
The Highschool Bodyguard Vol 1

How far will you go to protect the thing you care about the most? Most people will say they will do anything to make sure they protect the thing they care about the most, but that’s easy to say when you aren’t facing danger. But what if you are? If that were the case, would you keep your answer or would you end up flaking? Well, some will do anything, but most falter, even more so when violence is the only solution. But why am I saying this? Well, people have many things that they care about; status, money, power, and then there is me. The only thing I care about is my sister, Yuki Fukushima.

The_Silver_Life · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

Today is the day. The day of the midterm. The fate of the class rests on this day. As I walked into class, there was a noticeable tension in the air to the point where you could cut it with a butter knife. As I sat down, Hironaka-san came up to me.

"Mornin' Fukushima-kun. Are you ready to take this test?"

She said it like she didn't have a care in the world. I responded to her.

"I'm fairly confident. What about you?"

She hmphed.

"Thanks to the study session, I feel very confident, and so does everyone else."

She pointed to Yamane-san and Okimoto-san. So that's why she was acting like this. I'm assuming after I left Yamane-san last night, she called Hironaka-san about the situation, and Hironaka-san decided to try and indirectly convince me to continue the study session on her behalf by using her experience as justification. It's certainly clever, but something like that is ineffective against me.

"You've all shown exceptional growth. I'm confident you'll all pass this test."

After I said that, Hironaka-san nodded and headed back to her seat. Then Tanaka-san entered and sat down next to me and began speaking.

"Morning Fukushima-kun."

I greeted her back.

"Morning Tanaka-san."

She began talking about the exam.

"Do you believe our class will pass this exam?"

That was the question that was circulating throughout the class.

"I believe that we will be able to pass."

She continued talking about it.

"But what if you're mistaken. If just one person fails, then our class will fall further behind, to the point of no return. What'll you do if that happens?"

She kept pestering me about that. I gave her the same response as I gave everyone else.

"Have faith. We've studied for this, and based on what I've seen, I highly doubt our class will fail."

She said one last thing before ending our conversation.

"I hope you are right."

With that, she faced forward and began reading a book. Then, the teacher walked in and began speaking.

"Okay everyone, take your seats. Good morning everyone. I'm sure you all know what today is, so I won't spend too much time talking about it. Today is the midterm, and this test will determine your worth in this school. Will you succeed, and surpass your competition? Will you just manage to pass, keeping your current status, or will you fail, and be immediately expelled, which will cause your former class to suffer as well? This test is not only an academic challenge but a test on whether or not you belong here. With that being said, I know how hard you all worked, and I wish you all the best. I hope you all pass and do the best you can."

She then started to pass out the test face down. When she finished, she walked back to the front and signaled us to begin. I flipped the test and looked it over. I was right. After a few hours, the test officially ended. The teacher then came and took the tests back. She then began talking again.

"You will get the results of the tests tomorrow. In the meantime, after lunch, you guys will have the rest of the day off. You all deserve this day off."

With that, she left the room. The entire class gave one big sigh of relief, but the anxiety wasn't over yet. We had to see whether or not we all passed. We will find out tomorrow.


Tomorrow came. Nothing happened yesterday, but today…today was the day where we would find out whether all that work and energy was time well spent. We all walked into class and sat down. The class was eerily quiet until the teacher came. She went to the front of the room and began speaking.

"We've gone over all of your tests and have the final results."

There was a long pause before she put up the class results.

"You all…passed."

The entire class cheered in excitement, happiness, and joy. The teacher took a minute before she forced the class to calm down.

"Yes yes, I'm sure you are all happy about the results, but let me explain the rules of determining the results."

The entire class calmed down.

"Now then, let me tell you how your results came to be. The baseline for passing this midterm was that you had to get a minimum of 50% correct. The lowest grade, which was from Hisoa-san, was 51%."

So, he just barely passed.

"Because of that, no one will be getting expelled. You all worked extremely hard this past week, and these results are the fruits of your labor, so to speak. You should all take great pride in what you accomplished yesterday, and strive to continue to grow. Also, your CVP has increased as well. You can find the results of that out by the student council office. Well done."

