
The Honeymoon Handbook:Rekindling Romance After ‘I Do’

Leo Starr, a renowned business tycoon, hails from an illustrious family and wields immense wealth and power. In the business world, he is known for his cold and abstinent demeanor. Leo Starr appears invincible, a cold and unfeeling workaholic who is both admired and feared by many. However, fate has a way of surprising us. Just when everyone thought he would maintain his icy facade forever, a piece of shocking news shook the business and entertainment circles: Leo Starr had a flash marriage! One day, paparazzi captured a photo of Leo Starr holding hands with a mysterious woman, suggesting they were already living together. The next moment, Leo Starr personally clarified the rumors: “She’s not a mysterious woman; she’s my wife. Here’s our fan page, remember to check in daily.” The internet exploded with disbelief. The once cold and abstinent tycoon had transformed into a dispenser of affection, publicly showcasing his love and inviting everyone to join in celebrating their relationship. Stella Orion, a kind and gentle twenty-one-year-old girl, married Leo Starr following her family’s arrangement. She had anticipated a mundane, perhaps even distant married life. To her surprise, she was treated like a princess. Whenever she cried, Leo Starr was the first to comfort her. When she was hungry, he personally fed her. Often, he would hold her on his lap, affectionately calling her his “little sweetheart.” This unexpected tenderness left her both surprised and delighted. As days went by, Stella Orion gradually discovered that Leo Starr was not just her husband but also her long-forgotten first love. They had shared a brief yet beautiful childhood memory, but circumstances had pulled them apart. One day, Stella Orion anxiously asked, “If we didn’t have this arranged marriage, would we have met again?” Leo Starr looked at her deeply and replied with unwavering determination, “Yes. I promised you, no matter where you go, I will always find you.” This is a tale of love, commitment, and eternal devotion. Despite the trials and tribulations, they believe that true love can overcome all obstacles and bring everlasting happiness.

Starlinkkk · Urban
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Let everyone know you’re taken

After the last class in the afternoon, Stella and her three roommates took a cab straight to the pasta restaurant.

Their timing was perfect; the previous table had just left when they arrived. While the server was resetting the table, the four girls huddled together to choose their dishes.

"Good thing Bella White and the others didn't follow us," Jane said, sipping her soda. "Otherwise, it would've ruined our appetite."

Samantha glanced toward the entrance, "Or maybe they just haven't shown up yet?"

Stella quickly clasped her hands together and murmured, "Oh, please, God, I just want to enjoy my pasta in peace. Please don't let them show up. Please, please, please!"

"Don't worry, they won't come," Anna said with a smile. "Ken is probably sulking because he knows you've moved on, and Bella can't show off without him, so they'll definitely stay away."

Samantha looked disdainful, "Ken is such a fool. Doesn't he realize Bella is using him? And he's supposed to be a law school genius?"

"They're using each other, birds of a feather. They're a perfect match," Anna said. "But Bella didn't find out who your new boyfriend is today, so she probably won't give up."

"Exactly! Someone started a guessing thread on the forum," Jane showed her phone screen. "Look, the same ID as the one who posted about you and Ken breaking up. Do you think it's Bella herself?"

Samantha slapped the table, "It's definitely her. That post was so obviously trying to make you look bad."

Anna frowned, "She's really persistent."

Stella scrolled through the guessing thread, seeing a long list of names she had nothing to do with—guys from various departments and schools, and many people guessing it was Leo Kent.

She didn't know most of those people and didn't want to drag them into her mess. Just as she was about to clarify things on the forum, she found the page had already shown "404 Not Found."

"Jane, this thread… why is it gone?"

"Huh?" Jane refreshed the page several times. "It really is gone." She fiddled with her phone for a while and then looked up in shock. "Stella, it looks like all the threads about you and any supposed relationships… they've all disappeared."

Stella widened her eyes, "Really?"

