
The Highschool Bodyguard Vol 1

How far will you go to protect the thing you care about the most? Most people will say they will do anything to make sure they protect the thing they care about the most, but that’s easy to say when you aren’t facing danger. But what if you are? If that were the case, would you keep your answer or would you end up flaking? Well, some will do anything, but most falter, even more so when violence is the only solution. But why am I saying this? Well, people have many things that they care about; status, money, power, and then there is me. The only thing I care about is my sister, Yuki Fukushima.

The_Silver_Life · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

I got my document and looked at it. No fighting, no cheating, no staying up past curfew, the usual school rules. Then I looked at my class to see where I was placed. 

"Class D?"

"Class D? Is that what you got, Brother?"

"What did you get?"

She smirks.

"Class A. Would you look at that? Looks like I beat you again."

This isn't exactly good. I can't keep an eye on her if we are in different classes. 

"Wait, does this mean that you won't be able to watch out for me? I don't know how I feel about that."

"I'm going to the Principal to see if I can switch classes."

"Well, if you have to. But you better not embarrass me in class."

"My only goal is to protect you. Everything else is arbitrary."

"That doesn't make me feel better."

"It's as good an answer as I will give right now."

She looks at me with a pouting face. I noticed and responded

"Come on, let's get you to your class so I can go see the Principal."

She sighed

"Alright Brother. Whatever you say."

I took Yuki-chan to her class and headed toward the Principal's office. There, an older man wearing a suit was sitting at a large desk on the other side of the room. He had red hair, a very good build, and looked to be in his mid-forties. When I explained my situation to him, he responded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't change your classes."

"Well, why not?" 

I responded annoyed with a hint of anger. I'm not going to put my sister in danger over some stupid technicality. 

"It's just school policy. Once the classes are made, there is no interference from the teachers or staff. Even if you have a good reason for it."

"Is there any way that I could change classes?"

"Well, there are a couple of ways, but they are difficult to achieve, and most fail to meet the requirements."

"What are they?"

He smiles. I already knew what he was going to say. It didn't make me feel better hearing it from him.

"There are two ways: First, gather enough personal points to have the option to switch classes, or do well enough to be switched individually."

I can do those options. But, it would be troublesome to be able to achieve that immediately. Not without making myself publicly known, which is something that I want to avoid.

"However, if you choose to switch classes, you'll be swapped with someone who has similar results as you." 

I was waiting for the catch. What he means is that if I decided to switch, someone equal or nearly equal to me academically would switch as well and we would swap classes.

"Let me not forget this little tidbit: That person has to consent to switch as his life is affected as well."

Great, I wasn't expecting that. Socializing isn't my strongest suit. On top of that, who in their right mind in A Class would switch with someone from D Class? Not unless I can bribe them, and even then, it would take a lot for them to even consider doing it. What a pain.

"Well if there is nothing to be done, then I guess I'm gonna have to comply."

"You're giving up on your sister?"

"Like hell I am. I'm pissed off right now that I have to leave her in your hands. But, picking a fight with you would only hurt my chances, so it's a no-brainer that I have to follow the rules."

He smirks.

"I know how much your sister means to you. I know the repetition your family has. I can assure you, she is safe from any outside harm."

'Outside'? So she isn't safe from domestic harm? 

"I know what you are thinking. I can assure you that any violence on school grounds is strictly prohibited. But, we generally want students to settle their matters between themselves unless it is necessary for the staff to get involved."

"Even so, I still don't trust anybody to not harm her. The only time I know she is safe is if I can see her."

"I understand, but the school policy is final. I can't help you switch classes."

"I get it. Well, thank you anyway."

I started to leave the room when the principal stopped me.

"Tetsuo. I'm going to let you know now that there are concerns that people have about you being here."

"Such as?"

"Your reputation precedes you. I know what you had to overcome. Some also know and are concerned that…"

"It's fine. My only goal is to make sure Yuki-chan has a nice school life before our parent's retirement."

"Of course. I figured that was the case. I wanted to confirm that before I make my statement about you."

I didn't say anything in response because there wasn't anything else to say.

"Remember this: the only reason you are here is that your father paid. Otherwise, your application would've been rejected the second we saw your name. You're lucky that you were assigned to D-Class."

I left afterward. He knows about my past and warned me that others know it as well. Does that mean that I'm also in danger? I just arrived at this school, it hasn't even been 24 hours yet and I'm already dealing with issues. I guess that's what happens when you mix a bunch of spoiled rich brats in one place. Someone is bound to start something.