With that, she began teaching her lesson for the day. Once class broke for lunch, I decided to go down to the student council office to check out the CVP results. When I got there, there were a lot of people looking at the wall where the CVP results were. Amongst the crowd were Hitoshi-kun and Yuki-chan from A Class with a bunch of his classmates, Teshima-kun from C Class and a couple of his friends, and another faction. It was a girl with long black hair, parted to her right. She was of average height and very cute. There were also a bunch of girls surrounding her. She was looking at the board, turned in my direction, smiled, and then walked away. The people surrounding her followed. I haven't seen B Class at all, so my best guess would be that she was from there, and based on the surroundings, she was the leader. Techima-kun noticed me and walked over to me with his friends.

"Hey, Fukushima-kun. Are you here to check out the CVP results?"

He greeted me in a friendly manner. I responded in jest.

"Am I that easy to read?"

He laughed.

"I'm not doing that, but since the CVP points are posted here, and our entire grade is here, I can only assume you are here for the same reason."

There was no point in hiding it.

"You got me. I did want to see the class rankings after the midterm results."

He then said something that took me by surprise.

"Nothing's changed, and the rankings remained the same."

It wasn't what he said that took me by surprise, it was how he said it. The tone in which he said it in, was menacing, like it was supposed to be taken as a threat. But I didn't change my facial expression and responded.

"Really? Well, I'm not expecting our class to level up after one exam, so it would be foolish of me to assume any different."

He smiled.

"Yes, of course. Well, if you excuse me, I have to get back to my class."

He then left the area along with his friends. Then Hitoshi-san walked up to me.

"So, it appears that your class lived to see another day."

That was an interesting turn of phrase. I could only assume that he must have known the consequences. I asked him about it.

"You know about the expulsion penalty?"

He smiled.

"Of course, I knew. I figured it out a week ago."

Well, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at that. He continued speaking.

"I wonder, who was the one that made your class survive? Was it perhaps you who brought your class together?"

I gave him a nonanswer answer.

"Who knows? I'd like to believe that the class came together by itself."

His facial expression didn't change. He still had that smile on his face. He then walked closer to me, whispering in my ear.

"You want to get to A Class? You better prove yourself worthy of being in my class."

He then backed up, smiled again, and then took his leave. I stood there, wondering what his plan was, what the plan of every class was. After a moment, I walked up to the board to see the CVP results.

A-Class: 200

B-Class: 140

C-Class: 80

D-Class: 30

Yeah, we still have a long way to go. I felt a presence behind me, and when I turned around, it was Tanaka-san. I didn't even sense her approaching me. Did she conceal herself on purpose? She was looking at the results as well and then began speaking.

"We survived this time, but we are no closer to A-Class, much less C-Class."

I responded to her.

"There's no need to be cynical right now. What matters is that we passed. No one got expelled and therefore, we are still in the running."

Even though I tried to ease her concerns, she continued.

"How do you know if our luck will continue? If future tests and exams will be the same as the one we took, or if it'll be impossible to pass completely?"

Why was she saying all of this? Does she not know how to take a victory?

"Then we make our own luck."

With that, seeing as I had no more reason to stay, I left for lunch. She really was getting on my case. Is she that concerned about the class, or is there an ulterior motive? Well, it would be surprising if there wasn't. However, that doesn't mean she is wrong. We don't know what the future has in store for us. There could possibly be challenges that the class as a whole will be unable to pass, and we might have to sacrifice some to succeed. But, I would like to avoid that for as long as possible. That 300 CVP penalty is too damaging for right now. This class has to rise up in the rankings so that if the time comes when we have to expel someone, then that penalty would be as big of a risk as it is now. 


Because we had spent the past week studying for the midterm, the gym teacher gave us free time in the pool during the entire period, and the class took full advantage of this. The majority of the class was having fun in the pool, while a handful of students sat on the sidelines. I was one of them, but I didn't sit. Instead, I was walking over to the pool, just to take in the sight. Tanaka-san noticed and came up to me.

"So, you're not participating?"

I answered honestly, or at the very least, I came off that way.

"I'm not a good swimmer. The teacher permitted me to spend this time however I chose."

She didn't respond to that. I continued teasing her a little.

"I could ask you the same question. Even though you are in the school swimsuit, you haven't gone in once. Are you a terrible swimmer as well?"

After that comment, she left. I was about to leave, but Yamane-san stopped me.

"Fukushima-kun, you're not getting in the pool?"

She came out halfway, so that the only part of her body that was above water was from the bellybutton up, with her chest facing me.

