
The White Woods

Michael road through the white forest heading steadily south. He had heard rumors of a dead dragon army accosting the tribes of the south lands. The rumors were that south of the White Forest was a dead zone. The south was racked by war between the four houses and they could care less about the threat. The south lands were stupid and would pay the price for that stupidity. He, on the other hand, was a good King of his lands even if he was young. He'd just hit breeding age at 250 and the youngest King to date. Even though he was young his father hadn't raised a fool. He needed to assess the threat now before it encroached onto his kingdom. Currently, the white forest was an impassible barrier for the dead dragons. The magic here had a killing effect on the undead and they couldn't set foot in it without turning to dust or so he's told. He also knew that barriers didn't last forever and they were all possible to over come. This barrier was too wide to fly over but going around them wasn't a far strength. A good fleet of ships and you could be around them in a couple of weeks if you had a good tailwind.

Hearing a loud commotion from in front of him he spurred his horse on. It seems as his scouts had run into a bit of trouble. Unsure if it was beast trouble or dragon trouble he urged his horse faster. Popping over the rise of a hill he could see his second in command Eli holding a bleeding hand while his right-hand guard Alivia danced around a little blue flaming ball. Inside the flames was a little naked girl who couldn't be any more than six. Hissing at Alivia the little ball of furry bared her teeth while clutching an arrow. "What going on here," asked Michael pulling his horse to a stop to stare at the oddity in front of him.

"This little spitfire ruined super for tonight," said Eli with a half-smirk.

Even though he was bleeding he was amused by this child. Not much impressed this stone-faced water dragon, but this little flaming ball must-have. Michael can't remember when the last time he got a smile out of his Royal Guardsmen. "An how did such a small thing ruin supper," asked Michael riding closer to the growling ball of mirth.

Strange thought Michael as he road closer to a very dangerous little girl crouched in the middle of a burnt patch. Even with her definite show of aggression his horse Ebony wasn't afraid. Ebony was a great war horse and has been in many battles, but even she knows when to be weary of fire. Fire hot enough that the rocks under the child's feet glowed red from the heat. Her head was low and ear relaxed as she stopped mire inches from the child. "I saw this nice sized doe and I was going to kill it for supper. I notched my bow and let loose the arrow. Out of nowhere this little thing snatched the arrow out of the air. She's wicked fast," stated Eli still favoring his bleeding hand.

"You're hand," said Michael pointing at it while Ebony began to eat the grass around the edge of the ring of fire.

"Yeah I tried to take my arrow back and she bit me," laughed Eli.

Michael gawked at his childhood friend. He had just laughed about being bitten and bad enough to bleed. On top of that, the wound should have stopped bleeding by now, but it was still bleed freely. "It's still bleeding," stated Michael looking back at Jamie and gesturing at Eli.

"Do I have to doctor him My King," joked Jamie getting off of his horse and pulling his med kit out of the saddle bag.

Jamie was his other childhood friend and number four in the ranking of his personal guards. Being an earth dragon his specialty is healing, medicine, and all of the likes, but don't let that fool you. He was deadly with a knife and could put anyone on their butt in a fight. You would never know that though from his personality. He was the joker of the group and was never serious about anything. Looking the wound over, he pulled something out of his bag while saying. "I guess I'll treat you like a human then since it seems you are too inept to heal yourself," teased Jamie sprinkling some kind of powder on his hand. Hissing as the white powder hit his hand Jamie turned a furrowed brow at the still snarling ball of fire who was now surround on all sides by Michael and his guards.

"What is it," asked Michael as his horse leaned into the fire to sniff at the little girl. "Her bight has an enzyme in it that stops us from healing," said Jamie turning fully toward the child. "Do you think she's Fae born?"

"The Fae are old legends and do not exist. It's like saying unicorns exist," laughed Michael looking at the girl.

"She's a whelp," said Alivia looking from the growling child to Michael. "Should we take her with us?"

"Only a woman would find a feral wild child in the woods and want to take her home," laughed Tanner shaking his head and rolling his eyes causing his fire-red hair to fan out around his face.

This caught the girls attention as she turned her glare from Eli to Tanner. "You know what, you catch her and you can take her home," laughed Michael knowing that this was going to be hilarious to watch.

Knowing that not even Alivia was going to reach into the flames to tough the child he watched as the child pushed Ebony's nose away. He wasn't dumb enough to try what his horse was. He could currently feel the heat coming off of those flames and he wasn't about to get burnt. If her bight stopped us from healing then her flames would probably do the same thing. "Fine," said Eli leaping toward the girl.

Waiting for him to scream out in pain at the heat of the flames he watched as his friend slammed into the ground. The girl was gone leaving nothing below Eli but the burnt ground. "Hot! Hot!," shouted Eli crawling off the ground quickly fanning his red hands in the air.

"She vanished," said Tanner looking around them.

Michael could tell by his red eyes he was using his dragon sight to try to find her. Since Tanner was a fire dragon his eyes could pick up heat signatures even if there was a forest between them. "You see her," asked Eli looking around ready to spring in that direction if necessary.

"Not a trace," said Tanner as his normal green eyes turned to regard everyone. "If that is a whelp she's the strangest dragon I've ever seen."

"She might be a silver dragon," said Kyle drawing everyone's attention.

This was a day for firsts, thought Michael turning toward his third guard a wind dragon who never talked. It wasn't like he couldn't, no he could, he just chose not to most of the time. He was an action speaks louder than words kind of dragon. "Silvers could travel from place to place like the witches. I read about it in a history book at the great library."

"Silver dragons went extinct thousands of years ago," said Jamie climbing back up onto his horse while a guard led up Eli's and Alivia's horses.

"But who's to say that there aren't any here in the White Woods. You know this forest hides it's secrets well, and there are a lot of things undiscovered here," said Eli practically whispering it as if the forest had ears and he shouldn't say things too loudly.

"Then she can stay here undiscovered," said Michael turning his horse and asking her to move on.

Michael could feel eyes on him, but they were not malicious. His dragon said they felt more curious than anything. Looking in the direction he felt them, his dragon could see a slight shimmer in air like heat off of a stone. As soon as he tried to focus on it though it was gone. The shimmer traveled from tree to tree staying close to the group as they traveled, but just out of reach should one try to leap at it. Slowing his horse up Michael pulled along side Tanner. Pulling his glove from his hand Michael laid it atop Tanners and called the powers bestowed to him as King. "Without being obvious look to your two o'clock up in the branches of the tree," said Michael pushing the thought into Tanner's mind. "Do you see a shimmer like a heat wave?"

Stealing a couple of glances Tanner nodded his head before brining his dragon up enough to color his eyes. Riding for a bit more Tanner reached out his hand for Michael to take. "My normal eye can barely pick it up. It's like you can't look at it head-on or it disappears. My dragon is blind to it altogether. He sees nothing at all in the trees," said Tanner into his mind. "I will pass the word and we will keep an eye on this anomaly."

Nodding his head Michael placed his glove back on and continued to ride. The group roads quietly as the eyes that watched him kept good pace with them. At one point he could even have swore it was riding a deer as it crossed the road in front of them. Eli had pulled his bow again only to put it away and Michael knew it was because he too saw the shimmer on the deers back. When night fell the group made camp. Some went in search of wood, while others went in search of food. At least in the White Wood food was always plentiful. Three were always nuts' and some kinds of berries to be found. With that being said there was plenty of game to be had.

As the sun was setting Eli packed in a hand full of rabbits for the group. "The wildling didn't hinder your efforts this time," joked Jamie pulling one of his many knives out of his riding cloak.

"No but the shimmer's been following me," said Eli nodding his head in an over their direction.

Sure enough low in the grass was the shimmer. "You know the silver dragons used to able too blend into their environment. That trait is present in the wind dragons still," said Kyle causing everyone to stare at him again in shock. Twice in one day is a new record thought Michael. "What," asked Kyle glaring at everyone.

