
New Age

It has been a few months since I embarrassed the World Government, an Admiral, a Vice Admiral, killed several Cipher Pol members, freed many slaves, destroyed the entire Human Auction House as well as my biggest crime ... killed three Celestial Dragons.

My bounty shot through the roof that day. I was now one of the men with the highest bounty in the world. It was now 4.7 billion and that was probably only because they hadn't found Roger at that time. I say this in the past tense because the news went through the world, that Gol D. Roger has been captured by the Marines. I know this to be a lie though. Roger was safe where he was, thanks to me causing some chaos. 

With Roger's illness, he probably turned himself in. I can feel a change coming soon. A great change, and the world is waiting for it. During this past year, I have been increasing my time meditating and my understanding of the essence of all things has deepened. I have glimpsed at certain things from the past as well as the future. I have also had my first glimpse at worlds beyond this world. I am getting stronger and stronger. 

I know that in about a decade, I will probably be attuned to the essence of this world. I know that I have the potential to not only be attuned to this world but the very essence of the multiverse and the entire omniverse itself. All universes, timelines, dimensions, multiverses, hyperverses, planes of existence, voids, and overvoids will then be within the reach of my senses. 

All it takes is time. 


I have found out that I can copy, steal and even nullify the abilities and powers of others. This happened by chance and I didn't realise it happened until the Cipher Pol agent, lost his devil fruit powers. He suddenly was unable to use them and I was just as surprised as he was. I began to understand though, that this was my doing. That day, I also found out that I not only can nullify powers, but I can also copy, steal, transfer and enhance the powers of others. 

At first, I thought about taking all of the abilities from Roger and then later, giving them to his child that will be born. But if his child was anything like he was, then it would never accept this. There wasn't really anything I wanted in this world. The physical might of the Sea Kings was the only thing that could interest me at the moment. If I could, I would leave after Roger's execution, but I still need some time.

Freeing the world and getting rid of the World Government didn't cross my mind. It never works. You can't have one dictatorship replaced by another and then think it works if the dictator leaves. The humans, Fish-Men, Lunarians, Buccaneers and all the others had to make the choice themselves and fight for their freedom. Only then will peace and freedom last and mean anything. 


The day has arrived. Roger's execution is going to take place. I have taken a comfortable seat in a building. No one seems to see me here, since I use 'Observation Killing' or Kenbunshoku's death as I call it. No one can see me using Kenbunshoku if I use this and since I am high up, and there are literally thousands of people here, I'm sure that they won't see me here.

I see Roger walking along the path and up the platform. It would be so simple for him to just break free of those handcuffs and leave, but he doesn't do it. I feel the world itself is seemingly holding its breath about what will happen.

"All right, let's get this over with quickly.", Roger says as he sits down and faces the crowd below. I send a very faint burst of Haoshoku towards him with my eyes. It can't be felt by anyone else except him and our eyes meet. 

{Are you going to do something chaotic again, Roger?}, I say through Haoshoku.

{Raha, Sid. I knew you'd be a strong one but to think that you would already have reached this stage? Impressive indeed. Say Sid ... can I ask you for a favour?}, Roger asks me through his Haoshoku.

{Is it about your kid?}

{So you know about that too ... yes, I wanted to ask whether you could make sure that Garp does what I asked of him.}

{So you asked Garp to take care of your child, but not me? And now you want to make me the babysitter for Garp?}

{No, I just know that you probably won't stay in one place for long. I have this feeling that you might be going in the future and then my child would be alone. But I know that Garp will do it. I don't know, however, if the World Government will find them.}

{I won't leave any time soon, Roger. I'll take care of your two loved ones for a while, don't worry.}

{Raha, thank you, Sid. You always were good with kids. Rahahaha}

{Hahaha, that's true. They are enjoyable to be around, I admit.}

{It was fun meeting you Sid. Thank you for your help.}

{Thank you for letting me sail with you guys. I enjoyed myself.}

{You were never really a normal child, were you?}

{Who is?}

{Rahahahahaha, you're right ... goodby Gautama Siddharta.}

{Goodbye Gol D. Roger.}


This conversation took two seconds. Haoshoku has so much potential. The two executioners started their little show when a voice was heard from the crowd.

"Hey, Pirate King! Where did you hide all the treasure you found?! You got it, didn't you?! That legendary treasure! That great treasure! The One Piece!!"

It seems that someone just gave Roger his chance for one last move against the World Government and the Marines on a silver platter.

