving you unable to move. It seems we both lose Samui-san" Haku said with a sad smile before finally losing consciousness.

"N-N-Not C-C-Cooool" Samui said through her chattering teeth as she continued to shiver unable to move.

It was at this point that Genma reappeared in the arena, after he Shunshin'd (Body-flickered) away to avoid being caught up in the crossfire between the two Kunoichi.

"Damn, those two sure did a number on the arena" the Tokubetsu Jōnin thought as he scanned the arena, before turning to the two girls with impressed look. "Who says girls don't know how to fight?"

Seeing that Haku was now unconscious and Samui was covered in ice, unable to do anything, Genma decided to officially end the match.

"Both Haku of Kirigakure and Samui of Kumogakure are unable to continue fighting, this match is a draw!"

-With the Audience-

After Genma declared the match a draw the crowed broke into large applause, even though many where disappointed that there was no winner. Everyone agreed that it was an excellent battle and that both Kunoichi fought well.

"Looks like we're out this" Zabuza remarked, since with Haku now out, Kiri had no other Genin in the exam. But still he was quite proud with how well Haku had fought, as she had become a great deal stronger since Nami no Kuni. He was even amazed at Haku's Kōriryū, as he had not been aware that Haku created such a technique during the previous month and guessed she must have created it in secret, when he was busy training Chojuro.

"The Battle was a blast, but ended with a duded" thought Killer Bee as he was disappointed that Samui hadn't won.

"Perhaps, but Samui still fought well, you should be proud" the Hachibi said, where Killer Bee just nodded and said he was.

"A Draw, can't say I'm surprised, both of them were fairly evenly match" Kushina commented.

"I agree, I dare say even Naruto would have had difficulty fighting either one of them" Yamato added.

"Hmph, not bad" Mai thought, as she had been impressed with Haku and Samui.

"Guess that's it, but those two were pretty strong" Akatsuchi said as he turned to his female partner.

"They're not bad I guess" Kurotsuchi remarked with a shrugged, although had to silently admit to herself that she would have had a hard time if she had fought either one of them. "It seems Kumo and Kiri have some good quality Kunoichi."

"Man that was awesome!" said an ecstatic Konohamaru after the battle ended.

"Yea, did you see that blonde girl who shot the energy blasts, she was sooo cooollll" a young boy said excitedly.

"That girl Haku was just as cool as her" a young girl said, "Didn't you see how she would appear out of those ice mirrors and how she created that massive ice dragon?"

"Both of them were so powerful" said Udon.

"Iruka-sensei do you think the reason they are so strong is because of their Bloodlines?" Meogi asked.

"In part yes, but not entirely" Iruka answered, where when he saw the confuse look on the children's faces he explained further. "Although it is true that their Bloodlines are very powerful and they gave them a significant advantage. It is not the real reason why they are so strong, they are strong because they trained hard in both their Bloodlines and their individual skills. Strength and skill like theirs cannot be gained natural; it has to be earned through hard work and tireless training."

"So if I were to train hard like them, I could become as strong as they are one day?" a young girl asked.

"Yes you can, if you are willing to give it your all" Iruka replied with a kind smile. "Bloodlines alone do not decide if you are powerful or not, there are many great and powerful Shinobi out there who do not have Bloodlines and are stronger than those who do."

"Wow" said a young boy, "That's it I going to trained hard just like they did,"

"Me too!" said a young girl, "I'm going to train every day, and become just as strong as them."

"Count me in" yelled a young boy.

"Yea me as well" said another girl, where soon enough the whole class was declaring that they would train harder as well.

When Iruka saw this, the young man smiled, since his plan to stimulate the children and show them the value of hard work and training, by allowing them to watch the Chunin finals was working better than he had hoped.

-The Finalist box-

"A Draw?" said Karui in surprise as she couldn't believe that Haku had gotten Samui, just when it looked she had won.

"That Haku girl was a lot tougher than we originally thought" Omoi remarked while thinking, "I guess the old saying is true, a battle is never done, until someone is down and out."

"Looks like you were right Kitten, that ice girl still had a few tricks up her sleeve" the Nibi remarked.

"Yes, I know, it seems Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and Sabaku no Gaara aren't the only ones we should be wary of in this exam" Yugito replied, as to be honest she was a little surprise by how things turned out. It also complicated things; since with Karui's loss to Sai and now Samui's tie with Haku, the only ones left to accomplish their mission were her and Omoi.