"Yeah, but I can still see those dragons even if they are cloaked," stated Tanner turning his dragon eyes toward the shimmer. "I can't see anything there at all. Even if it was a heatwave I should detect it, but there is nothing there at all."

"Either way, we will pull guard duty tonight," said Eli. "A whelp in the wild surely isn't alone and her parents might come looking for her. Silver dragon or not, a worried mother protecting her young is not a dragon we want to surprise us."

"True but why is she alone? Why isn't she in the rook, and if she left, why wasn't she followed by any other whelps? She's female they would have kept a super close eye on her. It's not like there are many of us," said Alivia.

"So you think she's orphaned," said Michael struggling to keep track of the shimmer in the fading light. "Umm, we will see. Like I said you catch her and you can take her home."

Michael couldn't believe he was encouraging them to catch the wild fire as if she was an animal they could take home as a pet. Secretly he hoped they would succeed, something about her had his dragon on edge. Not like a bad dangerous edge, but a keep tracker of her she's in danger kind of edge. His dragon was the King of dragons and nothing phased him and nothing ever caught his attention, but this child did and she was holding it.

Cleaning and eating the rabbits the group settled in for the night. Alivia's took the first watch as Michael spread his blanket out. Laying down he scanned his guards who gathered around him keeping their King safe. Of course, they'd fussed at him again telling him to sleep in the wagon they brought, but he refused again. He wasn't going to do anything that his men couldn't do. They all couldn't fit in the wagon to sleep so he wasn't going to sleep in the wagon either. What kind of King was he to be laying in the dirt next to a fire full of rabbit and berries. He was a happy King, but he wasn't going to tell anyone else that.

Falling asleep with the security of his men around him Michael dreamed of a little six-year-old girl surround by blue flames. Sometime during the night, a jolt of what felt like electricity brought him from the dead to wide awake. Normally he would have shot to his feet at the thought of the threat. Quick reflexes meant survival and his dragon was trying to get him killed. Currently, his dragon was so close to the surface he could feel his skin shaking with the need to change. He was currently frozen unable to move as his dragon kept him as still as possible. Out of the corner of his eye, a lock of white-blonde hair trailed across his face leaving behind a trail of electricity behind it. This feeling is what had woken him up. Watching, the little child leaned over him and picked up what was left of his rabbit.

Michael watched the hair travel back toward his face as the girl put the tidbit of rabbit in her mouth. Making an audible sound of enjoyment she leaned back across looking for more. When she found none she began to crawl all the way over him. Suppressing a growl as her tiny foot sent bolts of electricity through him as it grazed his face he watched her. She must have felt it thought Michael as she jerked and looked at him. Pretending he was asleep he kept his eyes open just enough to watch her. Sky blue eyes regarded him cautiously before heading closer to the fire were another rabbit was left on a stick that was stuck into the ground. Grabbing the rabbit the little girl sat on the ground and dug into the rabbit emitting little growls.

Feeling a presence behind him Michael slowly turned his head as his dragon focused on the camouflaged dragon that stood crouched behind him. Watching the hand reach for him his dragon rattled a little as the hand touched his hip. Sensing it was Kyle he slowly turned to see the girl looking at him before turning glowing eyes toward Kyle. Chewing on the rabbit she watched him make his way around Michael slowly. When he began to creep closer to her she began to creep just as slowly back. "Kyle she sees you," said Michael in a whisper.

Watching the muscles around her eyes move and bunch was the only sign he had that she was well ware of her surroundings. Her entire eyes was glowing blue leaving no way to see what direction she was truly looking. "No way," said Kyle side-stepping and watching the little girl mirror his moments. "Okay fine she does." Dropping his camouflage Kyle stared at the child in a mixture of confusion and surprise. Michael watched a small grin spread across his sharp face. "My King, can you grab her ankle?"

"What," laughed Michael looking at the little girl that was in reaching distance. "And get bit like Eli?"

"I think she likes you, it was cute watcher her brush the hair off your face while you slept," said Eli with a slight giggle.

Growling Michael sat up and grabbed the child's ankle expecting her to run or snap at him. That would give him an excuse to let go or to say Eli was wrong. Unfortunately Eli wasn't wrong, it was worse. As soon as his fingers closed around her ankle his dragon roared, "Mine." at the same time Kyle leaped at her.

One minute Michael was mentally beating his pedophile dragon the next he was falling out of a tree. Confused and disoriented he looked up at the smiling face of the little girl who continued to eat the rabbit. Getting to his feet Michael looked around his new surroundings. He was somewhere in the woods far enough away he couldn't see the fire, but not far enough he couldn't hear everyone yelling for him.

Feeling everyone pulling on his King's bond to locate him he took one last look at the girl. Turning to leave he paused when he heard a growl, a deep growl that didn't belong to the child. Slowing turning he saw a manticore prowling out of the bushes. Its spiked tail sliced through the air as it stalked him. Returning the animals growl with one of his own he felt his horns extend from his head as he bared his fangs. The woods were too dense for his dragon to fit, but to fight this creature he'd need him as close a possible.

Sniffing the blanket on the ground the cat-like head turned toward him and snarled swiping at him with a massive paw. Knowing he needed to convince the creature he wasn't a good choice in meals he let loose a mighty roar putting as much power as he could into it. As the power flowed from him the cat paused before looking back at the giggling girl who was now out of the tree. "Get back in the tree," roared Michael when the manticore turned to look at the child.

Vaguely he could hear the footsteps crashing through the woods toward him as he screamed at the naive little girl. Giggling like the child she was the little girl wrapped his blanket around her and presented the manticore the rest of the rabbit. Rushing toward her Michael could see the girl losing her arm to the beast known to eat dragons. Fear blossomed in him as he tried to outrun time. It was impossible for him to get there before the manticore closed his jaws, but he had to try. Snatching the rabbit from the girl the beast spun aiming its spiked tail toward him. Michael realized his error too late. He was mid-leap and there was no way he could avoid this attack, and he was as good as dead. Suddenly a weight slammed into him sending him to the ground. Hissing at them Michael watched the manticore backing the girl up toward the wood line. Laughing the little girl climbed onto its back with her pilfered blanket and they disappeared into the woods at a run. "Well there goes my blanket," said Michael at a loss for words.

"You trying to commit suicide and all you can say is there goes my blanket," growled Eli crawling out of Michael's lap.

Taking the hand Eli presented him, Michael hoisted himself up onto his feet. "What were you thinking," shouted Alivia making everyone jump. Storming over to him she slugged him in the shoulder as tears rolled down her face. "I saw you die! Never do that again," wailed Alivia as Michael caught her arm before she hit him again.

"You're lucky you're crying Alivia and a female. No one strikes me, this is your one free pass," said Michael as his dragon rattled a warning toward Alivia.

Bowing low Alivia apologized, "Forgive me my King. I have forgotten my place. It won't happen again."

Letting go of Alivia, Michael made his way back to camp. "Since we are all awake and I'm down a sleeping blanket anyway let's have breakfast and head out."

No one said a word as they continued on toward the southern border. He could tell everyone was on edge and they kept glancing toward the wood line. He found himself too stealing glances toward the woods hoping to see the shimmer that had been there yesterday. When night came and Eli drug the stag out of the woods everyone watched him closely looking for the shimmer but nothing was there. Growling as another guard tried to offer him their blanket Michael lay down on the grass. There was no way he was wrapping himself up in the scent of another man. He was the King, not a weak female, he could survive the next week without a blanket. They were on the main road through the White Wood, well a grass strip that never went away. Soon they would be through it and he knew there was a village on the other side. At the village, he could get another blanket for the two-week trip back.