"Rahahahaha. My treasure? If you want it, you can have it! Find it! I left all this world has to offer there!"

*Stab sound*

Just as he finished he was stabbed ...


Silence permeated the place and then ... 


Thousands of people screamed in joy or laughter. And I felt it. The change ... it was here, right now everything had changed. The Marines in their attempt to cull the herd of new pirates, had just done the exact opposite. A new age had now begun, that would push many many more people to choose the life of piratery. 

I couldn't help it ... I laughed at the irony of all of this. The person who came up with this in my past life was truly a genius. I don't regret never reading it. I don't regret anything, but I am sad for those who will never get to see the end of this story. I will see it end as I will be present when the story comes to an end. 

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ... this is fabulous. Simply marvellous. Kudos to you, good sir."

I shook my head and then left the place. I wanted to meet Buggy and Shanks before I left. I could see them crying. In a few years, I'm sure they understand Roger's words and actions. But now they're still kids and are sad about his death. 


"Come with me Buggy.", Shanks says to Buggy.

"I'm not going to work under you Shanks!", Buggy screams and I smile.

"That's the spirit you two. Pave your own path through this world and have your own adventures. Although I guess it doesn't get much better than what you two already had."

"Sid!" "Sid-san!"

"How are you two? Did you have a good first year as independent future pirates?"

"We already ARE pirates!", Buggy protested.

"We did."

"So what's the plan for you two? Are you going to one of the blues first? Or straight back to the Grand Line?", I ask them.

"I will first try to gather a strong and good crew. So one of the Blues first. The Grand Line will come later.", Shanks says. I can see that he learned a lot on Roger's ship. Buggy on the other hand. Well, he has always been interested in treasure.

"I will get the biggest treasure there is. I guess I'll also gather a powerful crew. One that is more powerful than yours Shanks."

"That's impossible."

"What? Why?!"

"You don't have what it takes to be a powerful Captain, like I do."

"I do too!!", Buggy screams and they begin another one of their brawls. 

"Haha, sounds like you two have a plan. If you want, I could take you somewhere. I know that you understand why I couldn't take you last time."

"Yes, you created quite the scene. Fighting Garp and Sengoku."

"That was so cooooool!", Buggy said with stars in his eyes.

We said our goodbyes after that. Buggy and Shanks wanted to go on their journey on their own. No piggyback from me. I can accept that and now it is time for me to leave Loguetown. I can feel that I'll find Roger's child in South Blue. So I'll go there first. 



I did indeed find her. Portgas D. Rogue, Roger's love in South Blue on the island of Baterilla. She was still pregnant with their child when I arrived. I told her to give birth and that I'd keep watch over them. My calming aura managed to convince the stubborn woman. I can see the love for her child burning in her eyes. It put a smile on my face back then. 

Not even two weeks later, Garp came to Baterilla. Roger's whereabouts weren't so secret as he'd hoped and the Navy as well as CP were looking desperately for Rogue. So imagine his surprise when he met me again after one year. 

We fought of course. Not really a fight but more of a putting his head back in place. He was angry with me for some reason. I didn't care and told him to get Rogue and little Ace to safety. Garp couldn't say no when he saw Ace and Rogue together. He had a weak spot for children it seemed. 

That's how Garp smuggled both Rogue and Ace out of South Blue. It was hard for them because while Garp's actions were famous for being random and chaotic, it was still suspicious that he was in South Blue for a short time and then instantly left again to go to East Blue. Garp was smart, to go to East Blue. I have to say the old man knows his stuff. 

The arrogance of the navy and World Government would never believe that the Pirate King's child would be in the weakest sea where they had just killed Roger. During this time, I took my time checking out South Blue. It was nice here and the increased Marine presence added to my fun. I took my time taking out several Marine ships. 

This served not only as fun but also as a distraction for Garp, who was smuggling the two. The Marines wrongly believed me to have Roger's child with me and that I was trying to protect it. They were of course wrong but that didn't stop me from having fun with several Cipher Pol agents from Cipher Pol 0 to Cipher Pol 9, there was one of each there at some point.


After a month or two, I stopped targeting Marine ships and also went to East Blue. I would take a while to focus on my meditation and grow in power and understanding. I would be able to see different timelines and dimensions if there are any. I would be able to see the future and the past and I would also be able to travel to a different world. 

I took my time travelling to East Blue. I first went to North Blue and then simply scaled up the Red Line and over to East Blue. The Navy would never guess that I could do that, so their location would be safe.


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