
The Highschool Bodyguard Vol 1

How far will you go to protect the thing you care about the most? Most people will say they will do anything to make sure they protect the thing they care about the most, but that’s easy to say when you aren’t facing danger. But what if you are? If that were the case, would you keep your answer or would you end up flaking? Well, some will do anything, but most falter, even more so when violence is the only solution. But why am I saying this? Well, people have many things that they care about; status, money, power, and then there is me. The only thing I care about is my sister, Yuki Fukushima.

The_Silver_Life · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

I was walking down a school path, taking in the nice Spring night air. I was contemplating life, thinking about school, the class, and my sister. I was wondering how she was fitting into school life. As I was walking, I started to hear a faint noise. As I continued walking, the noise got louder. I then was able to determine that it was a voice. 

"Leave it alone. It's none of your business."

At least, that was my thoughts until the voice sounded familiar. I started moving toward where the noise was coming from and came across an alleyway. I then realized what was happening: A group of boys was harassing Yamane-san, aggressively. 

"You know, I'm starting to think that there's something wrong with this school."

Everyone in the alleyway turned and looked at me.

"This is the second time I witnessed excessive harassment of a girl."

One of the boys stepped closer to me.

"Get lost, punk. This doesn't concern you."

"Well, I think it does. You see, that's my classmate. Even if she wasn't, it's pretty obvious that she isn't interested, so continuing to bug her is getting to the realm of disturbing."

The group of guys focused all of their attention on me.

"Really now? Who do you think you are? In case you haven't realized, there are three of us and one of you."

He stood in front of me and the two others started walking on either side. Three of them were average high school built. Two of them moved to try and surround me. Maybe 10-15 feet apart from me to them.

"Dude, you really don't want to do this."

"What, you scared?"

"Yeah, I am."

The group started snickering.

"On your behalf."

Then all of their faces dropped.

"You want to die?"

"Well, if you can do that much, then that would be a sight to see."

The leader of the group started getting mad.

"I guess I gotta teach you a lesson."

He started moving towards me.

"I'm ready to learn."

He runs towards me and throws a punch. I sidestep out of the way while keeping a foot out, causing him to trip over it and fall over. The guy to my left comes over and I sidestep to the right. He threw a couple of punches and I kept dodging them. After a couple of punches, he stopped. That's when I moved in and neck-chopped him. He was knocked out unconscious. The third guy just stood there. 

"So, are you just going to stay there or are you going to do something?"

"You'll pay for this!!!"

He started running and threw a punch. I caught it with my right hand.

"What the?"

I then punched him in the side of the neck with my left hand and he dropped. The leader got up and turned to me.

"How…how did you?"

"That was my left hand. I'm right-handed. Do you intend to continue?"

He and the second guy picked up the third and walked away. I turned to face Yamane-san.

"Are you ok, Yamane-san?"

She was on the ground, sitting. I outstretched my hand and she looked at me. Her eyes sparkled with confusion, shock, and nervousness. She took my hand and got up.

"Um..thank you…Fukushima-kun."

She looked at me, her eyes had a sparkle to them like I was her knight in shining armor. 

"C'mon. Let's get you home."


She walked in front of me and I followed her. After some time, she started to speak.

"Um…Fukushima-kun? Can I..talk to you about something?"

The way she said that I could tell that it was something serious and that she had to have been thinking about whatever it was for a while.

"Sure, if it's something that I can help with. There's a bench over there, so let's sit and talk."

We approached the bench and sat down. We sat on opposite ends of the bench since I wanted to keep my distance from her. 

"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"I took a look at the results of your quiz and saw that I was the lowest of the group."

So that's what this was about.

"It's fine. You just need some more practice and studying and you should be…"

"That's not what I mean!"

She interrupted me bluntly.

"I've been friends with them for a couple of months now and I always got the feeling I was being left behind, that I was the weak link. I'm not the most athletic, the most academic, and the most sociable person. I feel like a third wheel in the group. When you said that we all made the same mistakes, I felt relieved that maybe I was at the same level as them on something. Then I looked at the results and realized that I was wrong: I'm just as far behind as I thought I was."