Michael woke up again as something hit him in the stomach. Grunting his dragon roared out in fear. Slamming into his skin his dragon grunted as his head banged into something as he sat up quickly. Sitting on his stomach was the little spitfire chewing on a chunk of meat turning his boot knife over in her hands. Rattling a warning his dragon snatched the knife out of her hands before she could hurt herself. Glaring at him for taking the knife the girl's eyes rounded as she looked at his face. Making an ow sound the little girl dropped the blanket that was around her shoulders and reached for his face quickly. So quickly he didn't have a chance to move before she was already in his space. She smelled of dirt and lilies and was currently pulling his head from one side to the other by his horns. "Do you mind," snarled Michael prying the girl's hands from his head, but as soon as they were off they were right back on.

She was quick, quicker than anything he'd ever seen. The struggle was real in trying to keep her hands from his head. Every time he had a hold of her hands she'd break free and reattached them to his horns. "Damn it dragon! Go away," shouted Michael shoving his dragon further down so that his horns would disappear.

If he didn't have horns she couldn't hang on them and giggle. If she wasn't giggling then the group could stop attempting not to laugh at his expense. Unable to make his dragon submit Michael stood with slow smoldering rage. How dare this child treat him like a jungle gym thought Michael as the child giggled harder. Crawling ups his body she giggled harder at the smoke that began to drift off of his body in his anger. His dragon tried to make light of the situation, but this insolence was more than her could bare. "You're Majesty you're going to kill her," shouted Eli as the group backed up quickly from him.

Currently, all he could see were everyone's feet and dying grass. He was death and this little girl was passing him off. The fog that rolled off him was deadly and anything that touched it died instantly. Nothing made a mockery of him and he meant nothing. Letting his power take over, his body vanished into the shadows livening nothing but his death cloud in its wake. In this form he could see the world from all angles, everything that moved within the shadows. The night was his world and he ruled the night. He was the King and no one hung from the King's horns like an ornament.

Looking in on himself he expected to see a tiny dead body laying in the middle of his storm, but no. She stood there giggling swatting as the black mist lightly glowing like a lightning bug. Trying to push in on her he gathered his toxicity closer to her body. All this did was make her laugh harder and slightly glow brighter. "She is mine," rumbled his dragon laughing at him and at his irritation and telling him that he was a fool.

"Your Majesty," snarled Kyle so vehemently that it brought Michael to a stand still.

The anger in his voice was not something that was becoming of his nature, to be honest, he'd never heard him this angry. Looking outward he could see everyone's dragons were clearly at the surface. The horns on their head and the yellow of the light reflected from their dragons eyes told him of this. Conceding that maybe he had taken it a little too far he pulled himself back together. As soon as he was solid again his annoyance was trying to climb back up his body. Grabbing her around the waist Michael packed her over to Eli and hung her from his horns. "You want her, you deal with her," growled Michael making his way to the discarded blanket.

Flopping down on the ground Michael pulled the dirty leaf covered blanket over him. Okay maybe rapping himself in a wildfire scented blanket was a bad idea, thought Michael to himself as his dragon rumbled a pleased growl. Growling in anger he shifted uncomfortable and rolled into the erection his pedo dragon had given him. He was more disturbed by this than anything had ever disturbed him before, and he'd seen plenty that turned his stomach. An his dragons was currently turning his stomach.

Hearing the spit fire giggling he stole a glance to see her riding on Kyle's shoulders holding onto his horns as he bounced her around the fire. "I think we'll call you Sky because of the color of your eyes," said Kyle bouncing a little higher causing her to squeal.

Why is everyone so head over heals for this girl? Even his dragon was, but he knew better than to get attached to anything. His death was death to anything and it was attached to his emotions. That was the down side to being King. The King never mated, and never had children. A King was born, not bread, a choice of the Goddess of the earth. He was born a black dragon a sign that he was to be the next King. From there he was pulled from the rooke and sent to court. The old King raised him like a son and taught him everything he knew. An one of the first things was what his death could do to a lover and how to get around it. Unfortunately he'd killed several women at first thinking he was better controlled than his Father, but he was not.

It wasn't a wonder that his dragon said she was his considering she played in this death cloud like it was just dark fog. Even so, it was a fluke that he wouldn't try again at the threat of mutiny from the angry glares he was still getting from the men.

When he awoke in the morning the child was gone. Breathing a sigh of relief he found that everyone was still pissed with him for his stunt last night. Everyone refused to talk to him, unless it was in direct response to something he said. He was the King after all and they couldn't not respond. Again as they road he couldn't seem to see the shimmer anywhere within the woods around them. Even so she'd showed up later in the evening. So was she following at a safer distance or was she catching up to them by scent trail? There were many of these grass trails that criss crossed the White Forest. They kept commerce open from the southern continent to his northern one. Yesterday they had passed many but yet she had found them.

Since he already knew that his power didn't seem to hurt her in any way he figured why not. He could let pieces of him go to join the shadows. Since no one was talking to him anyway he wouldn't have to divide his mind. He could close himself off and look at the world. No one seemed to be looking at him closely either so he could loose a body part or two. It would take him a second or two and a lot of concentration but he could do it. He needed more practice at this any way. Keeping his shoulders, wrist, as well as everything from his hips down he willed the rest of his body away. He could feel it turn insubstantial as he floated down his legs an into the shadow under his horse. Closing his eyes he turned them to the world. The group seemed to be pointedly looking everywhere besides him. Well besides Eli, it seemed as Eli didn't miss what he was doing as he watched a trail of mist floating out of his pants hugging the horse's legs and into the shadow. Eli also knew that as long as the horse didn't breathe it in she wouldn't die. From there, Eli glanced around him. There was a reason Eli was Michael's second in command, second only to him of course. Out of all three guards he was the King's closest friend and confident, and he knew him better than anyone.

Michael watched Eli pull along side him. Currently, he had a view from all sides of the group and didn't want to have to stop what he was going, but if Eli spoke to him he would have too. He wasn't able to multi-task on the level he was at currently. It was hard enough to multi-task what he was currently doing and that's pretending to be riding with his eyes closed. It's hard to pretend you have a body under clothes when more than half of it was gone.

Eli kept himself close to Ebony's reins should he need to control her, but not too close to rouse suspicion. Yep, Eli knew he was up to something, always watchful and always on guard. Feeling confident that he could sink further into the shadows he sped himself out as far as he could. Every shadow with in 400 yards of the group possessed a piece of him and he could see everything within them. Everything that moved and everything that crept, everything from a sleeping rabbit to an inch warm hiding on a leaf. There was nothing that indicated that the shimmer was there. If she was following then she wasn't doing it closely. Needing to go out farther he released more of himself. His lower legs and toes wouldn't be missed. His neck could go and bits of his face since he'd decided to raise his hood. Michael focused harder sending himself farther out. He knew she was here, he could feel her as strange as it sounded and his dragon had to find her. Focused too much on stretching farther he'd almost missed the little blip of light. A sparkling little hand as it touched a tree and then it was gone again. Focusing his energy in that direction Eli turned to look in the direction he had subconsciously turned his own head.

Still, he found nothing, it couldn't have been a fluke. He'd seen it so clearly and it burned so brightly. Yet the only thing that had caught it was the one shadow and only for a brief moment like she'd stumbled and caught herself. At that point, it dawned on him. The shadows as she moved through the forest was what caused the shimmer. Her camouflage couldn't keep up with shifting light so she was avoiding it. She had learned just that quickly the kink in her armor. To put this theory to the test he needed more shadows and it needed to be darker. Darkness was his ally, but it was just mid day. There wasn't a way to make things darker, to make shadows stretch farther. "Yes, there is," rumbled Michael's dragon catching Eli's attention.

"What is it Your Majesty," asked Eli looking at him with a guarded expression.

Without hesitation the dragon commanded, "Make it rain."

"Your joking right," stated Tanner as his cranky look turned to one of pure anger.

Michael know he had pushed his patience with the hot head last night. It looked like he was about to push it further. "As you wish Your Majesty," replied Eli as he closed his eyes and called upon his magic.

