In a small village in bangladesh india, many who lived there were middle living tenants.It is believed that the small houses were built by the owners of the town.The 18th century was such a hectic time for the citizens of india who lived then.

Jeremys family lived among the tenants , they used to live normally until one day something terrible happened.The day started by chills in the morning after then followed by a certainly hot sun. According to the Yimbo peaples beliefs the suspected something terrible was about to happen.Later in the day ,the family was having lunch when unussual noise was heard ,as usual the head of the family went to look for what was happening.To his surprise there were chaos everywhere in the whole village , the crying of babies,barking of dogs,screaming of women and many others. From afar what Jeremy saw made him collapse.The wife Juan attended to him and a few minutes later,he was alright.