She started tearing up here.

"I don't want to hold my friends back, the class back. I'm not good at anything and I don't want to be a burden to people."

She started sobbing. She was hunched over, her hair covering her face. I couldn't see what it looked like, but I could figure out what she looked like, what she felt.

"Stop me if I'm wrong. You are not doing well both academically and socially, so you are feeling useless and afraid you'll bring down the class. Does that sound about right?"

"Yeah. That's it."

I stayed silent for a minute, thinking about the best answer.

"Why me?"


"Why did you say this to me? Why didn't you say this to your friends?"

"I didn't want to worry them. I bet they'll say the same thing that other people say. 'That is not true. Do not say that. You can do it.' Things like that. I've heard it all before, and it doesn't help. Plus, you saved me from those guys back there. I figured…that I can open up to you, and you'll say something helpful."

She's trusting me a little too much. I'm not good at this type of stuff. So, I told her the truth.

"You're right."


"You're right. Based on your scores, you are falling behind, endangering the structure of the class. You are at the bottom."

She looked at me shocked like she couldn't believe that I said that.

"I know that. You didn't have to say it. I guess you can't help me either. It was wrong for me to open up to you."

She started to get up.

"That doesn't mean you have to stay that way."

She stopped and turned around. I got up as well.

"I get the feeling of uselessness, of loneliness, but that doesn't mean that you are destined to stay that way. Because you are at the bottom, you have nowhere to go but up. There is one thing that you have that others don't."

"And what's that?"


Her eyes expanded.

"You have the most potential out of anyone in the class. Sure, you might not be the most academic, the most athletic, or the most sociable, but that doesn't mean you are bound to stay that way forever. If you go down the path of self-loathing, then you will be useless and remain useless. But if you push yourself, and do your best, then you will see results. You will be reliable."

She looked happy, but then her face dropped.

"That's nice and all, but you said the same thing other people have said."

"Maybe, but I'll do you one better. I'll help you."

"You'll what?"

"I'll help you become the person you want to be if it's within my power to do so."

"Does that mean…?"

"Yeah. I decided to continue to tutor you guys."

A big smile drew across her face.

"Thank you. I…don't know what to say."

"There's no need to say anything. I don't mind helping out a fellow classmate."

She bowed in front of me.

"C'mon, let's get you home. It's getting cold and I don't want you to get sick."

"Of course."

We walked toward her dorm and arrived there in a few minutes.

"Thank you again for helping me out."

"It's no problem. I couldn't watch a fellow classmate being harassed like that."

"That's not what I mean."

She whispered that so low that I barely heard her.

"Did you say something?"

"Ahh. Oh, nothing at all. Hehehe"

She chuckled nervously.

"Well, anyway, see you tomorrow."

She started to close her door.

"Wait a minute."

She stopped.

"What is it? Did you change your mind?"

"No. Here."

I handed her my number.

"Why are you giving me this?"

"If you're in trouble, don't hesitate to call me, or if you just want to talk. I'd be happy to listen to you." 

She took the number from my hand and looked at it.

"Yeah, thank you."

"Also, I might need to text you info about our tutor sessions, so it would help if we could exchange contact info."

Her face slightly changed after that, like she was a bit saddened by it.

"Yeah, of course. That makes sense."

"Anyway, see you at school tomorrow."

"Yeah, same."

She shut the door and I started to walk away. I pulled out my phone and called Yoshikawa-kun. He picked up.

"Hey Fukushima-kun, what's up?"

"I decided to continue to tutor the girls."

"Really? That's awesome. That'll definitely help our class overall. Do you mind me asking why you changed your mind?"

"I worked it out and I think that I can set aside an hour or so to tutor."

"I see. Well, thank you anyway for your help."

"I just figured I'd let you know. Anyway, see you tomorrow."


I hung up, put my phone in my pocket, and looked up at the night sky. The air was cool and nice. It's been a while since I was able to take in the fresh air. More precisely, I have no memory of just relaxing like this, ever.