"Don't you dare Eli. That requires too much magic and you know it. Michael what is wrong with you," shouted Tanner as smoke billowed out his nose causing his horse to be on edge. "You're taking all of this too far!"

Michael ignored him as the clouds gathered and the rain fell. Water refracted light not allowing it to pass fully meaning that it created a shadow even if you couldn't see it. Currently the world directly around them was cast in a blanket of shadows, and he found her shinning as brightly as a star atop the cart horses.

Sky watched the clouds gather and darkness fell during the day. Lifting her face to the darkening something hit her face. Whipping it away she looked at her hand to find it wet. When she licked it she found it tasted like water. Watching the group of people she was with she listened to the red hair man yelling at the pretty man with black hair. She knew it was him under the hood because the black horse said that she only lets him ride her. Besides the red haired man being angry about something everyone else didn't seem worried about the water coming from the sky.

Standing up she lifted her hands to the sky and felt the water coming down. Almost losing her footing as the horses below her feet came to a sudden stop she turned to see the pretty man was staring at her. Most of his pretty face was gone and only a little of the black fluffy stuff was there, but it didn't take away from his beauty. Neither did his pitch-black dragon eyes that seemed to sparkle more in this falling water. Sky liked the pretty man and it made her feel safe to be around him. She was tired of being alone and afraid in the woods. It wasn't like she was afraid of the animals, no they were her friends. It was the ugly black creatures that scared her. Sometimes they came into the woods and they did bad things. They had horrible things within the snakes that were housed in their bodies. These people here had pretty things within their pretty snakes that sparkled like the fire flies in the heavens. She saw laughter and play within those snakes. An most of all she saw family, something she didn't have and wanted, but how does one become family. The animals were nice and would play with her but she wasn't like them. She could not be a member of their family, but with these people, she could. They looked like her, and smelled like her, and they had dragons within them like she did. Other then she didn't have the horn like the pretty one had on his head. She liked the way his flowed from his hair line, humped over his head before turning sharply upward. They were jet black and reminded her of the horns of an Addox just four times larger. The blonde man in green had some pretty looking horns that spiraled like a markhor. The red-haired man had horns like a steinbock, while the light blue man had horns like a giant eland. His were the only ones to come close to the size of the pretty man's horns. Then there was the happy grey-blue dragon had horns like an Ibex. They were the same in comparison to the pretty mans but not as long.

Sky thought it strange that he was looking at her, but the pretty mans gaze didn't waver. She had noticed that everyone had seemed to notice her the day before yesterday, but not yesterday. Some how when she moved from shadows to brightly lit areas they seemed to notice her coming and going. Staying away from those areas yesterday seemed to work. No one seemed to notice her watching them from afar, but he was seeing her now. Everyone else was looking in her direction, but none of them were focused on her like he was. Thinking maybe it was the water falling from the sky. She climbed down the horse and hid under the wagon. There was no water falling from there but his eyes just followed her. Thinking maybe the water on her skin was giving her away she ran out from under the wagon and under a tree. Giving herself a good shake she brushed as much off as she could but still he watched her. Listening to the grey one make sounds at the pretty one, the pretty man replied just as the water stopped falling from the sky. Even still as the sun came out he stared at her under the shade of the big tree. He was alpha in their pack, and he was the only one who had to give her permission to join the family. All she had to do is figure out how to make the pretty one like her. But currently, she didn't think he did, but she wanted him to, almost needed him too.

"What the hell," shouted Kyle pulling his horse to a quick stop as Michael spun around on his horse quickly.

As his hood fell the group could see most of his face was gone. Meaning he'd sent his death cloud out to search the shadows, but for what, thought Kyle. Turning as a group everyone looked in the general direction of the King but they could see nothing abnormal. He, on the other hand, was watching something closely as he followed it with his eyes. Then watched it go into the woods he couldn't turn any more he spun the other direction in his saddle. "Is she under the tree now," asked Eli.

"Yes," replied Michael simply.

Nodding his head Eli stopped the rain storm that was currently drenching the group. "Are you stratified with what ever you've discovered? Shall we ride on," asked Eli glancing at the tree Michael was fixated on.

Taking in a long deep breath Michael closed his eyes and focused on putting himself back together. Everything but his right rib that was, he'd leave that out and about to track a little wildfire.

The sun wasn't close to horizon when Michael told his group to make camp. "Why are stoping so soon Your Majesty," asked Tanner clearly still mad at him for everything including the rain.

"Because Eli needs the rest," replied Michael looking over at his exhausted friend.

The magic needed to make a rain storm on a clear and sunny day was great and taxing. If there were ever a need for rain a team of water dragons were summoned to do the job. His friend was a very powerful water dragon, but calling a rain storm even for that short of a time was very taxing. Of course, Eli wasn't the only one drained of power. He had used too much today as well keeping track of the little spitfire of a blonde. Even if he was bone-tired he felt accomplished. He could now find her whenever he felt like it in or out of the shadows.

Laying back in the tall grass Michael watched the clouds float over head as his eyes drifted close. The sun had set and the stars hun in the sky when Tanner's still angry voice woke him saying, "I hope it was worth it Eli. What has been with him the last couple of days. I've never seen him try to kill a child before, and then today. I thought he was about to kill us all."

"Your Majesty would you like some supper," asked Eli bringing everyones attention to him.

"That would be nice thank you," replied Michael sitting up and looking into Tanners angry face.

Even Jamie who was normally all smiles had wore a frown today as he eyed him wirily. "So what did you learn today," asked Eli fixing him a bowl of whatever was in the pot and handing it to him.

"She doesn't reflect the light like wind dragons do, scattering it in all different directions. Its like she casts away her body leaving only her glittering white spirit behind. We couldn't track her because everything passes through her like she's not there. As long as she's within the shadows I can see her, but only what ever is within the shadows. Be it hand, foot, or elbow," replied Michael taking the bowl of soup and digging in.

"Is that so," scoffed Tanner crossing his arms over his chest. "I find that hard to believe."

Watching the spoon disappear out of the bowl to Tanners left Michael laughed, "If that's so then who's eating your soup?"

Swinging his arm wide Michael watched as it passed harmlessly through the child who tossed the spoon away. Coming back into existence in Tanners lap he watched as his bowl disappeared right in front of him. Grabbing air as he groped wildly before growling, "I wasn't done with that."

"So she's right there," asked Eli squatting down just to the left of Tanner and held out a piece of bread.

Tanner jumped out of his skin and practically ran over Jamie when the child appeared right beside him. Taking the bread the child backed up a couple of paces with her bowl and tired the new thing Eli had given her. Devouring it and the soup she intently watched Jamie eating his. Rolling his eyes Jamie held out both his bread and his bowl to her. Slowly taking them again she back up quickly to a safe distance and ate them. This time she mimicked what Jamie was doing and dunked her bread into the soup. Finding she liked that more she growled as she dug into the food.

"You think this is the first time she's eaten today," asked Eli refilling Tanner's bowl and handing it to him.

"No I saw her eat a mouse at around lunch time," said Michael around a bit of food.

"I think I'd rather you have said yes," stated Jamie turning slightly green and rejecting the bowl of soup Eli was offering him.

"Baby dragons eat mice all the time," commented Michael as if it was no big thing.

"Yeah boy dragons in their dragon forms, not little girl dragons in their human forms," said Alivia aghast.

"Well I'm sure if she could turn into her dragon form she would have eaten the rabbit she caught and traded the eagle for the mouse," informed Michael thinking that rabbit would have gone great in this soup.

The little girl regarded him with her glowing blue eyes for a short time, before setting her empty bowl down. Out of the blue, she shot off like a flash and disappeared into the surrounding woods. "You think her belly hurts after eating so much food," asked Eli worried as he watched her disappear.

"Rabbit would go good with his soup," said Michael verbalizing his thought in attempts to change the subject, because the group and himself were getting too fixated on the girl.

