
The birth of Aurora

On July 17, 1999 a girl was born on the village of Salinas in texas, this girl was on a thunderstorm that the girl was enabled to get to the hospital. Although the parent, Maggie Soltman and Edward Soltman, thought that the baby was a boy. However, that was not the main consorned because the baby was stolen from the moment that the parents, and servants let her sleep for a moment. In till this day they haven't found the little baby that was taken from them, 12 years later that girl is on an orphanage she is 11 years old. Aurora was the only girl that had a learn to read and write in the orpwould have be the best thing that would happen to Aurora but sadly it was not. On Aurora fifteen birthday her step brother, Devon Alexander, wanted to touch her but her mom came into the room and said " what are you guys doing". I stay in silence because I was afraid that they would have returned me back to the orphanage. so Devon spoke with his deep voice " mother I am teaching her how to defend herself from a rappist that is all." he had a smile that I wanted to go away, he is a liar but I had to be quite or else, I thought to myself when Gage Alexander, my father, came and said" I didn't knew that here was the party", he said sarcastic tone. my father is a very nice men, he has blue eyes, grey hair and he is very tall. Devon is handsome somhanage, she learn by listening the adults talk and when she went out to the park and grab the notebooks rich kids threw in the trash. One day on Aurora birthday a family was there to adopt a child furthermore this e women will say although those green eyes, pinkish lips, blonde hair, and his masculine body is not enough for him because he is creepy with me. he does not let me talked to other boys and looks at me weird. Eva Alexander is the wife of Gage, and the matter of Devon. she is an average height woman, green eyes, small lips, and she has a beautiful hair but a horrible temper. On the middle of the end of the party Aurora excused herself to her room because she was too tired. On her way to the door she locked it so the big bad wolf wouldn't bitten her, over the nightmares she have had since Devon return from college vacation. On the party Devon is try to go to Aurora but his mom said" honey were are you going", she said with her horrible temper. Although it took seconds for Devon to respond her finely said" I am going to the restroom",

Eva Said "but your father is not done telling the story about your birth"m she said even madder.

Devon Said" I have heard that story over 19 times mom",

Eva said" I know but ok just go", she said giving him the sad look. she wanted to spend time with her only son to spend time because this wouldn't be last time to see him. Only because he wasn't gonna come back in till college is over