
The Holy Tree

In a world where trees and humans intertwined, there lived a line of powerful beings known as Holy Trees. Born to protect all races, only one Holy Tree can be born at a time. Although they keep balance in the world through the use of all elements in their reality, one of them happened to fail his task, putting more burden on the current Holy Tree, who had only just been born in the present day.

Jaylon_Evans · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 1: The Story of Adan Pt1

In a time unknown, there is a planet known as Earth in another dimension, which still resides there today. Through the steep hills and across the deepest valley lived the most vital being, who would save all of tree-manity; however, things were not always this way.

Long ago, humans were only humans, and trees were only trees. At this time, the closest thing to magic was good and bad witches, but most humans weren't fond of witches either way.

Everything else was simple until a certain individual, who would soon end this balanced style of life, was born just on the outskirts of a nameless village. Located deep within an everyday woodland area laid the shabbiest of tents, composed of dead wood, mud and scattered leaves, where a boy named Adan was brought about.

Oddly enough, this child, who'd unknowingly change the world, seemed no different from the rest–no strange birthmark, nor deformities of any kind–nothing, but the fact that he'd not cried on his day of birth, for he was too enticed by the sounds of nature.

From an owls' howl to a foxes' snicker, he could hear every animal that night with great detail; however, his parents could not hear the same and feared their child had died upon birth.

When the father leaned down to check his pulse, he could feel the child's beating heart. He could also feel the soft, steady breaths of a newborn as the boy gazed through the opening of their home, not paying any mind to his concerned father.

Although the parents thought this to be strange, frightened that it may be the work of a witch, they choose to keep the child, hoping they'd not suffer any consequences later on.

As the child grew older, the sounds of nature grew more vivid. It'd gotten to a point where he could hear whispers in his own language. In fact, by the age of four, any time he went walking with his father, Adan sometimes got confused, not knowing which whisper to hear or ignore.

At the age of six, the boy could now hear the animals as they conversed, but it wasn't the same as humans: their mouths moved differently.

The inhumane noises that Adan received in his language were all jumbled together in his ear. There was no longer a way to tell who or which entity was slipping words through his sound-gates: the boy was greatly irritated.

As much as he wanted to cry of his worries in his parents embrace, Adan dreaded what might come next. He feared the village would think him an outcast and discard him into the wilderness.

He feared that he'd be taken to the village square and burned with fire, similar to the witches in the tales his parents told; however, nothing compared to the fear of being disowned by the parents who'd raised him with love and the faces they'd show upon discovering the truth.

It was for these reasons he told not a soul of the abilities he held, especially his parents.

For the next few years, the boy would train secretly under the night sky, learning the sounds of every animal, so that he may better distinguish the difference between a humans' talk and an animals' chatter. During these long years, the boy would learn how to hunt as a wolf, how to fish as a bear, how to gallop as a deer and much more.

It wasn't until the age of nine that Adan could make out the difference between the many species he'd seen, now able to unravel the jumble of noises that'd bound him for so long. He was lucky to have done it without raising any alarms, but little did he know his luck would soon run thin.

At the age of ten, Adan's parents had become curious of where Adan would go late in the night. Although their son was stronger than most adults in the village, they couldn't help their curiosity as they both secretly followed the boy deep into the woods.

Expecting to see an area filled with strength training equipment, one could imagine their expressions as their son walked into the center of a clearing and yelled out in a language they'd dare not be able to pronounce.

They both shrank as a great herd of deer came galloping to his call, watching them and the boy play together as if they'd done so many times before.

Upon Adan finishing off his little randevu with the stroke of a deer's snout, the herd galloped away to spread the word of the human boy who could talk to animals.

The word would soon leap from animal to animal until the gossip reached the ends of the world. Even witches would hear of Adan's tale through unknown means.

Too speechless to approach the boy, Adan's parents left for their shabby tent, then laid in wait for their mysterious son's arrival. Adan soon walked through his tent to find his parents sitting on their knees as if they were expecting him.

Millions of thoughts ran through the boy's minds as both his parents looked upon him, but the thoughts they held became all too clear when he was asked to sit by his father. The command was not spoken in a voice of anger, nor fear, but a voice of lifelessness and confusion.

As was asked of him, the boy sat in front of his parents, hoping with all his heart that their ignorance of his secret remained.

As soon as the boy was settled in, the father asked the boy, in his most calming voice, to explain.

"Explain what?" the boy questioned, still clinging to the hope of ignorance, "I don't know what you're talking abou…

"There is no hiding what we saw this night," the father interrupted, shaking the boy to his very core.

Seeing no reason to hide the truth from his parents any longer, he began telling them everything, starting from the age of four. As the story went on, his father's anger became more apparent as his mother grew sadder.

When the boy finished, his father yelled and questioned, "Why… why had you not told us sooner?"

"Because," the boy whined, "I feared you'd both disown me."

"We would never!" his mother cried out, "For you are our beloved son and Adan be your name… Nothing in this world could convince us otherwise, no matter how different you may seem."

Adan was in tears, for he'd never expected his parents to be so understanding. "Really," he cried as years' worth of useless anxiety drifted away.

"Of course!" his father answered, "Now promise to never keep secrets again."

"I promise," the boy pledged, while surrounded by his parents' embrace, in a moment he believed would never come to pass.

Since Adan's birth, his parents knew their lives would be far from ordinary, but it wouldn't stop their pursuit of happiness; unfortunately, the parents weren't the only ones to hear of this confession.

There was a man who'd come to visit the small family and just so happened to hear all that was said. For this reason, he ran to the village and told the chief of his newly found secret.

Hello Everyone who's reading the AT!

Just wanted to thank you for readin the first chapter of my first novel.

I didn't known what was too long or too short, so I just went with 1200 word (Hope that's not a problem).

If you have any questions down the line, please feel free to ask! :)

Jaylon_Evanscreators' thoughts