The attempt worked as the conversation turned to foods they couldn't get on the road. The tension was finally gone by the time it was bed time and even Tanner seemed to be in a better mood.

When morning came Michael awoke to the smell of blood. Snapping his eyes open quickly thinking something was terribly wrong he sat up with a quickness. Something wet tumbled off his head as he came upright. "What is the meaning of this," roared Michael tossing a dead rabbit off of him as he wiped the blood from the side of his face.

"Good hunter," stated Kyle who was skinning yet another rabbit with a very astute student who was watching him carefully.

"I can't believe you let her cover me in bleeding rabbit corpses," snapped Michael getting to his feet angrily.

"We didn't do anything. We woke up just in time to see her drop the one on your head. I'm surprised you slept through it," stated Eli walking into camp drying his hair. "There's a river over there your majesty," continued Eli gesturing behind him. "Looks like you and your clothes could use a wash. We've got enough food for a lay over. I'm sure the men could use a day of rest too.

Grumbling Michael went to the wagon for a new set of clothes and soap. Making his way to the river, Jamie followed as a guard detail. Tossing his clean clothes on a rock Michael stripped out of his blood-soaked ones. Wading into the river he began to scrub them as Jamie filled his ears with idle chatter. The sound of Jamie's daggers thunking into a near by tree was the only thing killing the peaceful serenity of the forest. Lathering up his hair Michael headed further into the river to rinse it out. Dropping below the surface he wiped the water off his face to see the child wearing half a bottle of shampoo. Growling Michael began trudging his way to the bank before she wound up waisting the entire thing.

Eli was cleaning the last rabbit when he heard the screams coming from the river. This high pitched wail could be none other than Sky's. The entire unit instantly dropped what they were doing and raced toward the river. Jumping down the embankment he could see a topless Jamie ripping off his pants and tossing them into the river. Michael was in full dragon mode wings out and everything holding a trashing Sky under the water by her head. "You're going to kill her," roared Eli racing toward them as the Kings death floated around him thickly in the air.

Surely he wasn't trying to kill her again, something about this girl was making him act a bit crazy. As well as something about the child kept Michael's dragon up in the driver's seat which was completely opposite of the best friend he knew.

"She's going to drown you fool! Let her up! Kyle get my med bag quickly," roared Jamie picking up a rock and beaning Michael in the head with it. "She needs to breathe!"

Eli raced into the water but came to a sliding stop at the intensity of the heat around the child fighting for her life. Gasping for air the girl screamed again before Michael shoved her head back under the water. Striping Kyle of his medical bag Jamie upended it on the beach. Digging through the contents he quickly chucked something at Michael. "Here! squeeze this into her eyes it'll stop the burn," shouted Jamie.

Effortlessly Michael caught what appeared to be a jelly-filled purple plant. Catching the plant was easy sure, but how was he supposed to get its contents into this spider monkey's eyeballs. "And How am I supposed to do that," snarled Michael bringing the screaming child up so she could gulp more air like a fish.

"Figure it out! I don't have any more clothes for her to burn. My current pair is still on fire in the river," said Jamie emphasizing the last word as he gestured to his burning clothes that sat below the river's surface.

Wrangling the thrashing girl he managed to rap her up like a pretzel and bent over his knee backward. Prying the screaming child's eyes open he squeezed the plant into one eye before the other. As the second drop settled into the glowing blue eyes the wildfire fizzled and petered out. Now that she was still he could finally scrub out the remaining of the shampoo that had caused all this mess.

Sky blinked up at the pretty man who was now coming into focus as the burn disappeared. This time he had large black wings that were fanned out behind him. Again the man seemed very angry. He did hold her face under the water which made it very hard to breathe, but she could feel within him it wasn't to kill her. It was to get the burn out of her eyes, but he was very angry. She could smell his rage at her as he growled and made those strange sounds at her that she didn't understand. What she did understand though is that his wings looked so soft and warm and his fingers rubbing her head felt great. Reaching out her hand her fingers ran down the soft warm black leather. Hearing the pretty man's dragon rattle at her he dropped her into the water quickly.

Choking and sputtering she watched the pretty man exit the water ranting at the group on the beach. Snatching up his clothes quickly the man left the beach leaving his smelly good stuff that burned the eyes on the rock.

Going back and retrieving the smelly good stuff the man who normally wore green quickly took them from her saying something. Everybody returned to camp along with the pretty man's discarded wet clothes. Throughout the day everyone performed the same ritual that the pretty man did and then put their wet clothes on a rope they had stretched out between two trees.

Animals didn't change their furs but twice a year. They had one for winter which was thick and warm. Then they had one for summer which was thin to keep them cool. Both of which the animals in this forest didn't need. She'd only learned of the difference because of the animals passing through the forest and had to ask them. The people, on the other hand, had layers of furs and they took them completely off to change them. It seemed that these furs had significance to them because unlike her they always wore them. It's not like they were cold and needed the warmth and there was no way they helped to keep you cool. She puzzled over this while she turned the clothes over this way and that. They all smelled of the thing they used to rub on it before beating it against a rock in the river. Besides that, they all smelled as different as their owners. She could tell by the smell which uniform belonged to who. Looking at the three red shirts Sky sniffed them and pulled at the one that belonged to the red-haired man. Pulling it off the line she struggled to get it to stay on again. Of course, it didn't help that she was too short to reach it. Hearing someone say something behind her she turned to see it was the man who wore the grey-blue shirt just like the one he wore now. Rushing over to the one hanging up Sky pointed up at his making the man nod and say something else.

Sky was wondering why their speech was so complicated. Out of all of the woods it was these people she couldn't talk to. The sounds they made were just so complicated and varied. Watching the man take his shirt off of the line he pulled a green one-off and exchanged it for the red one. Talking to her some more he pointed toward the group of men all lounging about and talking. Giving her a gentle shove he pointed toward the group again. Looking at the shirt she sniffed it and looked for the man with golden blonde hair. Finding him she pointed him out thinking maybe the man couldn't tell the difference. Nodding again the man gave her a gentle shove in his direction. Jogging over to him she dropped the shirt in his lap and looked back at the grey-blue man. He smiled brightly and pulled another shirt from the line and held it out to her. Rushing back to him she took the shirt and then returned it to the owner. She found this game fun and even the group found it a bit funny. Especially with the other red shirt men. She had to get closer to them to smell the difference. Their scents were just as similar as their faces were. At first you would think they were the exact same, but if you got close enough and buried your nose in their hair you could pick out the slightest difference. Doing this had everyone laughing harder as she crawled off the seconds mens back and dropped his shirt in his lap before going after the next shirt. She didn't have to smell who's shirt this one belonged to. It was the only black shirt on the line, but she smelled it anyway because it smelled just as pretty as the man himself. Racing it over to him he glared at her with is jade green eyes. Holding it out to him she expected him to smile like all the others had, but he didn't. When he didn't take the shirt she stepped closer and the man grabbed her wrist yanking her forward. Several of the people spoke harshly toward him when he practically ripped the shirt out of her hands and shoved it over her head forcefully. Growling a response back at the group he ruffly pulled her arms through the wholes on either side of the shirt.

Looking down at the shirt that hung all the way to her ankles Sky looked back up at the man. He wasn't very good at this game. This wasn't her fur it was his. Pulling her arms back through the wholes Sky tried to take it off, but this seemed to make him angry. The pretty mans dragon colored his eyes now as he growled a her. Pulling her arms back through the shirt he growled out more of those sounds before pulling the leather strip from his waist length hair. Watching the raven black strands fall back down his back Sky tried to run her hands through it. The man kept swatting at her hands as he tied the leather thong around her waist. Giving up the fight he turned his focus and securing the leather strap around her waist. Playing with his hair Sky couldn't believe how soft it was. Rubbing the velveteen, flower smelling softness against her face she growled when he pulled it away from her.

