
The Hokage Married Tsunade

Ye Chen traveled through the world of Naruto and happened to be attending the Jonin Convention! At this moment, Tsunade proposed to reform the medical system and was rejected. As Tsunade’s classmate, Ye Chen said that he is just a soy saucer. At this time, the system appears! “The system starts, and in view of the host’s current situation, three start options are given!” “Option 1: Be a salted fish, sit idly by, and stay away from the plot! Reward: An improved version of Bamen Dunjia!” “Option 2: Strongly oppose Tsunade, reward: Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.” “Option 3: Agree earlier than Kato Duan, reward: Supreme Novice Gift Pack!” Ye Chen chooses… Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Man in Naruto Marries a Wife Tsunade”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. -------------------------------- Original Author: ATree

Fire_Cultivation · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 008

Although it fell into the downside for a short time, the elite upper patience is the elite upper patience, even under such a stormy attack.

Still barely defended, the only problem may be the knife in his hand, which is already a little worn out.

I think that under the increase of thunder and lightning, Ye Chen's knife is sharper than the ordinary increase in thunder attributes!

If Ye Chen comes up a few more times, I am afraid that he will also be in danger.

Ye Chen attacked so many times in a row, and now his physical strength began to be a little insufficient.

Although he has the Thunder Fruit and does not need to rely on Chakra, it consumes real physical strength when moving.

And although he has focused on physical training over the years, it is a pity that he does not have the bug resilience of the immortal body, so the efficiency is very low, and it cannot support him to skip the battle.

Now fighting with this elite Shinobi, he realized that his strength and endurance were too poor, the other party's face was still red and breathless, and he was a little exhausted.

The elite Shangren saw this scene and hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen's gap in the blink of an eye.

The knife in his right hand blocked Ye Chen's attack, and then with a wave of his left hand, he threw out a shuriken and flew into the air

Subsequently, he completed the seal with one hand!

"Shuriken Shadow Doppelgänger Art!"

The shuriken quickly split in the air, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a thousand shurikens had appeared around Ye Chen!

The next moment, the elite Shangnin pulled his left hand, countless silk threads appeared, and the countless shurikens that rotated in the air suddenly flew towards Ye Chen!

This is actually the art of shuriken shadow avatar! Ye Chen also only looked at three generations of Hokage used in the original work.

Of course, the three generations use this move to tens of thousands of shurikens, and this elite Shinobu is obviously much worse than the third generation.

In the face of such an indiscriminate dense attack, even Ye Chen's speed could only avoid a few, not to mention that his physical strength was still in trouble.

And the shuriken thrown by the elite shuriken is not a joke, and it is still no problem for the strength of the shuriken to abolish an ordinary shinobi.

When Ye Chen saw this scene, he simply gave up dodging, continued to attack with a knife with his right hand, and pointed his left hand at the elite Shangnin.

The elite Shangren was shocked when he saw this scene, could it be that Ye Chen would also unseal it with one hand?

Now his own shuriken will attack in the blink of an eye, Ye Chen actually did not choose to dodge, did he want to die with himself?

Thinking that this elite Shangren was about to retreat, Ye Chen spoke

"Millions of volts! Thunder Beast!! "

As soon as Ye Chen's words fell, without any imprints, a blue beast covered in lightning actually flew out of his left hand!

"You don't need to seal it!?"

The power of this thunder beast is not to mention that it is also A-level, and it can actually be cast without a seal, but this elite Shangnin has only been seen in the first and second generations!

The speed of lightning was so fast, not to mention the level of tens of millions of volts, this elite Shinobu was too late to use the Avatar Technique now.

The next moment there was a violent flash of blue light, and the entire forest seemed to be shrouded in holy light, making people unable to see directly, and the birds in the forest were frightened and flew around.

At the same time, those thousands of shurikens also fell!

When the strong light completely disappeared, the elite Shangnin was already lying on the ground, and from time to time, there was a sound of nourishment on his body, like the sound of roasting meat.

Ye Chen knew that the strength of the strong people in the Hokage world was not necessarily weaker than that of One Piece, but in terms of physical resistance to strikes, it was indeed weaker than that of the One Piece world.

Even those bug-level existences in the Hokage World rely on various abilities to protect their bodies, and very few really rely on their body's ability to resist blows.

So tens of millions of volts should be enough to incapacitate the elite.

That elite Shangnin did indeed lose the ability to act as he thought, although he still desperately raised his head, and the scene he saw next made this elite Shangnin instantly stunned.

"Is it similar to the abilities of the Ghost Lantern family… Careless…"

After muttering a word, the elite Shinobu finally passed out.

It turned out that the thousands of shurikens before did not hurt Ye Chen at all, but were completely evaded by his elementalization.

What this elite Shinobi saw was Ye Chen's body full of holes and lightning.

This ability is indeed similar to the hydration of the ghost lamp family, except that Ye Chen's elementalization is almost not consumed, while the ghost lamp family consumes a lot of chakra.

Ye Chen also won this battle by luck, and the last shot of ten million volt beast was already used by his physical strength.

If this move fails to win the elite upper patience, then he will have to find an opportunity to run.

Although there is no physical strength to use the fruit ability, the physical strength to lift the knife is still there

"Farewell, although you are a high-end combat force in the village, you shouldn't come to snipe me!"

As Ye Chen's words fell, the knife in his right hand also cut down.

Perhaps this elite Shangnin once ruled the Ninja Realm, but at this moment, everything in the world has nothing to do with him!

Ye Chen carefully examined and determined that this elite Shangren had died, and finally collapsed on the ground.

"The elite Shangnin is really extraordinary, if it is not for the elementalization of surprise, it is really difficult to defeat."

Just as Ye Chen sighed with emotion, there was suddenly a voice of Kato broken behind him!

"Ye… Tatsuya…"

Hearing someone speak, Ye Chen hurriedly resumed his vigilance, turned around and saw that although Kato was cut in two by himself.

But his vitality seems to be quite tenacious, and he has not swallowed his breath until now!

His upper body just looked at Ye Chen, and the ground was already soaked with his blood at this moment.

Ye Chen saw Kato break this miserable situation, only then could he be regarded as relieved, he had shed so much blood, even if Tsunade came, he couldn't save him.

Now Kato should only have his last breath left, so he can't pose a threat to Ye Chen.

Seeing Ye Chen looking at himself, Kato continued

"Please… You…, Tuan Zang there… Save... I... Niece... mute…"

This simple sentence, but he used all his strength to say it, and after saying the last two words of silence, his gaze also froze.

Ye Chen knew at a glance that Kato had completely lost his breath.

At this moment, the system's prompt tone sounded again.

[Ding! Detection is currently available for selection, giving the host three options! ]

[Option 1: Ignore the request and do not rescue the silent.] Reward, Tudun Light and Heavy Rock Art].

[Option 2: Immediately kill Konoha and rescue Shizune.] Reward, Dust Escape Original Realm Stripping Technique].

[Option 3: Continue to the border and wait for the opportunity to save Shizune.] Reward, Spirit Time House access for one day].

The system will determine which reward to give based on host behavior. ]

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