"Man, Haku and Samui have really come a long when since I last fought them" Naruto thought as he was amazed at how strong they were.

-In the Kage Box-

"Damn brat you sure know how to pick them" Jiraiya though with an amused smirk, after Genma ended the match and the two Kunoichi were taken away to be treated by the medics

"A draw, How disappointing" the Mizukage said with a sad expression as she had hoped Haku would have made it a little further in the exam. She of course could not fault the girl, as Samui had proven stronger than anyone expected. Yet despite being caught off guard by Samui's Bloodline, she was still able to pull off a draw, which was better than losing. Not to mention given how well Haku fought, she was certain that the battle had earned them some good publicity with the visiting Daimyo's and Feudal Lords.

Mizukage wasn't the only one who was a little disappointed with the outcome of the match. The Raikage had been certain that Samui could win her match, given her Bloodline and her fighting skill. Sadly though they had underestimated Haku, who was able to take Samui down with her.

"It seems Naru-chan was right about those two being strong" Tsunade thought. "It's just as well the battle ended as it did, even if one of them had won, they would have been too tired and injured to fight in the next round and would have been forced forfeit."

"That was a nice battle" the Kazekage suddenly commented.

"Indeed it was" remarked the Sandaime, "Both Kunocihi are a credit to your village, Mizukage-sama, Raikage-sama."

"Thank you Hokage-sama although I will confess I was a little disappointed with how things turned out as I had been certain that Haku would have won" the Mizukage replied.

At this remark the Raikage grunted as he too felt the same way in regards to Samui.

"Yes, but still it was a well fought battle and they both fought admirably and you should be proud of them for that" the Sandaime said.

At this commented the two Kages nodded, as they were indeed proud of the girls.

"Now in regards to being Chunin" the Sandaime spoke. "I vote to having them both becoming Chunin. The two of them showed excellent show of skill when fighting each other and showed an impressive use of Ninjutsu. Both of them also showed calmness of mind and did not panic when under pressure."

"Samui-san showed good sense in keeping her true skills hidden and did not hurry to use them, even when in a tight situation. When she eventually revealed her true skill, she revealed them when they would be of the most use and made good use of them, allowing her to gain an advantage over Haku. She even showed impressive skill in combining her Lightning affinity with her water attack to increase its effectiveness, and throwing in exploding notes to catch her opponent off guard when the attack ended. She also showed excellent foresight which nearly won her the match when she created the Raiton Kage Bunshin (Lightning Style Shadow Clone), and hid under a Genjutsu, waiting for Haku to appear" the Sandaime said before continuing on with Haku.

"Haku-san also displayed good qualities, using her superior speed to her advantage as well as showing the ability to adapt to difficult situations, such as using her ice clones as decoys and using their broken shards to attack Samui. She also used her surroundings to her advantage, where she used the water Samui created earlier to help her create her Kōriryū. Such resourcefulness and adaptability is essential both as a Chunin and as a team leader, where it can often decide if a mission will fail or succeed. Furthermore she showed remarkable talent and skill to create such powerful and versatile techniques like the Kōriryū and the Makyō Hyōshō, and used them to their full extent which allowed her to escape defeat."

Naturally after hearing the Hokage's reasoning the other three Kages nodded the heads and agreed to add their recommendation to make both Haku and Samui Chunins.

-In the Audience-

Once Haku and Samui had been taken away by the medics to be treated, many people in the audience began to mutter to one another with excitement. Since only one match was left in the first round of the finals and it was Sasuke and Omoi's match.

"The next match is finally the Uchiha's one!" said one man in the crowed as he looked at the leaflet for the matches.

"Yea, but who this Omoi kid that he is going against?" the person next to him asked.

"Hmmm…I don't know, but I beat he's nothing compared to an Uchiha."

"Yea you're probably right, but let's hope the match will turn out to be as good as the Senju and Hyuga battle or better yet like the one we just watched."

As the crowed people began to talk, rumours began suddenly spread about Sasuke late arrival. Some said he was forfeiting the match, others said he was injured from training and couldn't fight, while some said he had gone missing and hadn't been seen since the preliminaries.

As the crowed waited for the next match, the visiting Daimyo's and Feudal Lords used the time to place their bets.