Even though Michael was enjoying the fact that the little spitfire was rubbing his scent all over her face. He needed his hair back so the group could quite laughing at her antics, and his dragon would stop being a creeper. Standing up he walked over to his saddle bag and pulled out another leather thong. Braiding his hair this time he tied it down at the bottom. With as must as she was enjoying herself he didn't want her chasing him around just to shove her face in it again. Walking back to where he had been seated it seemed the spitfire and Eli were back at their delivery game. Hopefully he kept her away from the rest of his clothes and the underwear. Michael wasn't sure if his dragon could take her sniffing everyones undergarments. He could barley control his rage at her crawling all over the twin fire dragons. Michael had known she was just trying to tell the two apart, but his dragon on the other hand was thinking she was wanting to roll around in their scent. All of this was getting a little two uncomfortable for him. Either way there was no denying it, the wild fire was defiantly coming back to the castle with them one way or another.

Sky stayed around camp with them most of the day only disappearing a couple of times. She seemed to have grown attached to Eli, but then again he's the one who played with her the most. Currently Jamie was managing to look in her mouth surprisingly. When he was done he gave her what looked like a cookie. When did they get cookies thought Michael, and why wasn't he told they had brought cookies. "She's about four or five years old, maybe six at the oldest," said Jamie watching the girl take her cookie a safe distance before sitting down to eat it.

Eyeing the cookie as he talked Michael replied, "That's what I figured about six, but you think she's younger?"

"She's still got all of her baby teeth. Normally between the age of six or seven children start to shed their baby teeth for adult ones, and she hasn't lost any yet. Here your Majesty this is the last one," said Jamie tossing a cookie at him.

Catching it with ease Michael went to enjoy his favorite food when a set of sky blue eyes appeared in front of him. Watching him intently as he took a bight of the cookie he groaned at the puppy dog eyes she gave him. Huffing he forked over what remained of his cookie. He was rewarded with the biggest smile he'd seen yet and Sky didn't even run away to eat it. Staying were she was she devoured the cookie emitting small growls. "Someone enjoys cookies as much as you huh," laughed Eli packing up more fire wood.

Setting the stack of wood down Eli mused the child's hair before going back to his task. When morning came and they packed up camp the child didn't hide herself as she followed the group. Michael only had to use his power once to find her when she disappeared and hadn't come back for a long time. Luckily they had a lot of over head foliage or he would have never seen her sleeping on top of the covered wagon. On the next day's worth of travels she was riding on the back of the horse with Eli. By day three of this Michael was beginning to think maybe the child was a mute. Not once had she uttered any sound more than a growl or a tiny rattle of the dragon that lived inside her. "We should be nearing the edge of the forest," said Eli looking at the map he had spread out in front of him.

"It's probably that open area I can see in front of us," replied Tanner who was currently riding point.

Within the hour they were stopped at the forests edge over looking a town in the valley. When Michael went to urge his horse forward the spit fire of a child freaked out. Suddenly she was all over the place yelling and stringing things together that sounded like words, but not any words he'd ever heard before. Ripping the reins out of Eli's hands the child had his horse turning back around to the woods. Watching the two fight over the reins Eli's horse finally had enough of both of them. Leaping into the air Trigger, Eli's horse bucked them both off before bolting down the hill toward the village. Clearly panicked the child raced back into the woods and hid in the closest tree. She dared not exit the woods as she yelled at them. Michael assumed it was because they had just left the White Woods was the reason behind the tears rolling down her face. He wasn't the only one assuming that as Eli hollered at her that they would return in a couple of days.

By evening time they had collected Trigger and was riding into town. The group was greeted by a flock of gorgeous women. Climbing off of his horse Michael smiled at a voluptuous blonde with soul capturing blue eyes. "Well Hello handsome," said the woman fluttering her long dark eye lashes. "What is a handsome man like you doing riding into a town like ours," continued the woman trailing a perfectly manicured finger down his chest.

"I'm here seeking information," said Michael as arousal coursed through his body suddenly.

"Why are there only women here," growled Ashley wedging herself between Michael and the woman eliciting a growl from him.

"All of our men have gone to war," giggled the woman batting her eyelashes at Michael again. "Come sit and eat with us," said the woman stepping around Alvina and taking Michael's hand. "All of us have been without company for so long. We will tell you all that you want to know."

"No! I have more questions," growled Alivia trying to pull Michaels hand from the woman's.

"Calm down," growled Michael unable to take his eyes off of the woman. "She said she'd tell us all we needed to know."

"Your Majesty don't," said Alivia pulling on his free hand as hard as she could to stop him. "Something is wrong here! There are no children or the elderly! Eli do something! Eli!"

Michael couldn't be bothered with the others. He had to continue on with the goddess of a woman who smelled like heaven. The woman led them to a tavern where more women in versus stages of undress resided. "Oh yeah," shouted a topless woman behind the bar. "More guests! More ale!"

Seconds later a naked woman appeared with a jug of what smelled like honey mead, or maybe it was just her. When a little sloshed out of the jug on her perfectly shaped breast's Michael found himself licking his lips wanting to clean it off of her. "Oh yes please," laughed Eli drawing his attention.

Michael vaguely remembered his best friend was with him. Wondering what had made him laugh, Michael turned to see a woman was standing over him with her breast in his face. She was currently pouring ale between her cleavage into his open mouth. That looks fun thought Michael as a soft hand turned his face to them. Oh yes that's right thought Michael looking to the blue eyes of the sex god. "Sit," purred the woman pushing him back into a chair. "I can please you just as well."

"I'm sure you can," growled Michael as the woman pulled her top over her head.

From there the woman pleased him greatly. She answered all of his question even though he didn't bother to answer any of hers. It was odd the question she was asking him, but it didn't matter, he wasn't telling her anything. It's not like he knew anything about the White Forest or how it got its power. He didn't know anything about the White One or the armies to the south. Then there was this thing about a prophecy, but then again that was a southern thing. They didn't believe in such garbage in the north.

Between the food, the ale, and her warm body rubbing all over his, Michael was beside himself with need. He was so hard it hurt as she led him to a room. All he could think of was making this woman scream. Of course he should have known better, in the state he was in he'd kill the woman, but he didn't care. His body screamed for release and who cared if he killed her. He'd finish off in a warm corpse for all he cared at the moment. Stripping out of his clothes he allowed the woman to shove him backwards on the bed. Climbing on top of him, he groaned in pleasure when the woman speared herself, taking him in one quick forceful moment. The closer he got to release the more his death floated off of him. As he teetered on the edge the room was full of the black mist, but he woman continued to ride him like a stollen pony. Grabbing the woman's hips he forced her down faster and harder to find release. Suddenly a flash of light jumped in through the window next to the bed. Taking a foot to the face, the impact turned his head in time to see a woman with a sword raised above hers. Shoving the women off of him he jerked at his untimely climax. Turning as quickly as he could he found the little spitfire with one of Jamie's daggers buried in a rotten corpses head. He stood there shocked and confused, and a bit awkward. Then the awkwardness faded when the previous woman rapped her lips around his still raging hard on. Forgetting everything that happened he took ahold of the woman hair as she pleasured him. Something was tugging at him, and yelling, but he couldn't be bothered. His climax was coming on strong again. Growling he forced her mouth to go faster and deeper. Tumbling over the edge he closed his eyes and groaned holding the woman head to himself. When he opened them again he watched as a sword fell through the woman neck cleaving her head from her body. Blinking it took his brain too long to figure out what exactly had happened. The tiny voice yelling at him seemed to break through the fog as he turned to see the little spit fire holding the hilt of the sword the other woman had moments ago.