"What?! What about my ship with Stella?" Anna put down her chopsticks and anxiously checked her phone. "Crap, that's gone too! Who did this… Stella, why are you laughing? Our 'Anna-Stella' ship has been sunk!"

Stella giggled. She was relieved that all the threads were gone. Some of the pairings were too ridiculous, and while she didn't mind, she worried about causing trouble for the others involved.

Jane exclaimed, "Wow, which tech genius did this? So fast and precise… Stella, could it be your Leo found out about the threads and got jealous, so he had the school forum hacked?"

Stella laughed, "No way, he doesn't have time for such trivial matters." Getting jealous was even more unlikely; Leo Starr didn't have feelings for her.

She glanced at the bottled milk on the table, wondering how Leo was doing in the coastal city, and if he had eaten dinner. As a wife, it shouldn't be a bother to call and check in on her husband, right?

She dialed his number.


He answered so quickly that she didn't have time to prepare herself, "…Hello, um, Leo?"

"Yes, it's me." Leo seemed to chuckle.

The deep laughter through the phone sounded even more magnetic, making Stella's ears tingle. She stammered, "Did you get off the plane?"

What a stupid question!

Leo laughed, "Yes, I'm in my hotel room now."

She felt so embarrassed and spoke softly, "Have you had dinner?"

"No, I don't have an appetite."

Stella frowned, "You can't skip meals. Even a bowl of porridge would be good for your stomach."

"Alright, I'll order something soon," he replied, "What are you having for dinner?"

"Pasta! With my roommates!" she said excitedly, not noticing that Leo had said "you" in plural. Then she added, "This place is really popular. When you come back, let's eat here together?"

She regretted it immediately, thinking of how Leo might not like the noisy atmosphere of a pasta restaurant.

But he agreed, "Sure."

Less than a minute after the call ended, Leo sent a message that made Stella drop her chopsticks in shock.

[Leo: Transferred $100,000 to you]

[Leo: Treat your friends well.]

[Leo: It's on me.]

Goodness, she didn't know the app had such a high transfer limit. She had been unaware of her own poverty.

[Stella: No need!]

[Stella: Leo, I have money!]

[Leo: It's traditional for me to cover the celebration dinner.]

Stella was surprised that Leo knew about the "celebration dinner" custom.

[Leo: I can't be there this time. Next time, I'll treat your friends. Is that okay?]

[Stella: Of course!]

[Stella: But, Leo, you really don't need to spend so much on pasta~]

[Leo: Then keep it as pocket money.]

[Leo: Be good and enjoy your meal.]

[Stella: Alright, you eat too~]

[Leo: Okay.]

[Stella: [Sending you love]]

Leo looked at the blooming rose on his screen and smiled quietly. Then he called room service, "I'd like to order a chicken soup."

On the day of Leo's return, the weather in the city was stormy, and his flight was delayed by four hours. When he finally landed at the airport, he received several messages from Stella, sent hours ago, checking on his safety.

She had probably checked the flight status and, learning about the delay, sent a final message: "Don't rush, safety first." She didn't message again after that. Leo didn't reply, knowing it was already 1 a.m., and she must be asleep.

When he opened the door to his home, the hallway light was still on. He set down his luggage, changed his shoes, and saw someone curled up on the sofa out of the corner of his eye.

His young wife was wearing soft loungewear, holding a pillow in one hand and her phone in the other, having fallen asleep while waiting for him.

Leo's movements paused midway through untying his tie. A warmth surged in his chest, turning the fatigue and frustration from his long journey into a comforting heat that spread throughout his body.

He was used to being alone, unattached, never imagining someone would be waiting for him late at night.

Leo took off his damp outerwear and crouched beside the sofa.

The girl had curled herself into a ball with nothing covering her. He touched her lightly—her hands and feet were cold. He gently tried to pick her up, but as soon as he held her waist, she woke up.

She blinked sleepily, stared at his face for a while, then mumbled, "Dreaming again," and closed her eyes.