-In the Kage Box-

"Has there been any sign of Sasuke yet?" the Hokage asked as he turned to Raidō.

"I'm afraid not Hokage-sama" the Tokubetsu Jōnin replied, which made the old Hokage and his two students worry, fearing the worst.

"I see, I have no choice then…" the Sandaime said as he lowered his head for a moment before lifting it up again. "We cannot let the guests wait like this."

But before the Hokage could tell Raidō to have Sasuke disqualified the Kazekage suddenly said "Ten more minutes."

"Excuse me Kaekage-sama?" the Sandaime asked.

"Can we try and wait for ten more minutes? The guests have been waiting to see the last Uchiha fight. It would be cruel to cancel it. Wouldn't you agree Raikage-sama?" said the Kazekage as he turned to his fellow Kage.

At this question the Raikage narrowed his eyes; normally the bulky Kage would have demanded that Sasuke be eliminated from the finals for being so late and for keeping them waiting. But given how his plan to humiliate Konoha at the Chunin exam depended on Sasuke being in the exam. He had no choice but to agree with the Kazekage's suggestion to wait a little longer.

When the Kazekage requested for more time to be given to Sasuke, Jiraiya narrowed his eyes and stared at the Kage. He was already suspicious enough of him, given the way he was acting lately and how he asked the Hokage to delay Sasuke's match earlier. But now he was even more dubious of him, since this wasn't like the same man he knew. He was also mistrustful over why the Kazekage was going out on such a limb for a Genin that wasn't even from his own village, regardless of the reasons he gave earlier. If this was the Raikage, Jiraiya could understand slightly, since his Genin was fighting Sasuke. But since the Kazekage was the one who was making all the fuss to hold the match, Jiraiya was becoming more and more wary of him.

"What's he up to?" Jiraiya thought as he studied the man carefully.

Jiraiya was of course not the only one who was becoming distrustful of the Kazekage's actions. As his former team-mate Tsunade was just as suspicious of the Kage.

"With all due respect Kazekage-sama, we cannot hold up the finals for one single Genin, regardless of who he is or of how many people have come to watch him fight. We do have other Genin who are ready to compete and who arrived ON TIME. I myself would not ask for such leeway for my son Naruto if he was this late, a Shinobi cannot be late for a mission. If he is, it could cost him the lives of his client or his comrades, causing the mission to fail. If Uchiha Sasuke cannot arrive on time for his match, then how can he be trusted to be on time for a mission?"

"You make a sound argument Tsunade-sama, but we have waited a long time already. Waiting ten more minutes will not make that much of a difference" the Kazekage replied calmly.

"It can make all the difference in the world when on a mission or in a battle, where it can decide the fate of a comrade and the success or failure of a mission and I think we have been more than patient with him. If Uchiha Sasuke cannot be on time now, then he clearly does not deserve to be a Chunin" Tsunade retorted.

Hearing this, the old Hokage could only nod his head, as Tsunade made several valid points. But so did the Kazekage, he could even hear the cries of the people from the crowed, demanding to start the next match and saying that they wanted to see Sasuke fight.

"I must confess both of you make good arguments" the Hokage muttered as he thought what he should do.

"If I may interject Hokage-sama, but perhaps we could come to a compromise?" the Mizukage interjected, making her voice heard.

"Of course, Mizukage-sama, what do you propose?" the Sandaime asked, as he welcomed a possible solution to this conundrum.

"Well as the Kazekage has pointed out, if we disqualify Uchiha Sasuke from the finals many of the visiting Daimyo's, Feudal Lords and Shinobi heads will be greatly annoyed by this. Since for many of them, one of the main reasons why they have come here is to watch Uchiha Sasuke fight. I myself must confess that I would like to see the boy's capability with my own eyes. But at the same time I must agree with what Tsunade-sama said, as his tardiness cannot be tolerated and a Chunin cannot afford to be late for anything" the female Kage said where she then continued on.

"What I suggest is rather simple, we give him the ten extra minutes that the Kazekage asked for. But we remove his candidacy to become a Chunin, regardless of how well he performs in the finals, should he arrived in the allowed time. That way both parties are satisfied, where Uchiha Sasuke still has his chance to fight, but loses his chance to become a Chunin."

When the Sandaime heard this he could only nod his head in agreement, as he found the Mizukage's solution quite reasonable and was rather impressed with the young woman's diplomatic skills. Clearly showing that she was more than a skilled Shinobi and a pretty face and that she was worthy of being the Mizukage of Kiri."