Feeling weak to his knees Michael sat back on the bed still clutching the head to him. When he looked down he could see it was a rotten head and maggots fell out of a hole he'd created when he moved his hands, and pulled a chunk of hair with it. Almost gagging Michael flung the disgusting thing across the room scattering the black mist in his wake. Trying to process that his death was filling the room, his brain felt groggy and just as fuzzy as the little glowing girl. Was she yelling at him, thought Michael looking at her little red face. As much as he tried he couldn't seem to hear or process what she was saying, but he liked the way she seemed to glow brightly in the darkness. Watching her drop the sword she crawled into his lap and scream in his face. He knew he should care or even get angry about it, but he found he couldn't be bothered by it. Still numb to the world he didn't move or react as the spitfire brought flame covered hands up to his face. Digging the heel of her hands into his eyeballs his brain exploded in pain as a tiny little voice echoed off the inside of his skull. "Open your eyes pretty man!"

Grabbing the hands that were digging into his eyes he quickly pulled them from his eyes. As the tiny hands left his head so did the searing pain, taking with it the reverberating voice. Rubbing at his eyes Michael looked around the burnt and ruined room he was in. The smell of char and rotten meat made him want to vomit. When he looked at the two bodies on the ground he shoved the child from his lap as he vomited everything in his stomach. With the foulness of what came out he heaved even more. "What have I been eating and drinking," groaned Michael wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Turning he looked into the worried eyes of a spit fire. "It was all an illusions huh," said Michael looking out of the hole in the wall at the charred and destroyed town.

Hearing voices of the men down stairs Michael picked up the sword the spitfire discarded and rushed out the door. How he didn't fall through the hole riddled stairs on the way up was beyond him. Coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs the stench of death almost had him vomiting again. Corpses shuffled everywhere around the rotting bodies of men who had come before. Bringing his sword up he began to cut through the zombies. It didn't take long for them to realize he was mowing them down. "Your Majesty," came a familiar voice when more Zombies poured into the ransacked tavern.

Watching the spitfire driving Jamie's dagger into the skull of another Zombie, he was a bit impressed. Seeing Alivia climbing over a ruined window he briefly wondered why she just didn't walk through the massive section of wall that was missing to the right. Realizing she was still seeing the illusion she watched in horror as the wildfire took out another Zombie. "What is going on here," shouted Alivia on the verge of panic when Michael lobed the head off of another zombie.

"Don't ask just kill them," roared Michael. "Kill them all!"

"I can't kill innocent people. Even if all of this is a sham."

Trying to stop him Michael threw Alivia across the tavern before killing another one of the Zombies that leaped for him.

"Help me stop him," shouted Alivia at the men who were still being pleasured by the zombies.

Seeing one of the Zombies bringing a Knife up Michael shouted, "NO," as he tried to get too Eli in time but he couldn't. He watched the Zombie gut his best friend like a fish.

Roaring in anger his Dragon exploded out of his skin destroying what was left of the tavern causing Alivia to scream as the building collapsed around her. Clearing the rest of the Zombies off with one swipe of a paw his dragon went on a killing rampage throughout the city. Darting around his feet in little blips of light was the spit fire taking out what every Zombie he missed that got too close to him. Nothing was left standing by the time he was done and the last of the zombies were burning to a crisp. Making his way back to the tavern he found everyone dressed, armed and on edge. Alivia was wailing like the woman she was cradling Eli's head in her lap.

Dragons could heel some pretty bad wounds but there was not fixing being disemboweled. "Eli I'm so sorry," said Michael as his dragon folded up into his human form. His dragon cried out in lost knowing his friend wasn't long for this world. "Hey at least it was a pretty woman who gutted me like a fish. I should have known it was too good to be true," joked Eli. "But did you have to go and massacre the entire village? Damn dude you haven't been yourself the last week. There was no need to kill everyone."

Michael didn't know how to tell him. How does he tell a dyeing friend that he was killed by a rotting corps. How does one tell anyone that everything they see is a lye. Feeling a little hand pushing at him pain exploded in his head again. "I fix, you move," said the tiny voice causing him to stagger backward clutching his head.

"Your Majesty," questioned Jamie getting out of the floor to steady him.

"This is all your fault," screamed Alivia getting to her feet. "If you hadn't started killing everyone they wouldn't have killed Eli!"

Finding his feet Michael lost them again as an explosion sent everyone flying. Scrambling to his feet again Michael looked at a glowing little girl as white light surround her and Eli. "What is she doing," cried Alivia trying to stop the little girl but it looked like some kind of invisible wall was stopping her. Banging on the wall she struck it harder as Eli screamed out in pain.

Eli's skin was already ashen from the loss of blood, but Michael swore it went paler right before he passed out. At least he thinks he passed out if not he just died, but Michael didn't feel the loss in the bond he had with his friends. Until he felt that pain he would hold on that his friend was alive. Currently the little spit fire looked like she was digging around in the mans intestines muttering something to herself. Pulling what appeared to be a marble out of his friends body she turned it over in her hands before tossing it over her shoulder. Alivia begged the old Gods to make the girl stop, but something inside Michael made him prey she was successful in whatever she was doing.

After she got done rooting around like a child in a sand box, Sky started shoving all of Eli's intestines back into his body cavity. Blue flames erupted inside Eli's abdomen causing him to come off the ground slightly as he screamed out. The scream echoed off the walls causing Michaels blood to go cold. Everyone yelled at him to make her stop, everyone tried to break through the invisible wall that surround Eli and the girl. Michael wanted to do something, but he couldn't move. His dragon was holding him hostage as he poured as much power into Eli as he could. His dragon knew he would have to do so if he wanted Eli to survive this. He needed more than just what the little girl was doing. Most of all he hoped he was doing the right thing keeping his best friend alive. He hoped he wasn't prolonging his life just so a weird little girl could torture him while she played in his guts like she was making mud pies.

Michael didn't turn away as the ground under his feet began to shake, or the feel of massive power thickens the air around him. It felt like gravity was beginning to double and he had a hard time standing upright. Finally taking his eyes from the child he could see everyone else was already laying on the ground unable to stand under the pressure. Closing his eyes against the brightness of the light surrounding the little girl, Michael found he could no longer keep himself upright under the weight. The next thing he saw was a little mouse scarring across a charred wooden floor as sun light stung his eyes. Groaning Michael pushed himself out of the floor. His body hurt all over like he had just been run over by a herd of horse. Hearing someone else groan he turned to see Kyle pushing himself out of the floor. Staggering a little he held onto a chair and rubbed his head. Michael watched as Kyles eyes grew round and took in his surroundings quickly. "How long were we out," he said shocked at the sight around him.

"What smells so bad," gagged Jamie somewhere to Michaels right.

Standing up Michael rested his hands on his knees using them to hold himself up. "That's the zombies," said Michael standing to his full hight and rubbing the grogginess out of his face.

"Zombies," asked Tanner staggering to his feet quickly.

"A town full of then," said Michael stretching his sore muscles.

Everyone froze in what they were doing when Alivia screamed out and scrambled across the floor taking one of the other guards out on her way. "There are rotting bodies piled every where! Oh god," gagged Alivia before she ran out of what was left of the building and vomited all over the road outside.

"Everything you saw was an illusion. Everyone here has been dead for a really long time," sated Michael making his way over to the spit fire child who was laid out over Eli's abdomen.

"Are you sure," gasped Jamie taking in his surroundings.

"I can be crazy at times and emotionless, but I'm not going to go that off my rocker to destroy and entire town full of defenseless women. But I will destroy an already destroyed town full of zombies who just gutted my best friend," said Michael pulling the passed out little girl into his arms.

As he lifted the little girl off of Eli, Michael could see a bright white scar across his best friends flat stomach. Standing upright Michael jabbed his big toe into Eli's side. "Hey wake up dead man," growled Michael jabbing him harder when he didn't move the first time.

Smacking at the announce Eli rubbed his eyes and stretched, "Do you mind I just had a dream I died and I feel like dog shit," complained Eli glaring at him.

"Eli," squalled Alivia leaping onto the man and crushing her lips to his.

"Good morning to you too Alivia," replied Eli grinning like a cheshire cat.