Leo couldn't help but laugh.

He leaned closer, curiously asking, "You've dreamed of me before?"

Stella mumbled an "mm-hmm" in her sleep, but a few seconds later, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and stiffened: "You're back?"

"Yeah," Leo brushed aside the stray hair from her forehead and asked, "What were you dreaming about me?"

Her ears turned red: "Nothing, really."


Feeling embarrassed to death by his questioning, Stella stammered, "Really, it was nothing. I just can't sleep well when you're not home, so I dreamt about you."

Oh crap, what am I saying? Isn't that basically saying: I miss you so much I can't sleep, I think about you day and night and even dream about you. Oh my god, am I flirting with Leo?

Stella grabbed a pillow and covered her face, not wanting to face him.

Leo didn't press further. He chuckled and lifted her off the sofa, leading her to the bedroom. "Go to bed. Don't catch a cold."

She blushed and obediently followed him, but she stopped him when they passed the kitchen: "Wait, let me make you some wonton soup. You should eat before sleeping."

Stella had guessed Leo wouldn't eat dinner before his flight, so she had prepared some wontons for a late-night snack. With the flight delay, he must be starving.

The girl tied up her hair and started cooking the wontons, while Leo, having removed his suit and tie, sat at the bar counter, watching her.

The broth was ready, and the wontons cooked quickly. Stella, mindful of not making him too full before bed, cooked just fifteen and served them in a big bowl with the broth.

"Do you eat cilantro?" she asked.

"I do," he replied.

Stella happily sprinkled a spoonful of chopped cilantro on top. "I like cilantro too, but I heard it's one of the top three most disliked vegetables. I think it's delicious though."

Leo smiled, scooping a wonton and tasting it. The broth was rich, and the filling was savory.

Stella watched eagerly, "How is it?"

"Very good," Leo nodded.

Stella's large eyes curved into crescent moons.

He then offered a wonton to her, and she hesitated, "You eat. I'm not hungry."

Leo had seen her sneaking glances at the food and didn't believe her. "Open your mouth."

Stella happily complied, eating with her eyes squinted in satisfaction.

Fifteen minutes later, the couple sat at the bar, having shared the bowl of wontons.

"Should've cooked more," Stella thought as she lay in bed, feeling guilty for eating half of the snack she made for him.

Leo, smelling faintly of shower gel, got into bed and saw her wide-awake eyes. "Not sleeping?"

"Sleeping, just need a moment."

Leo left one bedside lamp on and then handed her a small box. It was a carved wooden jewelry box, elegant and refined.

"For me?" Stella asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Leo leaned beside her. "A gift."

Stella happily accepted it, "Thank you, Leo!"

She opened the box, revealing a ring nestled in deep blue satin. The ring was platinum with diamond accents and topped with a small, intricately carved white jade rabbit, lifelike and adorable.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" As someone who grew up wearing a jade pendant, she had a fondness for jade, and being born in the year of the rabbit, she couldn't resist the little jade rabbit.

Leo took her hand and slid the ring onto her right ring finger. Her slender, fair fingers complemented the exquisite jade ring perfectly.

"Do you like it?" Leo asked.

"I love it!" Stella admired it for a moment and then looked at his hand.

Leo raised his left hand, showing a matching white jade ring on his ring finger. It was simpler, with no diamonds, just a jade band encircled with platinum, sleek and elegant.

Stella placed their hands side by side, admiring them from every angle, unable to let go.

"These are couple rings," Leo said, "You have to wear it all the time, don't take it off."

"But what if it gets dirty?" she hesitated.

"I'll have someone clean it regularly," Leo reiterated, "You have to wear it all the time."

Stella nodded, then said, "I rarely wear jewelry. A lot of people will probably ask about it."

Leo clasped her hand, interlocking their fingers. "That's the point."

"Point of what?"

"To let everyone know you're taken."