"A very intriguing idea Mizukage-sama, do you have any problems with this Kazekage-sama, Raikage-sama?" the Sandaime asked.

"I have no problem with this" the Raikage replied, as it didn't really matter to him if Sasuke became a Chunin or not, all he needed was for him to be in the finals.

"Nor do I" the Kazekage answered.

"And what of you Tsuande?" asked Sarutobi, as he turned to his former student.

"I have no problem with this" Tsunade said, since she didn't really care if Sasuke got disqualified from the finals or not. She just wanted to see how far the Kazekage was willing to go to keep Sasuke in the finals, and now she knew that whatever the Kazekage was planning, it involved Sasuke.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I'm on to you" Tsunade thought as she watched the Yondaime Kazekage closely.

"Good, Raidō, please tell Genma of what we have decided" the Hokage said to scarred man.

Hearing the Hokage's orders the Tokubetsu Jōnin nodded and once again Shunshin'd away to Genma.

-In the Arena-

After the girls had been taken by the medic, Genma looked up to the finalist box and notice that Sasuke had still not appeared yet.

"Uchiha Sasuke will have to give up his match at this rate" Genma thought.

Seeing that Sasuke hadn't arrived yet, Genma held off on disqualifying Sasuke to see if the Hokage wanted to do anything about it.

After a few minutes he got his answer when Raidō arrived and told him of what the Hokage and the other Kages had decided.

When Raidō finished explaining everything to Genma he went back up to the Kage box.

"I see" Genma thought, as he took out his pocket watch and looked at it, seeing that it was five to two, "A ten minute extension, eh?"

"Ladies and Gentle, due to the fact that Uchiha Sasuke has yet to appear, he will be given a ten minute extensions, if he does not appear in this time, he will be disqualified from the exam" Genma announced.

Naturally when this was announced the crowed did not react very well, as many were angered by the fact that they might not see Sasuke fight.

"Where's the Uchiha?" one person shouted

"Come on, bring him out!" shouted another person

"Yeah, I paid good money to watch the Senju and Uchiha heirs fight!" roared a different person.

"Sasuke-kun!" thought a worried Sakura.

"Geez, I know Kakashi-sensei likes to show up late but this is getting ridiculous! What the hell are Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei playing at?" Nauto thought as he was getting really annoyed with all these delays, especially since his fight with Temari was after Sasuke's match.

"For Kami's shake, what the hell is taking him so long?" Karui asked angrily. As she was starting to get really annoyed with the Uchiha, regardless of how good looking she thought he was.

"So the next ten minutes will decided if I fight the Uchiha or not" Omoi thought with a frown and began sucking on a new lollipop he just took out.

"I don't know what Konoha is playing at? But he better show if we want a chance of achieving our mission" Yugito thought with a frown of her own.

"So Uchiha, will you show up or will you chicken out?" Sai thought, who decided to stop painting and walk over to the railing to see if Sasuke would show up or not.

"Damnit, how much longer do we have to wait?" Kankuro muttered quietly to his sister, as he was starting to get nervous, especially since Sasuke had still not appeared. "Is the Uchiha going to show or not?"

Before his sister could ask, Gaara, who was standing near him spoke.

"He will… I'm sure of it."

When Gaara said this, his siblings could see the bloodlust in their younger brother's eyes. It was a look they knew all too well and they could tell it had only grown as he watched the other finalists fight.

Seeing that Gaara was not far from losing control of himself. The two older Sand siblings could only hope that their young brother could contain his bloodlust long enough for the Uchiha to arrive and for the invasion to begin.

"Please Sasuke-kun…Please come" Sakura thought as she prayed for the safe arrival of her team-mate/Crush.

-In the Arena-

Standing in the middle of the arena, Genma watch as time ticked away until eventually his watch hit five past two.

"Times up, guess that is it for the Uchiha" the Tokubetsu Jōnin thought.

"The deadline is up and Uchiha Sasuke has not arrived, therefore he…." Genma said. But before he could finish speaking, a large whirlwind of leaves appeared in front of him. Once it died down he saw Uchiha Sasuke and his sensei Hatake Kakashi standing back to back to one another, where Kakashi then looked over to Genma and said.

"Sorry…Are we late?"