Realizing what she'd done Alivia crawled off of Eli quickly as her face turned starlet in embarrassment. "You did die, come on let's get out of here," said Michael turning on his heals and walking out of the ruined tavern. "Lets see if we can find the horses and the wagon. As well as anything else about what happened here."

Pausing when he heard Eli laughing, Michael looked over his shoulder to find Eli picking up a rock out of the floor. "Hey isn't this the marble Tanner dared me to eat as a child? What is it doing here?"

"She pulled it out of your stomach," stated Michael before continuing on to find the horses.

"Wait so that Bitch did gut me? It wasn't a dream. Where she at, so I can kill her again," growled Eli looking around.

"Pick a rotting course and that's probably her, now let's find the horses" stated Michael coldly leaving the group behind.

"Your Majesty shouldn't you find your clothes first," asked Jamie shaking his shirt out. "Or are you going to walk around naked."

"I'll figure out where the upstairs room went later," growled Michael packing the limp child toward the edge of town.

His main concern was the little girl who just performed the impossible. She was ice cold and was breathing slower than she should have been. Michael could feel that she'd used too much power, putting her on the brink of death. Not having a bond with her he couldn't give her power through it, so it had to be touch. Unfortunately he didn't have much power left himself after giving most of his to Eli. Stumbling a little Michael clutched the little girl tighter to him as he tried to right himself. Suddenly Jamie was in front of him blocking his path. "If you push out any more power you're going to be in the same boat as she is. Give her here and I'll go find the wagon and my med kit," said Jamie side stepping to keep Michael from proceeding. "That's not a suggestion Michael," snapped Jamie when Michael growled at him. "Do not make me hurt you. In the condition you're in it won't take much. It's not like I'm going to hurt her. If anything my energy will help her more than yours. You know I'm a healer, now fork her over!"

Michael's dragon didn't like the thought of her in anyone else arms, but he knew Jamie was right. Earth dragons were better at transferring power from their bodies to someone else's. It came with the healing power they possessed. Healing power that would do her good. Reluctantly he passed the sleeping child over to Jamie's waiting arms. Without a word, and more resolve than he knew he had, Michael turned around and returned to the tavern to find his clothes.

Once everything was said and done they were lucky they had only lost one guard. Creating a funeral pyre with whatever wood they could find they laid his body to rest. Tanner burned the pyre as well as what was left of the town to ashes. They wanted nothing remaining that could ensnare more passer bys. Magic couldn't cling onto ashes.

As they rode away from the inferno they were left with more questions than answers. What they had experience is beyond the scope of any magic he'd seen before. All he wanted to do was to get his team home along with the spit fire, but now he really couldn't. He needed answers more than ever now. What was this new threat that could possible invade his kingdom. Heading for the valley rim Michael turned them toward the road to head to the next town over. It was a risk that it might be like this one, but he owed it to the dead guard. He had to ensure his death was for something and not just a waste.

By the time they reached the upper valley road the sun was on its way behind the horizon. Not wanting to sleep anywhere with in eye sight of that hell damned place, he pushed them on. By the next morning the spitfire was still lifeless but at least in his arms nows which pacified his dragon. They had all taken turns trying to fill the wholes in her magic but there were still so many. Jamie was getting worried about it, but the amount of power they had pushed into her should have been enough to sustain a small army. Then again what she'd done was impossible. As they crested the ridge into the next valley they saw a small band of armed men heading their way. Pulling the group to a stop Michael passed the sleeping spitfire to Kyle so that he could hide her in the wagon. If this turned out to be a bad encounter he needed her safe and out of the way. Everyone's magic was depleted because of them trying to revive the wildfire he might have to take drastic measure not to loose anyone else. "Wait here," said Michael asking his horse to go forward.

"No you're not," growled Eli riding in front of him. "It's my job to guard you now let me do my job!"

"You're not strong enough, I'm going," stated Michael sternly.

"Over my dead body times two, get over yourself. You're not the only one who lost a man. He was my second in command. I'm down a friend as well, so stop being difficult," growled Eli before spurring his horse into a run toward the oncoming group.

The minutes ticked by as slow as an eternity until Eli waved them all forward. "My Lord this is Lord Vonkuehlman of the border town of Petra," informed Eli as the group came to a stop in front of him.

"Lord Pendragon it's an honor to meet a Northern Lord," greeted an elderly human with greying hair. "You're guard here says the King sent you to investigate the dark evil that is tainting our lands."

"Yes," nodded Michael playing along with the fake title and name. "We have gotten rummers of a dead arm and dead dragons trying the boundaries of the White Woods."

"Oh is that so? Please follow me to my town and rest a bit. I will answer any question I can if anything in hopes the King to the north will help us," stated the old man.

"Don't take this the wrong way Lord Vonkuehlman," said Michael sitting up in his saddle a little straighter. "But we've heard that before."

"Yes, your guard here says that you had a run-in with the town of the dead," said the man. "Please don't think me a fool for calling your guard a lier but I find it hard to believe you and your small group of men have burned it to the ground as he says. We have tried many times to break the curse on that town to no avail. Even the country's top witches couldn't undo what was done there. I stationed troops at all roads into that death trap, but I never expected anyone to enter from the White Woods. I'm sorry for the loss of one of your guards, but I assure you my hospitality is genuine."

"I take no offense by it at all. Send one of your men on if you wish and they will see that nothing remains but ash," said Michael with a nod.

"I had planned on it. Please follow me and I'll show you to town, and you'll have to tell me how you managed to break the curse," said the man spinning his horse around and heading back the way they came.

"To be honest I don't think we could tell you if we wanted to," said Michael running a hand through his hair. "It's not like any of us are supper powerful or anything. All we really did was fight Zombies all night and reck the town."

"So you saw them for what they are then," exclaimed the Lord. "Most saw them as sirens, that's why I have my guards stationed so far out. No one could resist their sexual charms."

"Neither could any of us hence why my man is dead," informed Eli.

"Wait so you saw them as the Sirens? So how is it you knew they were zombies," asked the man a bit perplex.

The group looked at each other before turning toward Michael letting him take the lead on that question. Honestly, they were all wondering the same thing on how he knew the women were zombies. "A little friend of mine opened my eyes and I saw them for what they were," replied Michael simply.

"I'd like to meet this little friend of yours. Maybe they could tell us more. It would help us greatly in the battles to come. Our enemies use their illusions a lot and it would be nice if we could learn to see through them. It's hard to fight an enemy you can't really see," stated the Lord as they road.

"So this isn't an isolated incident at all," asked Jamie. "What kind of magic is it then that the top witches couldn't undo it?"

"They said it's a kind of blood magic called necromancy," stated one of the many men that road with them.

"So are there any of these top witches left in your town," asked Jamie with a serious look on his face.

"Yes one, why? Surely an earth dragon-like yourself isn't in need of healing," stated another man in the Lord's entourage who looked like a witch himself.

"No, but our little friend does. Something happened in the town and it knocked us all out. She hasn't woken up yet and I need the use of his medicines," said Jamie cryptically making sure not to divulge too much information.

"If everyone got knocked unconscious then it might have been when the spell broke. The releasing of magic that strong would have sent out a massive shock wave that could have knocked you out. What were all of you doing prior to loosing consciousness," asked the witch.

"It's all a bit fuzzy I'm sorry," said Michael giving them a white lie.

If any of the lords guards were dragons they would be able to smell if he was lying. With a white lie by a technicality he was not currently lying. Everything was fuzzy because of the brightness of the light, he was just omitting every other detail. He wasn't sure on why he thought he needed to, but he did. Following suit his group all shrugged and looked thoughtful, but didn't say a word. "Sometimes strong magic can take memories with it, and so does a quick hit on the noggin," replied the Lord as they continued on their journey.

Glad they had excepted that answer the group continued on to the town of Petra.

Please bare with me! This is a story in the works. It's raw and unedited. I hope you can stand the errors and enjoy the story as it takes form

jami_paynecreators' thoughts