"Sorry Yamane-san, but I don't feel like swimming today. However, I'll give you my answer to your other question later today."

She blushed.


Hironaka-san overheard and started to tease Yamane-san.

"'Your other question?' What other question, Yamane-chan? Did you ask him out?"

She blushed harder and quickly rejected her.

"N-no. What are you talking about?"

She threw water at Hironaka-san's face. Hironaka-san then smiled.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that Yamane-chan."

They started having a splash battle and I took my leave. I was heading to the principal's office, or the headmaster's. I forget what it's called here, but I was going to meet with him. I had some business with him that I needed to take care of. That test, something was off with it. I approached the door and I entered. There, a tall man in his mid-forties was sitting. He was on the opposite side of the door that I entered. He sat there, smiling, like he was expecting me.

"Fukushima-san. How can I help you?"

There was no point in making small talk, so I got straight to the point.

"The midterm."

"What about it?"

He responded like he didn't know what I was talking about, but the tone and his face told a different story like he was mocking me.

"It's different than the-"

I stopped halfway, realizing that if I continued, then I would have indirectly told him that my class cheated. He caught on to that.

"'Than the' what? You have to speak up if you want me to understand what you are saying."

He's mocking me. The nerve. I sighed before I responded.

"The test that was handed out was much different than the one that the third years took during their first year."

"Of course it's different. We can't be allowed to repeat tests throughout the years. Cheating is a lot more likely to happen if that happened."

"That didn't stop you last year."

I gave a quick rebuttal. 


He responded like he didn't know what I was talking about, so I continued.

"A few days ago, I asked a second-year student about their first year's midterm, and it was the exact same as the third years when they were first years, so that comment was bullshit."

He didn't believe me.

"And how do you know that they weren't lying?"

"Because I have both."

I then walked up to his desk and threw both tests down on the table. He picked them up and looked at them. After a minute, he put them down.

"What narrative are you suggesting, Fukushima-san?"

"You changed this year's test last minute as a way to hinder me."

After a second of silence, he chuckled. Chuckling turned into laughter.

"Well, I guess there's no point in hiding it now, but so what? I know you, and I know that it wouldn't be an issue for you."

"But it would be for my class."

He smirked.


"My class isn't like me, meaning that this was meant to expel someone so that the class would be 300 points in debt to you."

He laughed again.

"So you figured it out? Quicker than expected, but I'm still satisfied."


I asked him that because I wanted to know the motivation. He responded in jest.

"I wanted to see your abilities, that's all."

He's lying. I can see it in his eyes. He wasn't gonna tell me the actual reason, so I turned around and began to leave. Before I opened the door, he spoke up again.

"She called you know."

I stopped in my tracks. He saw that and continued.

"She wants you back, so she asked me to expel you."

It clicked after he said that.

"So that change, it was to secure my place here?"

He dropped the act and talked to me normally.

"You're a quick learner. Yes, I knew that the tests are repeated throughout the years, and I was going to keep it that way, but then I got that call. Even though, technically, I could've ignored it, you know how she gets. So, I had to pretend and make that little challenge for you. If you didn't pass, then you would be expelled, and she would've been happy. If not, then I can't do anything further for her. Long story short, I did that to save you."

I turned around to look at him. He continued.

"This school practices independence. You are part of this school, so we grant you individuality. It's your choice whether or not you want to leave. I won't force the decision onto you anymore."

He did it to save me? Well, that was unexpected. I turned back and left the room. As I was walking, I started thinking about it, and something didn't add up. How would he know that I would use a student from another year to figure out this midterm? Did he predict that plan, or did someone tell him? These questions need to be answered, and I will get answers. 


It was the end of the school day, and I was packing up my things, and getting ready to leave until Hironaka-san, Okimoto-san, and Yamane-san stopped me. Hironaka-san nudged Yamane-san forward and gave her a thumbs up. Yamane-san then started to speak.

"H-hey, Fukushima-kun. If y-you're not busy tonight, w-would you want t-to…"

She started freezing up but then spat out what she was trying to say.

"Do you want to go and do karaoke with us!?"

Her face was beet red, while both Hironaka-san and Okimoto-san were smiling. However, I couldn't accept her invitation.

"Sorry Yamane-san. I'm escorting my sister home right now, and then I'm probably gonna pack it in for the day."

