
The Hollow Swordsman

Noelle has no ambition, he's a loner that enjoys adrenaline a bit too much and has more money than he know what to do with.While on a field trip with his school he ends up separated due to his thrill seeking and gets pulled into something greater. ___________________ I'm righting this as a hobby so don't expect much.I do plan to complete this story so theirs that, but the updates will be pretty sporadic since i'm still in highschool.

AzureFantasy · Urban
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9 Chs

Return to Civilization

The police were as annoying as Noah expected them to be.They pestered him with question after question as his brain worked at max capacity to form lie after lie.Standing outside of the police station a black car waited for him that he immediately climbed into.

Noah let out a sigh before asking asking Eric "How's my father."

Eric was the exclusive chauffeur that his dad hired for him since he was young.He had his license but why have a chauffeur and not use it."Worried, but overall in good health"

Noah let out a sigh of relief and leaned his head against the window.'When can I come out' asked Excalibur who was currently waiting in the storage ring.While living beings couldn't be put in their, it was debatable about whether or not she was truly alive so she bypassed those rules.

'When we get to my house' he said as Eric drove to the hospital his father was staying at.

"Are you in good health Noah" Eric asked concerned

"Yea the only real problem was the perpetual darkness of the cave" he replied partially lying.He told the police that the river brought him to an underground cave and his spent the past month navigating it.

Arriving at there destination Noah entered the hospital alongside Eric.Greeting the workers as they passed by they entered the elevator.

'Why are we here'

'My father stays here-' Noah paused '-he has a terminal illness'

'My condolences' she replied.

Stepping out of the elevator he went to the room his father was staying.

Opening the door they were greeted with the sight of a frail looking man who appeared to be in his late thirties.Long dark brown hair that fell past his shoulders and combined with his androgynous appearance made him appear feminine.He was currently sitting up typing on a laptop resting in his lap.

Seeing that he didn't notice them, Noah broke the silence "Father"

Lifting his head his father Lennon looked towards the source of the noise and saw his son who disappeared for a month.A look of relief overcame his face as he tried to get up to hug him.Noah seeing this rushed up to his father and softly pushed him back down.

"You shouldn't be standing"

"What's wrong with me wanting to get up and hug my son"

"Your health father"Noah rebutted sternly.

"You won't ever get a wife with this blunt attitude of yours Noah"

Not even bothering to acknowledge that statement he asked warmly "How have you been Dad"

"I could ask the same to you," causing Noah to sigh.Sure he could tell his dad that down in the caves he witnessed the demise of a dragon, got magical powers, and was know liable to be attacked at anytime by inter-dimensional demons.But with his father's declining health that would due more harm than good.He instead told the same lie he said to the police.

As they continued to converse a doctor came in and interrupted the two."Excuse me, but I have to ask the two of you to leave while I preform the check-up." Nodding Noah got up and told his father "I'm exhausted after spending a month in the cave, so I probably won't visit tomorrow." His father smiled and said "It's fine your health is as important as mine."


Locking the door behind him as he entered his house Noah took Excalibur out of his ring.She instantly transformed "Finally, there's almost no entertainment in the storage ring." she said "Sorry, but it would have been a pain to explain who you are" he apologized "Would you like me to show you around the house."

"Sure" she said following behind him as he led her to the kitchen."This is the kitchen,I don't really care what you eat, just tell me when were out of something."

Leading her upstairs he opened one of the doors on the right. "This is the room we usually use for guest so you can stay in here" he said giving her time to get a grasp of the room before leading her back downstairs to the living room.

"Tomorrow we'll probably spend most of the day shopping to get you things like a phone, so until then your free to do whatever you want" he said grabbing snacks out of the kitchen before collapsing on the couch and turning on the T.V.

Excalibur freaked out when the T.V. was turned on and it took a couple of minutes to explain to her what it was.Hesitantly siting down on the couch, she stared at the T.V in wonder.

'Relax' he transmitted passing her a drink and some of the snacks he brought 'we deserve at least a day of rest' nodding she took the them from his hand and wrapped herself in one of the spare blankets.Before the two knew it they fell into a peaceful slumber, all the stress from the pass month finally catching up to them.