"O-oh. Okay. Maybe next time?"

The disappointment in her voice was clearly noticeable. As much as I wanted to go, I didn't have time. I nodded to her and left the room to go to my sister's classroom. As I left, I could see Yamane-san going over to the other girls, somewhat upset. After some time, I met up with Yuki-chan and began walking to her dorm. As we were walking, she brought up the midterm.

"It appears that you survived the midterm Brother."

She said that in a teasing tone. I responded with the same energy.

"I could say the same to you, Sister."

She immediately stopped, which made me stop and turn around. I then questioned what she was doing.

"Is something the matter?"

She was looking down at the ground, but then looked up at me, slightly crying.

"O-oh, it's nothing. It's just…that's the first time you called me 'Sister'."

She's right; that's the first time I called her 'Sister'. I don't know why I said that. Am I finally getting comfortable around her? 

"Oh? I never noticed before. Does it upset you?"

She shook her head rapidly.

"No, I don't mind it at all."

She then walked past me towards her dorm, smiling. I followed behind her soon after. Even though I couldn't see her face, I could tell that she was happy. We were about 20 meters away when she stopped again. I continued walking until I was next to her. I then spoke to her.

"What's up now?"

She had a serious look on her face. She then spoke.

"The midterm."

"What about it?"

I didn't know what she was getting at. She then started explaining.

"The classes got CVP's after the midterm. Does that mean that we'll only get CVPs through written tests, or will there be other ways the classes will get more? If there are more ways, what will they be? Will we be prepared?"

She kept asking these questions, almost obsessing over it. I put my hand on her shoulder, which seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in. 

"You're thinking too hard about it. You're in A-Class, and the point difference between my class and your class is too drastic to be worrying about that now."

She nodded in agreement.

"You're right. Let me not worry about that now. When the time comes though, I'll be ready."

We continued walking to her dorm. When we got there, I escorted her to her room, we said our goodnights and then started walking to my room. As I walked, I started thinking about what Yuki-chan was saying. She isn't wrong. The midterm proved that each class could gain CVPs, and maybe even surpass other classes depending on how well, or how poorly, each class does. Is the only way we get more CVP through normal tests, like midterms and finals, or will there be other ways? These are even more questions that need to be answered for me to survive here. 

As I got to my door, I realized that there was a light on. I could see it underneath the bottom of my door. Generally, I don't forget, but it happens to the best of us. But that thought quickly left my mind when I touched my door handle. It's unlocked? That is something I never forget to do. I put my stuff down and opened the door slowly to conceal my presence. The only thought going through my mind was that someone had broken into my room and that they were still there. Thankfully, the door didn't creak when it opened, so I was able to enter it quietly. As I entered, I saw a bunch of shoes by the door, which led me to realize what was actually happening. I picked up my stuff and walked in normally. When I walked inside, I was met with a bunch of people welcoming me home. Everyone was here: Yamane-san, Hironaka-san, Okimoto-san, Tanaka-san, Hisao-san and his friends, Tsuchida-san, and Yoshikawa-kun. They were all here. I was wondering why they were all here, and they were talking at once, so I couldn't understand what they were saying. I had to interrupt them.

"Hey, guys."

They all went quiet.

"What are you all doing here?"

There was silence in the room. After a minute, Hironaka-san spoke up.

"Yamane-chan told me that you couldn't celebrate with us today, so I decided that we would celebrate in your room."

I looked around and saw a karaoke machine sitting on my desk, a bunch of snacks and drinks, some already opened and trashed on the floor, and my tv on. 

"So, how did you get into my room? I know that I left my door locked."

She gave a smug look and took out a card.

"Oh, I got a copy of your room key made."

She then turned around and whispered to Yamane-san, whose face turned red. Hironaka-san then slipped something in Yamane-san's pocket. She put my keycard in Yamane-san's pocket? Great. Yoshikawa-kun spoke up after.

"I understand that this isn't ideal for you, and if you wish to be alone, we would gladly leave."

The entire room erupted in moaning and complaining. I responded to Yoshikawa-kun.

"Well, even though what you guys did was wrong, I appreciate the gratitude and thoughtfulness."

I smiled.

"So, let's celebrate."

Everyone got happy when I said that. I was honest when I said that. Everyone here put an extreme amount of effort into studying, and the midterm showed their work. The least I can do is allow them to have some fun.